The Great Desolate Heaven Defying Demon Emperor

Chapter 537 Reaction of the Parties

Chapter 537 Reaction of the Parties
Chaos changes, the prehistoric warning, the remnant soul of the chaos demon god reincarnated and returned to the prehistoric, the four great Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian fell, Yangmei and Dijun are all half-step heavenly existences.

All these stir the heartstrings of many great powers in the prehistoric world. The Hunyuan realm that was once elusive is so unbearable in the hands of Di Jun. It is really terrifying to kill him like a bag, especially the reincarnation ancestor who is at the peak of Hunyuan. His demise made the saints even more horrified.

Hunyuan Daluo's peak state of Jinxian can already be compared to the peak state of a saint. I am afraid that only Tai Yi and Lao Tzu have stepped into this state after entering the prehistoric world. Tai Yi and Di Jun are brothers, so naturally there is no need to worry about Di Jun. powerful, but I have to care about it.

There is no friendship between Lao Tzu and Di Jun, and there is even a lot of enmity. During the immeasurable calamity, if Di Jun attacked him, Lao Tzu might not be able to resist. He will also lose his position as a saint, and he will no longer be able to borrow the power of heaven, so how can he compete with Emperor Jun.

In the midst of immeasurable calamities, opportunities are infinite, I naturally don't want to miss them, but with his current strength, it is obviously impossible to compete with Di Jun, Hong Jun, Yang Mei and others. There is only one road in front of Lao Tzu, but this road was originally cut off by himself.

Of course, Lao Tzu is not the only one who is afraid of Emperor Jun. How can the five saints Yuanshi Tianzun, Tongtian Jiaozhu, Jieyin, Zhunti, and Houtu not care? Dijun is like a high mountain, always pressing in front of them, making it impossible for them to overcome. They can only be restrained everywhere, and now that immeasurable calamity is approaching, they are even more worried.

Kunlun Mountains, Yuxu Palace

Yuanshi Tianzun looked dignified, obviously feeling a strong sense of crisis for the strength displayed by Di Jun. He is only in the late stage of a saint now, even if he is sure to break through to the peak of a saint before the arrival of immeasurable calamity, but for God Jun , there is not much difference between the two.

If you want to deal with Dijun, you need to find another method. Yuanshi Tianzun first thought of his teacher Hongjun. In the ordinary half-step good luck realm, if Hongjun is backed, he can still compete with Dijun.

But Yuanshi Tianzun did not trust Hongjun very much. After all, compared to Dijun, Hongjun was obviously more mysterious, and his plans were huge.

Just when Yuanshi Tianzun was at a loss, a sound transmission suddenly sounded in his mind. After hearing this, Yuanshi Tianzun's expression changed slightly, and a complex look appeared in his eyes. Disappeared directly in Yuxu Palace.

Western Spirit Mountain, under the Bodhi Tree

The two saints Jieyin and Zhunti sat under the tree, Jieyin still had a bitter look on his face, which had not changed for thousands of years, while Zhunti showed a look of hatred, and the anger in his heart was hard to calm down, especially when Dijun showed his might At this time, Zhunti's mood became worse.

Since Journey to the West, the west has been divided into two, the magic way occupies three-quarters, and Buddhism occupies the rest. The luck of Buddhism has been severely damaged, and the sects have been divided into two. After these years of recuperation, Western Buddhism has also recovered He gained a little vitality, but compared to what he lost, it was nothing more than a drop in the bucket.

Fortunately, under the leadership of Tang Xuanzang, Mahayana Buddhism in the East has developed rapidly, which has added a lot of luck to the entire Buddhist sect. Although people in Western Buddhist sects cannot benefit, they still benefit a lot from being the master of Buddhism. Yes, after all, only the stronger the luck, the faster the strength of these saints will improve.

In fact, Jieyin and Zhunti also thought about joining forces with other people, but after thinking about it, they suddenly found that no one seemed willing to join forces with them.

Sanqing, they have calculated, Houtu and the Wu Clan, they have calculated, Fuxi, obviously will not pay attention to them, Zhen Yuanzi, they snatched Hongyun's holy seat, and they will die, Zhen Yuanzi will definitely not be with them They teamed up, Styx, they plundered the Asura tribe, and had a grudge against them.

As for the rest are all on Di Jun's side, there is no need to expect them to be guided and approved. The only ones who have some hope are Haotian and Yaochi. A good partner for an alliance.

Of course, they also thought of Hongjun, but just like Yuanshi Tianzun, they couldn't trust Hongjun in Jieyin and Zhunti, and they obviously wouldn't choose Hongjun unless it was a last resort.

in the underworld
Houtu looked a little lonely. After all, he wanted to be prosperous with the Yaozu, and the Wuzu seemed to be in decline. After recuperating for so many years, he still hasn't fully recovered. Now that the immeasurable calamity is coming, there is no time left for the Wuzu. too much.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Houtu, Styx, the Lord of the Boundless Blood Sea, who lived next to the underworld. His arrival obviously did not surprise Houtu, but a look of anticipation flashed in his eyes color.

Hou Tu didn't care about Styx's uninvited arrival, but asked directly: "Styx, what do you think about the deal I mentioned earlier? We don't have much time left."

Ming He said in a deep voice: "Houtu, I can agree to the deal you mentioned earlier, but besides what you promised me, I have one more request."

Hou Tu's eyes lit up, and he asked, "What request?"

Styx paused slightly, and then said, "During the immeasurable calamity, I want to join hands with you."

After hearing this, Hou Tu smiled and said: "So it is like this. Although the opportunities of the Infinite Calamity are unlimited, there are also murderous opportunities everywhere. You may be able to get more opportunities by joining forces with our Wu Clan. This is also true for our Wu Clan." A good thing, how can I not agree."

Styx nodded, and then disappeared into the underworld with a movement of his body.

Then Hou Tu raised his hand and looked at the set of banners in his hand, his eyes were full of determination, he took a step forward and disappeared into the underworld.

As for what kind of deal Houtu and Styx made, I am afraid that only the two of them know, but judging from Houtu's expression, this deal seems to be very important to her and to the entire Wu clan. , or can know.

(End of this chapter)

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