Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 248 The Familiar Universe

Chapter 248 The Familiar Universe

Feeling the weakness of the system, Hong Yun is a little anxious. The crazy output of the system won't be empty, won't it disappear?
"What the hell are you thinking? How could a tough guy like me be so weak? I just slept for a while!" The system immediately denied Hong Yun's worry and suspicion.

"It's good to be true, you are my lifeblood, if you are gone, I will have nothing to do in my life!" Hong Yun let out a long sigh of relief.

"Fuck, lifeblood? You are the second child! I'm the boss! One day I'll be the boss, and I'll be the boss for the rest of my life!"

"Okay, okay, you are the boss! Stop talking, save your breath and run away! My wealth and life are all on your body!" Hong Yun said.

"Hush! This system is really tired! But the destination is almost here! When we get there, a little Daoist Xuanyuan can't make much waves!" The system said disdainfully.

"...Why didn't you say this to Xuanyuan Daoist just now?" Hong Yun said leisurely.

"Okay! I can go back now! After you die! I'll go find the next host!" the system said.

Hong Yun was speechless for a moment.

In the rear, Daoist Xuanyuan became more and more anxious, this red cloud is so weird, what cards does he have?He was able to fly ten yuanhuis in a row at the speed of the peak of the Dao Realm, and when he seized the Dao Fruit of Hongmeng, he broke out at a speed that surpassed the peak of the Dao Realm.

"No, I can't go on like this anymore, and changes will happen later, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

Daoist Xuanyuan made up his mind to use the secret method, but he spit out a mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, and his breath was much weaker.

Formed a formation in front of him, and then took out a silver boat-shaped magic weapon. The small boat zoomed in rapidly and merged into the formation's eyes. Daoist Xuanyuan stepped out and stepped onto the small boat. The speed is several times that of the peak of the Great Dao Realm.

The moment Xuanyuan Taoist erupted, the previous system sensed it.

"Chen Bu Mucao! Daoist Xuanyuan, this bastard, actually used a secret method to activate the magic weapon. This is not going to give me a way out!" The system suddenly wailed.

At this time, after such a long escape, the energy of the system has almost been exhausted, not to mention that the oil is exhausted and the lamp is almost dry. This Taoist Xuanyuan is powerful, and basically has no consumption at normal speed. The secret method is not a big damage to him, but the system is exhausted, and if it breaks out again, it will add more damage to the damage.

"Then what should we do?" Hong Yun was also taken aback, "Give me some strength!"

It's hard for Hong Yun to imagine how Xuanyuan Daoist will deal with him when he falls into the hands of Xuanyuan Daoist. I'm afraid life is worse than death is the lowest desire!
He didn't complain about anything. It was his suggestion that he made up his mind to snatch the Daoguo of Hongmeng. Anything he did would be risky. It would be extremely risky to offend Daoist Xuanyuan, an extremely powerful person, and he was also prepared to fail and be arrested.

"It's okay! Even if this old thing breaks out, it's just letting the system sleep a little longer, and your safety is still fine!" the system comforted.


When Hong Yun heard this, he was immediately moved. This system is definitely the conscience of the system industry!

"Isn't it very touching? I don't need you to repay me by being a cow or a horse. I just need to wait for me to fall asleep, help me collect energy, and I will be happy to wake me up as soon as possible!" The system said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

"I will!" Hong Yun nodded solemnly: "Just what kind of energy do you collect? How do you collect it?"

"Collect 49 drops of Pangu's painstaking efforts! Then integrate into this system, and the system can be revived! If the system is allowed to collect energy automatically, at the normal speed, it may take a hundred kalpas to wake up!" the system said.

"Pangu's 49 drops of heart blood? Where are they? Is there a flood in front? How can you bring Taoist Xuanyuan to the flood? That's not right. In the flood, Pan Gu's heart and blood have turned into twelve ancestor witches. Pangu no longer has blood essence in the prehistoric world!" Hong Yun was puzzled.

"It's not Honghuang! It's the location of your second mission. However, the situation has changed at this time and the mission has been cancelled. The first main mission is to collect Pangu's blood essence and revive the system!" the system said.

"...You are really, it feels like you are not serving me, but I am serving you. I am the system, and you are the host!" Hong Yun smiled wryly. In order to wake up the system, even the tasks were changed.

"Nonsense! Is this system important for characters? I lack energy. Maybe this system will crash. At that time, all the things I have collected for countless eons will be lost. You will be the one who suffers. These things are all prepared for the host!" System Throw a shocking bomb.

"Leave it to me! Your business is my business! I will definitely let you wake up early!" Hong Yun's face changed, and he hurriedly patted his chest to promise, joke, if he suffers this loss, Hong Yun will never forgive himself for the rest of his life , Other people's things, if you lose them, you will lose them, and your own things, the feeling of heartache is not good.

"This system is about to explode!"

After talking about the system in Hongyun's primordial spirit, the light burst out suddenly, and the moment Hongyun's body exploded suddenly at Xuanyuan Daoist, the same speed increased several times.

Xuanyuan Daoist looked at the red cloud in front of him, his face changed, he was as ugly as eating a dead mouse, because Hong Yun not only failed to catch up with him after he broke out, but gradually moved further and further away from him!
"Bastard! Really evil!" Daoist Xuanyuan was as black as the bottom of a pot. He felt that this was the most useless time in his life. He didn't feel aggrieved when he fought Taiji back then. Although Taiji is difficult, he can still fight well Once, but this Hongyun, with a small Hunyuan realm, made him eat ashes all the time, and he couldn't even touch his buttocks, so aggrieved!

After the system broke out, Hong Yun was not happy, but was deeply worried, because his primordial spirit saw that the light emitted by the system was weakening, and the speed was also decreasing.

And when he called the system just now, the system didn't answer anything. If he didn't see the system still flashing light, he would have thought the system had crashed.

But Hong Yun also knew that at this time, the energy of the system was really exhausted.

"System! Thank you!" Hong Yun murmured while staring at the system.

Suddenly, his body rushed out of the chaos and entered an endless darkness. However, in this darkness, countless bright rays of light shone, and these rays of light gathered together in groups to form a Circle or ellipse!
"This! This is the universe! And galaxies!"

Hong Yun looked at the familiar picture in front of him, and suddenly became dazed. This was exactly the same as the universe and galaxy in his previous life, because the Milky Way in his previous life was the same as the galaxy in front of him!
(End of this chapter)

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