Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 12 Trading Treasures, Fuxi's Exploration

Chapter 12 Trading Treasures, Fuxi's Exploration

After Hongyun and Fuxi greeted each other, they walked towards Tongtian and Duke Dong.

Originally, Dong Wanggong was behind Tongtian, but when Tongtian saw Hong Yun and was about to say hello, Dong Wanggong stepped forward to block Tongtian.

"Poverty East Prince has met Fellow Daoist Hongyun." East Prince raised his head slightly, and his tone was quite arrogant.

Damn, why is this a fool!Hong Yun was a little surprised, why did Prince Dong seek him?He doesn't want to deal with the Eastern Prince at all, and lose his IQ.

But there should be etiquette.

"I've seen the Eastern Prince, Fellow Daoist!" Hong Yun replied
"I don't know why you are looking for the poor Taoist?" Hong Yun asked.

Prince Dong said proudly to Hong Yun, "Pindao was fortunate to be favored by the Taoist ancestor and was named the head of the male immortals in the wild. Today, Pindao wants to establish a heaven to govern the immortals in the wild, but he lacks a treasure that can suppress luck." , come to ask fellow daoists for one!"

"Begging for it? Want to be a white wolf with empty gloves? It's a good idea!" Hong Yun cursed inwardly.

The Tongtian in the back was originally snatched by Dong Wanggong, and he was upset, but now he heard Dong Wanggong's words, and secretly scolded the idiot in his heart, and then quietly stayed behind to see how Dong Wanggong suffered.

Hong Yun cursed inwardly, but pretended not to understand, and asked, "Oh, there are too many treasures of the same kind in Pindao, and he wants to barter with others in exchange for other treasures. , at least the same grade can be exchanged.”

"Hahahaha, fellow daoist, you were joking. Pindao was named the head of male immortals by Taoist ancestor himself. He is favored by heaven, and he will definitely be able to dominate the prehistoric world in the future. It's just that he is shy now. I hope fellow daoist can give it to me. It will be rich in the future." Report, in the future when the Heavenly Court is established, I can designate my fellow Taoists as great heavenly masters, one person under ten thousand people."

Hong Yun was speechless, he didn't know if this Eastern Prince was shameless or he didn't know what to do, the Dao ancestor had just finished his sermon and you are so inflated like this.

If you are more sensible and have survived the catastrophe of the lich, you must be the emperor of heaven, but now you go to establish the heavenly court, robbed the luck of the demon clan, and robbed the name of the heavenly court, how can Di Jun forgive you.

Now that it's all like this, Hong Yun won't give him a good face, so he is not afraid of offending a dying person.

"Get lost!" Hong Yun spoke clearly.

"What?" The smile on Dong Wanggong's face froze.

"I'll let you go! Are you deaf?" Hong Yun pointed to Chaos outside Zixiao Palace.

"Hongyun, don't be shameless. It's your luck that I see your things! If you offer your treasure and then kneel down to apologize, I won't care about your unreasonableness!" Duke Dong said angrily.

"I kneel down, sister, it's you who are shameless, a dying person, if you don't hurry back and beg for heaven's blessings, you still have time to show off your power here, you deserve to die early!"

"You! You deserve to die!" Dong Wang Gong's face flushed with anger.

"It's you who deserves to be damned. You don't know the times, you don't know what is good or bad, if you don't accept it, you have done a battle in Chaos, if you don't dare, just get out!" Hong Yun sacrificed two great treasure lotus platforms.

The Eastern Prince is scared!

Not to mention the difference in cultivation between the two, a peak Luo.One is the early stage of quasi-sage.

The magic weapons of the two are not at the same level.

Duke Dong was only at the peak of Daluo Jinxian at this time, so naturally he didn't dare to have a fight with Hongyun, but he still had to put down the harsh words.

"Hong Yun, wait for the poor Taoist, the humiliation of today will be returned in the future!" Before he finished speaking, the man was already flying three thousand miles away.

Saying the most arrogant words and doing the most embarrassing things is also a strange thing.

"You have no chance!" Hong Yun looked at Duke Dong who was going away.

At this time, in Zixiao Palace, Hongjun was sitting cross-legged on top of Qingyun in the sky, and a scene of Hongyun confronting Duke Dong appeared in front of his eyes, and he pinched his fingers.

"Variation? Hongyun's fate has changed, and I can't deduce it!" Hongjun's indifferent face flashed a hint of surprise.

"But it doesn't affect my plan, it's fine." After speaking, he continued to deduce other things.

Outside the Zixiao Palace.

"Tongtian has seen fellow Daoist!"

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian, do you want to obtain a magic weapon when looking for the poor Taoist?"

"That's right, I want to exchange my Qingping sword for the meritorious golden lotus of Daoist friend. This Eastern Prince doesn't know good and bad, so he will definitely die without a place to bury him in the future." Tong Tian said
"People who don't know the number of days must not be able to last long, so I don't care, but I don't know why you want to exchange for the golden lotus of merit? You have no family or sect at this time, so why do you want to suppress things of luck? And the three Qings are blessings. People with deep roots, don’t fellow Taoists have treasures to suppress luck?” Hong Yun asked tentatively, wanting to hear Tongtian’s opinion.

"Pindao deduced it a bit, and concluded that in the future, he would establish a religion in the prehistoric age. The eldest brother and the second brother got the Tai Chi Picture and the Pangu Banner. These two things are the treasures of opening the sky, and both of them can suppress luck. Only Pindao got the four immortals. Sword, this treasure kills too much, it is not suitable for suppressing luck."

It seems that Tongtian is not stupid, but his temper is too straightforward and a little careless.

"Well, the Zhuxian Sword is too heavy to kill, and it is really not suitable for suppressing luck. Qingping Sword is the best innate spiritual treasure, and it is of the same line as the Golden Lotus of Merit, so it can be exchanged."

After speaking, Hong Yun took out a golden lotus platform. At this time, the spiritual root was initially refined by Hong Yun, turning it into a top-grade innate spirit treasure, with some 47 innate restrictions.

Tongtian also took out a cyan sword, cut off the connection with himself, and turned it into an ownerless thing again.

After the two exchanged, Hong Yun said flatteringly: "Fellow Taoist has this treasure, and his fortune will be prosperous in the future. I would like to congratulate fellow Taoist in advance! Fellow Taoist Fuxi still needs to discuss Daoism with Pindao, so there are not many Accompany fellow daoist, fellow daoist, please do what you want!"

Tong Tian didn't mean to say much, it was originally a transaction, and people were not familiar with it, but this time Tong Tian and Hong Yun formed a cause and effect, taking advantage of personal favors.

After all, the Qingping Sword is not necessary for Hong Yun, but the Golden Lotus of Merit is indispensable for Tongtian.

After finishing the work, Hongyun came to Fuxi and Nuwa:

"Fellow Daoist, let's go."


The three of them flew to Buzhou Mountain with their magic weapons.

When they came to the dojo of two people, the three of them sat facing each other on the futons, and several boys put the spirit fruit of immortal wine on the table.

Fuxi filled his wine glass with a cup of immortal wine, held up the wine glass and said to Hong Yun: "Friends of Taoism, please! In this humble place, there are only some inconspicuous immortal wine and spirit fruits, but I'm sorry, fellow Taoist."

"Where is that! Fellow Daoist was able to invite Poor Dao to give him face, besides having a fairy like Fellow Daoist Nvwa to accompany him, what a blessing!" Hong Yun squinted at Nuwa.

After Nuwa heard this, the wine in her hand almost poured into her nose, panicked, her face flushed red: "Fellow Daoist Hongyun, don't bully Nuwa, please speak kindly, fellow Taoist."

Hongyun saw that Nuwa was so shy, and her face flushed when she was shy, and knew that Nuwa couldn't stand the teasing.

But thinking of Nuwa blushing so easily, I couldn't help but want to tease her, because Nuwa blushing is so cute.

 Ask for a ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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