Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 16 The Lich wants to fight, the strength of the 2 tribes

Chapter 16 The Lich wants to fight, the strength of the two clans

Ten thousand years is fleeting. During these 1 years, Hong Yun occasionally went back to Wuzhuang Temple to discuss Taoism with Zhen Yuanzi.

And in the prehistoric

As many living beings who listened to the Tao in Zixiao Palace returned to their respective ashrams, retreated to practice, and sorted out their enlightenment, the whole prehistoric land calmed down for a while.

As for the three thousand mortal guests who listened to lectures in Zixiao Palace, their cultivation base improved countless times faster than ordinary people.

Basically, it can be broken through once in thousands to tens of thousands of years, and quasi-sages have sprung up like mushrooms in the wild.

Generally speaking, it takes millions of years to cultivate from the early stage of Daluo Jinxian to quasi-sage, but now in just ten thousand years, the number of quasi-sages has increased by thousands.

Especially Sanqing, Nuwa, Zhunti, and the six people who received and led them for ten thousand years.It has surpassed the cultivation journey that ordinary people need to spend tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years.

Today's six people have all entered the late stage of quasi-sage, and Sanqing has reached the peak of the late-stage quasi-sage, and they are only one step away from reaching the peak of quasi-sage.

Nuwa and Jieyin Zhunti are the first to enter the late Zhunsheng period.

But Hong Yun has reached the pinnacle of quasi-sage!

Hongyun's conditions are much stronger than Sanqing's.

In terms of heels, it is only a little worse than Sanqing.

In terms of support, Hongyun has the great way of primordial purple qi, fragments of the jade disc of good fortune, and the most heaven-defying buff of a thousand times the comprehension speed of primordial purple qi.

However, Sanqing is only favored by Tiandao Hongmeng Ziqi and Tiandao, and is assisted.

There are more quasi-sages, the competition will be more intense, and the friction will be greater.

With the exit of quasi-sage powerhouses, their desire for innate spiritual treasures became stronger. Everyone wanted to go one step further by cutting the corpses, and wanted to combine the three corpses into one.

But the prehistoric world has been born for so long, and the wild treasures have almost been looted, so there are still so many.

There are no wild ones, but there are always domestic ones, so robbery, murder and treasure hunting have gradually increased.

At the beginning, everyone was a little jealous of each other, and they were very restrained. They just did it secretly, fearing that they would become the target of public criticism.

It turned out that everyone did it!
So all kinds of fights and all kinds of competition for resource sites happened.

The conflicts of various races are also becoming more and more intense. After all, every quasi-sage has his own race, especially the monster race.

More importantly, Zuwu, who had been keeping a low profile, suddenly started to use blood essence to create a large number of Wuzu.

In just [-] years, one billion witch clans were created in the Pangu Temple, among which there are dozens of great witches who are only weaker than the twelve ancestor witches!

The twelve ancestral witches were transformed from Pangu's blood in Pangu's heart in the Pangu Temple. Because the primordial spirit was polluted by the earth's turbidity in the Pangu's temple, the witches had no primordial spirit, and because of the earth's turbidity , Zu Wu's physical body is also terrifyingly strong.

After the transformation of the Twelve Patriarchal Witches, because they had no primordial spirit, they could only cultivate the physical body, so Hongjun did not come to preach.

Ten thousand years ago, they suddenly felt that only twelve ancestor witches were too few.

So according to their transformation method, they dripped their own blood into the blood pool of the Pangu Temple, and a large number of witches were born.

However, the strength of the witch clan through the transformation of the blood of the ancestral witches has progressed very slowly. Dozens of great witches are at the peak of the Daluo Jinxian, and their combat power is approaching the early stage of quasi-sage.

As for the twelve ancestral witches, because they lost a lot of blood, their strength fell from the late quasi-sage to the middle quasi-sage, but their combat power was somewhat stronger than that of the late quasi-sage.

A large number of witches were born, because the witches need a lot of blood to replenish a lot of energy to cultivate their bodies, and the monsters that can be seen everywhere in the wilderness have become their best food. The monsters have strong bodies and contain a lot of blood and energy. Essence of life, the Wu people can strengthen their physical body and speed up their cultivation if they eat it.

Originally, the witch clan practiced very slowly, but after discovering that eating monsters can strengthen the body, they were out of control.

All of a sudden, the conflict between the Liches and Demons intensified violently, and there was a possibility of a big war at any time.

On this day, a Yaozu guard came out from the retreat place of the Three Sovereigns.

"How is it? Have the three demon emperors left the customs?"

Bi Fang, one of the top ten demon saints, hurried forward and asked.

"No, the three demon emperors show no signs of leaving the customs." The guard's expression was not very good.

"What can we do? This witch clan hunts and kills my monster clan wantonly, deceiving people too much!" Bai Ze, one of the top ten demon saints, said angrily.

Suddenly Bai Ze thought of something.

"By the way, my demon clan still has two great powers! Emperor Wa and Emperor Yun are also the emperors of my demon clan, their status is not inferior to that of Emperor Xi, and Emperor Wa is a divine saint! You can invite them to preside over the overall situation!"

"Yes! I can send someone to invite the two demon kings!" said Ji Meng, one of the top ten demon saints.

After discussing with everyone, Bai Ze went to Mount Buzhou to invite Nu Wa and Hong Yun

It is speechless to say that in Buzhou Mountain, there are actually several forces establishing forces here. Nuwa Fuxi's dojo is on the mountainside to the east of Buzhou Mountain, the ancestral land of the Wu Clan is on the west side of Buzhou Mountain, and the Heavenly Court of the Monster Clan is in Buzhou Mountain. The 33-story sky above the mountain.

Although Buzhou Mountain is big, it can't accommodate so many tigers. In the back, after Fuxi and Nuwa changed their dojo, the Wu Clan even occupied the entire mountainside of Buzhou Mountain. Come down, and fly over the heads of the Wu people...

Shameless of my Wu Clan?Dare to ride on our face?

No matter in terms of survival or face, it is doomed that the witch clan and the monster clan will never die.

The two clans at this time are the same as the three clans in the dragon and phoenix catastrophe. No one will obey the other, and they will fight if they disagree.

A hundred years after the departure of the Nine Great Demon Saints, Emperor Jun Taiyi and Fuxi left the customs.

Hearing what his subordinate said that the Wu Clan hunted and killed the Yao Clan wantonly, he suddenly became furious.

When it comes to Hong Huang, the most shameless ones are Zhun Ti Jie Yin and Ran Deng.

And the most face-saving people in the prehistoric are Di Jun and Yuan Shi.

Di Jun's desire for power is extremely strong, and the emperor's majesty cannot tolerate others brushing his face.

As for Yuanshi, he regarded himself as noble and pretentious, and always looked down on other creatures. Before he became a saint, only creatures with deep heels and transformed from the spirits of heaven and earth could catch his eyes and talk with his peers.

After becoming a saint, no one looked down on him.

It's quite related to the style of the second master: after Lu Bu's death, you are all the ones who insert labels and sell heads!

When he heard Bai Ze say that the Nine Demon Saints had gone to ask Nuwa Hongyun to come out of the mountain, Di Jun's face immediately relaxed.

In fact, when he heard the Witch Clan insult the Monster Clan so much, he knew that he had to go to war with the Witch Clan.

But he was very worried, because the high-end combat power of the Yaozu was not as good as that of the Wuzu.

Because of the monster clan's luck and merit, Di Jun's strength has reached the peak of the late quasi-sage, and so is Tai Yi.

Dijun is assisted by the best congenital Lingbao Hetu Luoshu, who can resist two witch clans. Because Taiyi has the congenital treasure Chaos Clock, he can fight against the five great ancestor witches alone without losing the wind.

Fuxi can only deal with one, and he may not be able to win, because Fuxi is only in the mid-stage quasi-sage, and his companion spirit treasure Fuxiqin is the best innate spirit treasure, but it is not aggressive.

The three of them can only resist eight ancestor witches at most, and there are four that no one can handle.

As for the top ten demon saints, although their strengths are all at the early stage of quasi-sage, they need to deal with the great witches of the witch clan. One demon saint can block several great witches. The clan must have suffered heavy casualties.

(End of this chapter)

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