Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 19 The Lich Goes to War, Beating Zhu Rong

Chapter 19 The Lich Goes to War, Beating Zhu Rong
Hearing the task assigned by his elder brother, the belligerent Tai Yi said first: "I can fight six!"

"I can also hit six!" Hong Yun said.

Di Jun: "!!!"

Fuxi: "???"

Gah, you two!
At this moment, Di Jun was speechless.

Both of you are rounded, and we stand by and watch the show?

"Taiyi, fellow Daoist Hongyun, don't be joking! You two are six, where are we going to be placed?" Di Jun forced a smile.

"As the Heavenly Emperor of the Yaozu, Fellow Daoist Dijun has an extremely noble status, how can he do it himself, isn't this self-deprecation?
Only the natives of the Wu tribe, the uncivilized barbarians, would personally beat them to death. Fellow Daoists only need to sit high on the clouds and watch how Friends Tai and I hang and beat the Wu tribe, and vent our anger for fellow Daoist Batie! "

Hong Yun flattered again, making Di Jun's heart bursting with joy, and the look in Hong Yun's eyes became more kind.

"Okay, since Fellow Daoist Hongyun is like this, please let go of what you do. If you win, you will get [-]% of what you get this time!"

Seeing Hongyun working so hard, Di Jun had to express it.

"Thank you, oh, by the way, wait for the battle to start, Taiyi friend sees Zhu Rong, don't do anything, let me take it easy on him!" Hong Yun said to Taiyi with a smile on his face.

"Oh? Has Zhu Rong ever offended you?" Tai Yi asked.

"Hmph! Zhu Rong, that bastard, said that we are all soft-legged shrimps, and he can hang and beat me, the fifth king of the demon clan, with one hand."

The faces of Di Jun and the three were angry, who is not a person who wants to save face?Saying such words is completely pointing at their noses and scolding them.

"No problem!" Taiyi gritted his teeth and said.

The army of tens of billions of monsters gathered in the first sky, ready to go.

Standing on the clouds, Di Jun waved his hand, "Let's go!"

I saw Di Jun offering Hetu Luoshu, and Hetu Luoshu was good at facing the wind, and there was a suction force, which brought the army of tens of billions of monsters into the world of magic weapons.

Dijun, Taiyi, Hongyun, and Fuxi were in front, followed by the nine demon saints, who descended from the first layer of heaven and landed on the top of Buzhou Mountain.

I saw that at the foot of Buzhou Mountain, one billion witch clans had already formed a formation, and Di Jiang and other twelve ancestor witches stood in front of the formation.

"Di Jun, dare to fight?" Di Jiang roared!
"Hmph! Why don't you dare?" Di Jun galloped forward, waved his hand, and an army of tens of billions and a billion Wu clansmen faced each other.

Not only do they like to fight before the battle in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but the high-level combat power of both sides in the novels of the wild will also be the first to fight.

The belligerent Zhu Rong stepped forward and shouted loudly, "Who dares to fight me?"

Di Jun and the other three looked at Hong Yun.

"You are a native of Buzhou Mountain, I will meet you here!" Hong Yun stepped forward and came to Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong is [-] feet tall, while Hong Yun is an innate Taoist body, no different from human beings. In order not to look up at Zhu Rong, Hong Yun also changed his body until he was almost the same as Zhu Rong.

"Who are you fat man? Why have I never seen you?" Zhu Rong asked.

"Fatty? I'm going to kill you!" Hong Yun's face darkened when he heard the word "fatty", and he didn't move his hands directly.

Originally, after Hongyun took shape, he was a middle-aged fat Taoist image. After breaking through the quasi-sage, Hongyun re-condensed a Taoist body and became a 20-year-old appearance. Based on the middle-aged appearance, he has become much younger, and his appearance can be ignored , Hongyun really can't bear to look like a middle-aged uncle.

Originally cultivated as a quasi-sage, the body can be transformed into any appearance, but practitioners in the prehistoric world have always disdained transformation, no matter what their appearance is, they only treat others with the same face when they transformed.

"Hey! Is that called fat? I call it baby fat!" Hong Yun breathed out the fragrance, and sacrificed two treasures, the Green Lotus and the Purple Lotus of Reincarnation.

Zhu Rong was stunned, hadn't he reported himself?Why did you start first?More irritable than me.

Seeing the two magic weapons attacking, Zhu Rong crossed his arms in front of his chest, and the two lotus platforms hit Zhu Rong's arms.

Zhu Rong's hands clicked, and his body flew upside down for more than a hundred thousand miles.

Zhu Rong lay on the ground looking at his broken hands, feeling the severe pain from his hands, his eyes were full of horror!
With a single impact, he broke the body of his late quasi-sage ancestral witch and broke his arm.

This is the reason why the magic weapon did not release its power!

The two great treasures threw at Zhu Rong again.

Zhu Rong no longer dared to underestimate Hongyun, he used all his blood and energy to adjust his physical strength to the peak state, and the broken hand bones recovered instantly, and he clenched his fists to meet the two treasures.

However it was of no use.

With a clang, Zhu Rong flew up again.

This time, Zhu Rong's hands were broken inch by inch, and the blood of the ancestral witch was spilled, and all the flowers, plants and trees stained with blood died.

Then Zhu Rong turned into a humanoid volleyball, and the player who played the ball was Hong Yun. Playing the ball is two treasures!
Both sides looked dumbfounded.

Dijun's morale was boosted, and the opponent's highest combat power was beaten by his own side.

On the other hand, the Wu Clan looked angry.

Gong Gong, who had always been in love with Zhu Rong, roared and charged at Zhu Rong, knocking the two treasures into the air.

Zhu Rong fell to the ground like a dead dog.Almost all the bones in his body were broken.

But not long after, I heard Zhu Rong's whole body crackling, and the bones of his whole body recovered automatically, and he stood up again.

It didn't hurt the source, so naturally there was no serious problem.

Seeing Hong Yun beating Zhu Rong, Tai Yi felt his hands itch, and shot out the Chaos Bell: "Dijiang, come out and fight!"

"Hmph!" Di Jiang, Gou Mang, Zhu Jiuyin, and Qiang Liang greeted him at the same time.

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi has led the monster clan to conquer the east and west in recent years, and has gained a great reputation, but Hongyun has no reputation for making a fortune in a muffled voice.

Therefore, the degree of importance that the Wu Clan attached to the two was very different.

The five of them fought together, sending out bursts of intense battle aftermath.

The Chaos Clock has both offensive and defensive functions, and it also suppresses the heavens and stabilizes time and space. It just restrains Dijiang's law of space and Zhu Jiuyin's time law. Taiyi gradually suppresses the four of them.

Ruo Shou and Tian Wu saw that the four were defeated by Tai Yi, so they immediately stepped forward to help, and the seven eventually got even.

The seven fought higher and higher, and finally passed through the membranes of the earth and entered the chaos.

On Hongyun's side, the addition of Gonggong did not change anything. The two were naturally beaten and turned into two balls.

Among them, Zhu Rong was specially taken care of. Every time the magic weapon collided with Zhu Rong, it would always arouse part of its power, but Gonggong was just a simple collision.

The collision of the magic weapon added to Zhu Rong's injuries, the power of reincarnation made Zhu Rong lose all his strength, and the power of good fortune instantly restored his injuries.

injured, recovered, injured, recovered

Zhu Rong wants to cry but has no tears. He is also an ancestor witch. Why are the treatment of the two completely different?

Zhu Rong had no idea that his poisonous tongue was the cause of the disaster. He didn't know that Hong Yun was actually a small-minded person who would seek revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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