Chapter 519
In Hezhou, Xiniu, the atmosphere of killing and extermination is pervasive. The war between Buddha and demons has reached a stage of intense heat. Although Buddhism has fallen, their will has not been destroyed. Under the leadership of Buddha, Maitreya and other Buddhist powers, they are still tenacious Resisting the crazy attack of the demons.

With the addition of Kui Gang, the decline of Buddhism has become more obvious. Even if the Buddhist powers such as Tathagata, Maitreya, Ksitigarbha, and Guanyin showed twelve points of strength, they still began to lose. As the festival retreated, the living space of Buddhism became smaller and smaller.

Such a disadvantageous battle situation really exceeded the expectations of Jieyin and Zhunti. Although Dijun's corpse was forced to cross the catastrophe ahead of time, they also suffered heavy losses. What was even more unexpected to them was that Haotian gave birth to The inner demon, induced by Kunpeng, used this to severely injure Haotian and hurt Haotian's foundation.

Haotian and Yaochi left with the remaining subordinates, leaving Buddhism to face the demon army alone. The situation suddenly became more unfavorable to Buddhism, but Haotian and Yaochi also completed the deal with Buddhism and blocked it. Kunpeng, this also makes it impossible for Jieyin and Zhunti to make mistakes, but Buddhism is at a disadvantage and still needs their help.

Under the bodhi tree, Jieyin and Zhunti looked bitter. Zhunti looked at Haotian's retreating direction, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Brother, this Haotian is really useless. The former Emperor of Heaven, He actually gave birth to a heart demon, and was severely injured by the heart demon, and now he has left the Buddhist gate and left, he doesn't know how there will be an egg under the nest?"

Jieyin said with a bitter face: "Hey, even though that is the case, Haotian's foundation is damaged now, not only does he need to recuperate for several years to recover, but it is understandable for him to leave, after all, his inner demons are caused by the emperor. You are born handsome, but you still have to ask them to do it again, the pressure on Pharmacist and Maitreya is too great."

After all, Jieyin flicked his fingers, and a golden light shot towards Haotian's direction. There was a piece of his spiritual consciousness in the golden light. In order to ask Haotian and Yaochi to help him again, he was ready to bleed heavily. It's just that Haotian and Yaochi's good and evil corpses are enough to reverse the defeat of Buddhism.

Sure enough, as Jieyin had expected, even though he promised a lot, and even had some healing products that could nourish the foundation, Haotian and Yaochi were unwilling to make any more moves. They just sent evil corpses to help each other. The human corpses all had quasi-sage late stage cultivation, which immediately balanced the top combat power of both sides.

The war between the Buddha and the devil was once again in a state of anxiety, and at this moment, the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation of the Heaven Devourer was finally fully formed. It took 81 years to complete the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation. It can be seen that the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation of the Heaven Devourer Taoist is What kind of horror, from a distance, it is already daunting.

Under the Primordial Tribulation, the Heaven Devourer sat cross-legged on top of the twelfth-grade World-Exterminating Black Lotus, looking at the extremely terrifying Jieyun above his head with a smile on his face. At this moment, he has long since lost the weakness that was injured by the self-explosion earlier. Feeling, under the nourishment of many healing products such as the Qi of Creation, Sanguang Shenshui, etc., he has already returned to his peak state.

In fact, although the power of that self-destruction was very powerful, but he had the bodyguard of the twelfth-rank exterminating black lotus, and the sky-devouring gourd to devour the violent energy with all his strength, plus the devouring law he used with all his strength, most of the All the power was eliminated, and what was left was only a slight injury to him.

As the Heavenly Tribulation takes shape, chains extend from the void to the Heaven-eating Daoist. The Nine Heavenly Dao Shackles are the means used by the Heavenly Dao to suppress the prehistoric creatures from breaking through to the Primordial Realm. , then you can truly step into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

But for the Taoist Devourer, these are not a problem. Whether it is the seemingly indestructible shackles of the Dao of Heaven, or the terrifying Primordial Tribulation above his head, he doesn't care. After devouring the Demon Ancestor Luohu, his background is extremely deep , even deeper than the innate demon god at the beginning of the sky.

It is precisely because of this that his Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation is so terrifying, but it is also because of this that the Heaven Devourer is not afraid of the existence of the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation and the shackles of the Heavenly Dao. Without them, he would have already directly proved the Dao Hunyuan is over, so why wait until the calamity is fully erupted before preparing to cross the catastrophe.

However, there are still benefits to passing through the calamity in the calamity, and this benefit is what the Heaven Devourer valued, that is, the power of the origin of the Dao of Heaven. , Di Jun discovered that there was the appearance of the original power of the way of heaven in the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation, but it was a pity that he was not prepared enough and the opportunity was fleeting.

But Taoist Heaven Devourer is different, he was the one who cut the corpse out of the law of devouring that Di Jun comprehended. He focused on the ray of origin of the heavenly dao in the Hunyuan catastrophe.

As for the Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation and the Shackles of the Heavenly Dao, it is nothing to the Daoists of Devouring Heaven. On the contrary, it is more like a tonic. The power of heaven is condensed, and if it is completely swallowed, it is enough to increase his cultivation base. He is not satisfied with his initial Hunyuan cultivation base after crossing the catastrophe.

boom! ! ! !

During the catastrophe, there was a burst of thunder gods, and countless thunderbolts turned into divine dragons and descended in unison, and they came straight towards the Taoist Devourer, with a huge momentum, as if they wanted to devour the Taoist Devourer, who is against the sky, in one fell swoop, but what a pity None of them have their own consciousness, otherwise they would definitely think of a word.

Sheep into wolf's mouth!

When the tribulation thunder fell, the Taoist Heaven Eater had no intention of resisting it. Instead, he collected all the defensive treasures of the twelfth-rank World-Mietering Black Lotus. The black light all over his body flourished, turning into a bottomless black hole, swallowing all the tribulation thunders, even The nine heavenly shackles also made a rapid sound of 'jingling' chain shaking.

No matter how many thunderbolts fall in the robbery cloud, they will be swallowed up by the black vortex transformed by the Heaven Devourer. What is even more frightening is that the nine shackles of the heavenly law also began to slowly sink into the black vortex, melting together with the robbery thunder. Use the purest energy to improve the cultivation of the Heaven Devourer.

The tribulation and thunder are endless, and the shackles of heaven seem to have no end, but no matter how powerful and weird they are, for the Taoist Devourer of Heaven, they will become a wedding dress for his cultivation. The aura is also incomparable, and the Heaven Devourer completely treats the Heavenly Dao as a cash machine, devouring the power of the Heavenly Dao infinitely.

Such a move seems to have angered the Dao of Heaven. The boundless black robbery cloud began to roll and shrink, and the robbery and thunder began to merge and blend together. Absolutely, its appearance also moved all the saints.

Heaven is coming!

Although his Hunyuan Heavenly Tribulation has become more terrifying, the Heaven Devourer did not show any worry, but a hint of excitement on his face, because of the coming of the Heavenly Dao, he clearly sensed the existence of the origin of the Heavenly Dao, although it was only A few tiny wisps, but full of temptation to him.

(End of this chapter)

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