Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 245 The Whereabouts of the Primordial Dao Fruit

Chapter 245 The Whereabouts of the Primordial Dao Fruit

"Senior! I can't feel anything anymore!" Hong Yun said.

"Don't worry!" Daoist Xuanyuan said indifferently. What he wants to do most now is to hand over Hongyun to Taiji intact, and then get the whereabouts of Hongmeng Daoguo. Escaping from his hands, this is not what he needs to care about. After obtaining the Primordial Dao Fruit, he will retreat and break through the Primordial Realm. The universe can be discarded, because when one's own strength reaches its strongest, all external objects are unimportant, and everything can be discarded.

As for why he was so careful, it was also because he felt the special power of Hong Yun, which made him feel uneasy. Therefore, he couldn't tear himself apart from Hong Yun, even if he was very sure, even if he was with Hong Yun. Even if his face was torn apart, Hong Yun couldn't escape from his palm, but what he wanted was absolute security!There is no room for error!Even if there is only a [-]% chance of making a mistake, Hong Yun will learn of his calculation and use his hole cards to escape, he will not take the risk of tearing face with Hong Yun, Hongmeng Daoguo is more important than everything else!
For the grandmist dao fruit, the price he paid was too great!For it, he lost a brother and a good helper.

Afterwards, he used most of his origins to establish a huge Xuanyuan Eternal Universe here where Taiji was sealed, and has been operating it until now. He spent 1 kalpas of time just to find the son of luck that Taiji said. Only then did I come across Hongyun.

For the sake of the Grandmist Dao Fruit, he calculated to sacrifice his own brother who sealed Tai Chi, so he could no longer lose the Primordial Dao Fruit.

"Tai Chi! My seat is here! See if this person is the one you are looking for!" Daoist Xuanyuan said via voice transmission.

In the darkness, a pair of huge eyes exuding heavy gloomy light suddenly opened, staring at the red cloud, and after a while, he suddenly laughed and said, "Hahahaha! That's right! The luck goes straight to the bullfight! This kid's luck is so strong, no Weaker than me! If I devour him and seize his luck, I will definitely be able to break through Hongmeng! Xuanyuan! Give him to me! I will tell the whereabouts of Hongmeng Daoguo! You can leave too! Let the grievances be wiped out! How about it?"

Before Taiji opened his mouth, Taoist Xuanyuan sealed Hongyun's sense of hearing, so Hongyun couldn't hear what Taiji said, but the system could perceive everything that happened here, and it could also broadcast it online to Hongyun's Yuanshen to watch. In front of the primordial spirit, everything here can be seen, including the incomparably huge body of Tai Chi, whose body blends black and white, with form and quality.

"Yes! Take it!" Taoist Xuanyuan nodded. He knew that Taiji did not dare to cheat. Taiji was sealed at this time, and its strength was less than one-tenth of its heyday. Even if he cheated, Taoist Xuanyuan It can also take Hongyun back from Taiji.

However, Daoist Xuanyuan didn't dare to do anything to Taiji. Back then, the weak demon god could have killed Taiji by burning his source, but they had scruples. Who were they scruples about?Still scruples and congenital Wutai!Among the congenital five grand masters, except for Tai Chi, the other four grand masters have all broken through the primordial realm!If Taoist Xuanyuan kills Tai Chi, I am afraid that Taoist Xuanyuan will never survive now!

Therefore, Taoist Xuanyuan could only plot against Taiji secretly, but did not dare to do it openly. Taiji and Taoist Xuanyuan were able to reach a deal because of mutual scruples.

As for handing Hong Yun over to Tai Chi, if Hong Yun escapes after obtaining the Grandmist Dao Fruit, he can only blame Tai Chi for his incompetence, not Daoist Xuanyuan. At that time, he will take the Primordial Dao Fruit with him and escape into the chaos. The retreat has broken through, and when we meet next time, Taoist Xuanyuan has already broken through the Primordial Realm.

After Taoist Xuanyuan nodded in agreement, he let go of his hand, and the red cloud floated towards Taiji.

Tai Chi is formless and qualityless, a cloud-shaped body suddenly transformed into a palm, holding Hongyun in his hand, and being scrutinized in front of him, he became more and more excited and satisfied. With Hongyun's luck, it is certain for him to break through the Primordial Beginning Realm.

"Little thing! You're out of luck! But it's an honor for you to be the sacrificial offering of this seat! Hehehe!" Tai Chi said proudly.

"Tai Chi! I have already handed it over to you! Tell me where the Primordial Dao Fruit hides!" Daoist Xuanyuan said coldly.

"Naturally! I'm much more trustworthy than you guys, at least I won't take it by chance!" Tai Chi smiled slightly, and didn't intend to cheat: "The fruit of the Primordial Dao is in the spiritual spring at the entrance of the Weak God Realm! Refining the spiritual spring, Then you will be able to obtain the Grandmist Dao Fruit!"

Daoist Xuanyuan frowned, admiring Taiji, he didn't expect Taiji to hide the Primordial Dao Fruit in such a conspicuous place, but it was because of the conspicuousness that neither he nor the Weak Demon God noticed it.

The spiritual spring at the entrance was formed by a drop of bone marrow from the Weak Demon God when he burned the source to seal Taiji. Unexpectedly, Taiji had such a secret method that he could kill Hongmeng in front of Xuanyuan Taoist and Weak Demon God. Daoguo hides in it.

Xuanyuan Daoist does not doubt the authenticity of Taiji's words. Lying is not good for both parties. To the extent that they are all for the sake of becoming enlightened, some people even kill their fathers and enemies for the sake of profit.

In Hongyun Yuanshen, after hearing Taiji tell the whereabouts of the Primordial Dao Fruit, Hongyun suddenly became anxious. This is a god of enlightenment. Except for his life, nothing can compare to it, and he can save his life. It would be great to get the Hongmeng Daoguo under such circumstances.

"System! Brother System! Master System! Check it out! Is this Primordial Dao Fruit in the Spiritual Spring in the Weak God Realm? This is the supreme divine object to prove the Primordial Dao. If you get it, you will be my uncle from now on! !"

Hong Yun asked eagerly, in order to obtain the Primordial Dao Fruit, he usually swears at the system, but he started to kneel and lick it with disdain.

"Oh! This system, which is usually scolded by you, is fortunate enough to be called uncle by you. It's really unprecedented. I'm so relieved!" If you get it!"

"System! Good system! I, Hongyun, have no father or mother in this life. I was born of heaven and earth, but from now on, you are my father! From now on, you let me go east, I will never go west, you let me butcher cattle , I will never kill pigs! From now on, you can watch me and my wife casually..."

"Stop, stop, stop! What is it all about? What's the meaning behind this? It's as if the system is deliberately peeping! Forget it, for the sake of your sincerity, the system will help you get this primordial dao fruit! "The system said

(End of this chapter)

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