Chapter 39

Bi Xiao, who had just broken through to Da Luo Jinxian, sneaked away alone.

The entire 1 yuan retreat is too long for Bi Xiao who has just transformed into a new form, and Bi Xiao is still lively and active, so it is extremely rare for Bi Xiao not to sneak out halfway.

In the prehistoric times, one session is 800 years, one yuan is 12 years, therefore, one yuan is 600 years, and 13 yuan is another calamity, so Bi Xiao It took a full one-tenth of the time to retreat.

In this 1 yuan meeting, all kinds of strong men and strong families have risen one after another, and the most powerful one is the Zifu Immortal Palace located on a fairy island in the South China Sea.

The lord of the Zifu Immortal Palace is Hongyun's old acquaintance, Donghua Emperor Dongwanggong.

Before the 8000 yuan meeting, Duke Dong broke through the pinnacle of quasi-sage and established the Zifu Immortal Palace. He used the signs of Tiandao and Hongjun Patriarch to attract talents everywhere. There are many strong people in the clan to join, after all, this is a genuine force recognized by the way of heaven.

The East Prince's wings became stiff, and people drifted away. He really regarded himself as the head of the male immortals in the wild, bossing around, ordering this to mobilize that, and all disobedient small races or small forces are all annexed or wiped out. The miasma.

This move annoyed Di Jun. Originally, Di Jun wanted to gather luck to achieve the holy position. Most of the prehistoric people were monsters. Since Hongyun also joined the monsters, some grass and trees, monsters, and races with innate essences also appeared. All merged into the Yaozu.

The luck of the monster clan is unprecedentedly strong, and Di Jun has already retreated, preparing to attack the strongest realm under the saint-half saint!
Semi-sage is not an exact realm, but after reaching the pinnacle of quasi-sage, he took a step forward and reached a mysterious realm that was much weaker than a saint and much stronger than the peak of a quasi-sage. , Patriarch Hongjun and Luo Hu reached this realm.

Dijun retreated, but when he was about to break through, the luck of the monster clan suddenly declined slowly, which made Dijun feel very uncomfortable when he was about to break through this barrier, and an extreme sense of loss hit him.

"Who the hell is it! Destroy my demon clan's luck, and I will never die with him!"

The demon soldiers and generals on the 33rd floor shrank their heads. They didn't know who had offended the Emperor of Heaven and made him so angry. It had been a long time since they saw Di Jun so angry.

"Prince Dong, you are looking for death! I have never troubled you for so many years, but I never thought you would provoke me! Come!" Di Jun calmed down after being angry, and pinched his fingers to find out that it was Prince Dong. Strangling all the small races of the Yaozu everywhere.

Although these small races are low in strength, they are numerous in number, accounting for as much as [-]% of the total number of monster races.

"Come here, invite Donghuang and Xihuang over here!"

"As ordered!"

Soon Donghuang Taiyi and Fuxi walked in.

"Brother, nearly [-]% of my demon clan's luck has dropped. This Eastern Prince is looking for death! I request to lead the demon clan's army to flatten the Southern Sea Zifu Immortal Palace!" Tai Yi came in and asked for a fight.

"I called you here to discuss the conquest of the Zifu Immortal Palace, fellow Taoist Fuxi, how is the Zhou Tian Xing Dou formation perfected?" Di Jun said.

"Now there are 36 stars in the sky, 72 stars in the earth, 360 stars in the five heavens, and hundreds of millions of auxiliary stars, all of which are complete. However, the Lunar Star still lacks a star master to guard it!" Fuxi replied.

"Brother, when the sage Hongyun got married, he said that the elder brother needs to marry two goddesses on the Taiyin star in order for the demon clan to have perfect luck. Did he mean this?" Tai Yi suddenly remembered what Hongyun said to them in front of the Lotus Palace. if.

"It seems that marrying the two goddesses on the Lunar Star is the general trend of heaven. The two goddesses were conceived by the right eye of the great god Pangu. They share the same root with me and are beautiful. I have no opinion on marrying the two fairies, but who to send What about matchmaking?
The two fairies are cold-tempered and have lived in the moon palace for a long time. They must have had no contact with people from my monster clan. Moreover, my monster clan has no female cultivators with profound morals. If I send male cultivators there, I'm afraid they won't be able to enter the door and will be thrown out. "

Di Jun frowned, this is a difficult problem.

"My younger sister is a good candidate. She has a good relationship with Chang Xixi and the two goddesses, but now she and Hongyun Saint have already retreated for 10 yuan, and they haven't come out yet." Fuxi said helplessly.

"Sage Hongyun is also powerful! The 10 yuan meeting is not over yet." Tai Yi suddenly said something like this.

"Ahem! Don't talk about saints!" Di Jun coughed twice in embarrassment and reminded.

Just when the three were in trouble.

Bixiao came to Huang Zengtian, the emperor of the first layer of heaven. This first layer of heaven is the gate of the heaven, guarded by the demon king of Daluo Jinxian realm.

The Heavenly Court at this time is not the Heavenly Court during the Journey to the West. Now whether it is the creatures in the prehistoric world who want to go to the heavenly court, or the people of the heavenly court who want to go down to the prehistoric court, they have to go up and down layer by layer.

But at the time of Lich catastrophe, the two clans fought, Gonggong knocked down Mount Buzhou, and the Great Desolation was torn apart. Ancestor Hongjun refined a large fragment of the Great Desolation into the three worlds of heaven, man, and the underworld.

Among them, the heavens are the 33 heavens of the heavenly court. Taoist ancestors picked four fragments from the remaining fragments and refined them into four heavenly gates, east, west, north, south, and placed them on the nine heavens.

However, since the Nantian Gate is the most prosperous Nanzhan Buzhou in the human world, the Nantian Gate has also become the gate with the most frequent exchanges between the two worlds, and the other three major gates have gradually become unknown.

At this time, Bi Xiao went straight to the top of Buzhou Mountain and came to the first heaven.

"Stop coming! Sign up!"

As soon as Bi Xiao appeared, some demon soldiers came to stop the questioning.

"I am Bi Xiao, the demon king of the prehistoric world. I want to visit the Heavenly Court today, so hurry up and report!" Bi Xiao said coquettishly with her hands on her hips.

"The Demon King of Confusion? Could it be the newly born demon king of my demon clan?" The demon soldier in the Golden Immortal Realm pondered for a while, and quickly said: "My lord, wait here first, I will report and inquire."

So the demon soldier went to ask his boss, the demon general, but the demon general didn't know, so he went to ask the Scorpio demon king who guarded the first heaven. The demon king was born, probably some ignorant bastard who wanted to sneak in to seek benefits.

Thinking of this, he slapped the monster soldier in the Golden Immortal Realm on the face: "Bastard, I have never heard of the birth of a new demon king in my demon clan. It's probably because people who don't know the heights of the world want to fish in troubled waters, so don't hurry up!" Take it with me!"


The Scorpio demon king has spoken, how can he have the courage to object, although he has doubts in his heart.Because Bi Xiao's aura is too strong, not weaker than the Scorpio Demon King.

So one of his Taiyi Jinxian demon generals ordered a hundred demon soldiers to capture Bi Xiao.

Bi Xiao waited and waited, and finally saw a group of monster soldiers and generals running out.

"Are so many people welcoming me? Could it be that my name as the Demon King of Confusion has already been spread in the heavenly court?" Bi Xiao was a little surprised.

"Bold thief! How dare you pretend to be the demon king of heaven, take it down with me quickly!" The demon general threw the weapon and spear in his hand to the ground, pointed at Bi Xiao and shouted.

Bi Xiao: "???"

A group of little demon soldiers didn't pay attention to her name as the devil king in the world, and wanted to arrest her.

A group of demon soldiers rushed towards Bi Xiao with eighteen kinds of weapons.

Bi Xiao was also annoyed at this time, and she was treated as a thief for reporting in a good voice, so I will call in!

I saw her sacrifice the twelfth-grade pure world white lotus, and the billowing purification law surged out. How could a group of demon soldiers in the golden fairy realm resist it?
In just a split second, this group of demon soldiers lay limply on the ground, without any strength in their bodies, and the purification law purified all their mana.

The demon general was dumbfounded when he saw that a group of subordinates didn't even survive a single round, but his subordinates were lying down, so he had no choice but to go up.

I saw him holding the gun in both hands, leaping forward, and stabbing towards Bi Xiao with the muzzle of the gun.

Bi Xiao smiled contemptuously, Jing Shi Bai Lian flashed, and also went straight to the demon general's muzzle.

 Thank you all for your votes!Thank you so much!The setting of each book is different. Some readers have read other Honghuang novels and come here to say that I am wrong.

  For example, a reader said that the Wu people eat raw meat, so why don’t I write that they can’t eat it roasted?Some readers said that the Xiantian Lingbao contains the innate immortal aura, which is in other novels. My setting is the majestic purple energy, which is necessary for the plot, because there are more than three ways to prove the saint here.

  If there are typos, or there are strings of names and characters, I will accept it humbly and change it immediately, because I update two books every day, and it is inevitable that the protagonists of the two sides will cross each other, because I think about the plot every day, and the thinking will inevitably be different. Stir together.


(End of this chapter)

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