The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 516 Heavenly Tribulation Comes

Chapter 516 Heavenly Tribulation Comes
In the Lingxiao Palace in the Heavenly Court, Dijun, Taiyi, and Nuwa rarely get together. At this moment, Xiniu Hezhou, which has merged with the demon world, can be seen in their eyes. Obviously, nearly half of the territory of the Buddhist sect has been captured by the demon army, and it is only a matter of time before the Buddhist sect is completely defeated.

It's just that the Buddhist sect directly showed their hole cards and directly hit the vital point of the demons, that is, shot at Dijun's evil corpse devouring the heavenly Taoist, and they did it so decisively, which surprised them a bit, but thinking about it carefully, this seems to be the only one that the Buddhist sect can win. For a chance of survival, no matter how expensive it is, it is worth it.

Nu Wa stared at the huge impact of the earth-shattering explosion, and said with a tone of pity: "It is decisive enough to receive the introduction and the quasi-promotion, and even directly abandoned my good and evil corpses, and even took hard training Just the incarnation outside the body, just to force Chu Tian to go through the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation ahead of time, I am afraid that the two of them are also very distressed at this moment."

Taiyi sneered: "Hehe, it took one or two kalpas to train the incarnation outside the body. The purpose is not to help oneself improve the realm in the future, but to be ingenious. It's a pity that they have lost all their lives. With their personalities, they must feel distressed. They are dead, but facing Big Brother's evil corpse, this is their only way out."

Di Jun smiled lightly, and said softly: "It seems that the luck of Buddhism is not exhausted, and it is not yet time to perish, but now it is enough to severely damage the foundation of Buddhism. Anyway, this emperor doesn't like any territory, so let them Continue to linger on, the time left for them is running out."

The immeasurable calamity is approaching, and the Great Desolation is about to perish. The small piece of Xiniu Hezhou occupied by the Shaofomen has no effect on Di Jun. Anyway, his goal has been achieved, to take back the Heavenly Court, and the Demon Dao returns to the Great Desolation It is the main purpose, and it is only incidental to severely injure Buddhism.

Nuwa looked at the figure gradually appearing in the center of the explosion, and then looked in a certain direction of Honghuang, a flash of anticipation suddenly flashed in her eyes, and she turned to look at Di Jun, who nodded slightly at Nuwa , Nuwa smiled lightly, took a step forward, and disappeared directly into the Lingxiao Palace.

When all the dust settled, Taoist Heaven Devourer also reappeared in everyone's sight. At this moment, Taoist Devourer of Heaven had a ghastly complexion, with a little bit of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, and his breath became extremely unstable. The slightly dim black lotus, and the heaven-devouring gourd, the natal magic weapon, flickered with a faint light to guard the left and right.

Apparently, Buddhism prepared this hole card to cause a lot of injuries to Taoist Heaven Devourer. Although Taoist Devourer of Heaven could not be killed together with the good and evil corpses of the saints and the incarnation outside the body, it also obviously achieved their most basic purpose, which made the two The sacrifices of holy, good and evil corpses and painstakingly prepared external incarnations also become extremely meaningful.

In order to resist the power of the self-explosion, the Taoist Heaven Devourer directly released all his cultivation bases, fully urging the Mieshi Heilian and the Heaven Devouring Gourd to resist the violent energy devouring the self-explosion. The half-step Hunyuan cultivation was all exposed to the perception of Heavenly Dao.

After comprehending a little bit of the mystery of the Hunyuan, the cultivation base can be regarded as stepping into the half-step Hunyuan realm. At this level, as long as you want to, you can trigger the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation at any time, but in order to increase the chance of getting through the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation The probability of success will suppress one's own realm, and wait until Hunyuan Xuanmiao comprehends to a certain realm before preparing to cross the catastrophe.

And when the Hunyuan Realm that has been comprehended is displayed with the complete explosion of cultivation, the Dao of Heaven will respond, and at the same time, it will bring down the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation. The reason is that the large formation composed of four half-step Hunyuan combat powers and eighteen quasi-jihad powers exploded, and it was impossible for the Heaven Devourer to hold back.

At this moment, the black clouds above the nine heavens gradually appeared and gathered, thunder bursts resounded through the sky, and the purple thunder rolled like a dragon in the black clouds, one, two, three... as the thunder became There are more and more, and the momentum is getting bigger and bigger, and the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation of the Heaven Devourer Taoist is gradually taking shape.

This is the third Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation in the prehistoric world, but its power is even more terrifying than the previous two. Jun Shan's corpse was not well prepared, and if he forced his way through the catastrophe, the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation would naturally have the least power. Xi He had been preparing for a long time, and the power of the Heavenly Tribulation would naturally have to be a little stronger than the wall.

And Taoist Heaven Devourer's Primordial Tribulation is three points stronger than that of Zhi Xihe. After all, Taoist Devourer's comprehension of the mysteries of Primordial Origin is extraordinary. In addition to his own comprehension, he also devoured the body of Demon Ancestor Luohu. Everything, the understanding of the mystery of Hunyuan becomes more profound, and the power of the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation is naturally the strongest.

But now that Taoist Devourer is injured and in poor condition, facing the Primordial Tribulation, the probability of failure will also increase. This is what Buddhism hopes to see. It was also a rare blow for Di Jun to make the Heaven Devourer Taoist fall under the Primordial Tribulation.

If the Taoist Devourer falls, even if Di Jun can re-condense the evil corpse, he will no longer be the previous evil corpse. If he wants to condense his fate and comprehend the mystery of Hunyuan, unless there is another good opportunity like the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns , otherwise it is absolutely impossible, which is tantamount to breaking Di Jun's arm.

Such a situation is definitely what the saints other than the Yaozu hope to see. After all, facing the increasingly powerful Emperor Jun, even if they join forces, it will not have much effect. Although the human race is still the protagonist of the world, the Yaozu's The power and influence are still superior to all the forces in the prehistoric world, and he can be called the uncrowned king.

It's just that it is basically impossible to contain Dijun and the Yaozu now. The immeasurable calamity is about to come, and the saints don't have the intention to fight with Dijun anymore. After all, Dijun is powerful and has a deep foundation. After all the hard work, the ones who suffer the most are definitely themselves.

Now I can only hope that Dijun's evil corpse will fail to cross the catastrophe, so that they can feel a little comforted, but the saints also understand that this is almost impossible. Although Taoist Devourer was injured, he is Dijun's evil A corpse, a wealthier family than a saint is not too far behind, and there is absolutely no shortage of holy goods for healing.

Coupled with a top-grade magic weapon that makes saints envious, it seems that it is not difficult to survive the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation. Di Jun will have an extra Hunyuan fighting corpse. Thinking of this, everyone Saint felt the pressure.

(End of this chapter)

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