Chapter 48

Nuwa's current strength has already reached the peak of quasi-sage, and recently she always feels that she has a certain mission on her shoulders, and this sense of mission is becoming more and more urgent.

Hong Yun didn't say it explicitly, but just asked her to travel in the prehistoric and desolate to gain some insights.

Nuwa left the Lotus Palace and came to the vicinity of Mount Buzhou. After several battles, the atmosphere of bloodthirsty and killing filled the world. Creatures, making them more irritable and aggressive.

"I was born with the Dao of Good Fortune, and there is a voice in the dark that wants me to stop the calamity. In today's prehistoric world, the calamity is repeated again and again. All living beings only know how to kill blindly. Can the calamity not be terminated?" Nuwa looked at Look at the various tribes fighting each other below.

"The world is full of evil spirits and resentment. It is these things that make the prehistoric creatures irritable and irritable. If there is a kind of creature that can purify these evil spirits, even if the catastrophe comes, the creatures can treat them rationally."

Nuwa suddenly had a feeling in her heart, and wanted to find a creature in the wild that could absorb the evil spirit.

Although Nuwa's idea of ​​relying on living beings to purify evil spirits to eliminate the amount of calamity is a bit naive, after the birth of the human race, the amount of calamity no longer affects the prehistoric, but is controlled within a limited range.

So Nu Wa began to travel in the prehistoric, from Mount Buzhou to the South China Sea, from the South China Sea to the west, and then to the North Sea and the Netherland. She spent thousands of years, but found nothing, and all she saw was endless killing.

"No? Isn't there such a creature? Could it be that my idea is wrong?" Nuwa was disappointed.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Nuwa.

"Husband!" Nu Wa was taken aback for a moment, then ran over joyfully and hugged the man's arm.

It was the red cloud that rushed back from the chaos.

"Honey, have you encountered a problem?" Hong Yun smiled and pinched Nu Wa's pretty face.

"Don't call me that, I feel very awkward..." Nuwa's face flushed slightly.

"Why is it so awkward, you are my dearest and dearest, aren't you my dear?"

"Husband, I want to find a race in the wilderness that can absorb the evil energy of heaven and earth, so as to eliminate the calamity, but I can't find it." Nuwa said to Hongyun disappointedly.

"Measurement calamity is a necessary means for the evolution and perfection of the prehistoric world. It is impossible to eliminate it, but it can limit the killing within a certain range, and why are you looking for it? Why can't you create a race?"

Hong Yun has already said it clearly enough, if Hong Yun has not reached Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian now, I am afraid that he will be struck by lightning for leaking the secret.

"Create a race?" Nuwa's eyes lit up, "Yes, the prehistoric creatures today are all innate Taoism after transformation, because the innate Taoism is most suitable for cultivation and the power of the law.

However, Honghuang was not born with innate Taoism. If I create a race that is born with innate Taoism, then their talent will surpass most of the prehistoric creatures! "

Hong Yun smiled slightly, Nuwa is still too naive. Although the human race was born as an innate Taoist body, they are extremely weak, and there are no exercises and supernatural powers suitable for cultivation. passed on to the human race.

Originally, most of the [-] innate human races created by Nuwa were in the realm of celestial immortals, a few of them reached the realm of true immortals and golden immortals, and only a few were created by Nuwa herself, reaching the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortals.

However, there is no skill to practice, their strength progresses slowly, and the reproductive ability of the human race is too strong, resulting in a generation of weaker and weaker generations, and finally the human race born has become a mortal body.

This is a very surprising thing in Honghuang, because Honghuang's creatures, the weakest beasts, also have the strength of earth immortals.

At this moment, the system beeped, and Hong Yun knew that the choice was coming again.

"God level chooses to publish, the human race created by Nuwa is extremely weak, please host to choose whether to strengthen the human race.

One, grow stronger, choose to reward Jiuzhuan Xuangong and Jiuzhuan Yuangong.

Second, no matter whether you ask or not, follow the original trend and let nature take its course. If you choose to reward 1 yuan, you will be able to cultivate. "

"I'll choose one. What's the use of a 1 yuan club? It's not enough for me to upgrade." Hong Yun made a choice.

At this time, Nu Wa felt a psychic psychic, and found her own path!
From the storage space, she took out a ball of Nine Heavens Breathing Soil and a small amount of Sanguang Shenshui, which was obtained by Nuwa when the gourd vine was born.

Nuwa mixed Sanguang Shenshui and Jiutianxi soil, stirred evenly, and then began to pinch the clay doll with her jaded hands.

Soon, a small humanoid figure appeared, and Nu Wa injected the law of good fortune into it, and injected a trace of spirit into it, and immediately, a small "person" came alive.

"Mother, mother!" The little man jumped on the ground cheering.

However, Nuwa's face collapsed, this little person was not a congenital creature, and his strength was even lower than that of an immortal.

Hong Yun shook his head slightly, flipped his right hand, and several treasures appeared in his hand: "Honey, what do you think this is?"

Nuwa took a closer look: "The Qiankun cauldron, the chaotic atmosphere, so many three-light divine water!"

Nuwa took over the three treasures and got busy again. She first mixed a large group of chaotic breath soil and a pool of three-light divine water, and then put the mixture into the Qiankun Ding for refining. The Qiankun Ding has the magic of returning to nature effect.

After the refining was completed, Nuwa took out the clay and began to slowly knead the villain.

Thousands of years later, three thousand little clay figurines appeared on the ground, and only a very small part of the clay was used.

Nüwa injected a large amount of good fortune into [-] small clay figurines, and then divided part of the primordial spirit into [-] parts on average, and sent them to the clay figurines.

Nuwa's face turned pale, and her aura began to weaken. The damage to her soul was much more serious than the damage to her body.

Seeing this, Hongyun promptly handed Nuwa a cup of Sanguangshenshui.

Sanguang Shenshui has the miraculous effect of living dead human flesh and bones. As long as the true spirit is not annihilated, even if the primordial spirit is shattered, it can restore people back to life.

Nuwa took out the cup and drank a few sips, and soon recovered her lost soul.



"Children see father, mother!"


Three thousand innate human races chattered and regarded Nu Wa and Hong Yun as their parents.

Hong Yun took a look and found that these three thousand human races are somewhat strong. Among them, there are three Da Luo Jinxian peaks, a dozen Da Luo Jinxian early stage, most of the rest are in the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, and a small part of them are in the realm of Jinxian. All the 3000 human races jumped out of the long river of time and lived the same life as the sky!

Compared with the original human race, that is a world of difference!
The Chaos Breathing Soil is the supreme treasure that can cultivate the Chaos Supreme Treasure. It is several levels higher than the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil. The Sanguang Shenshui is also open to use, which is much more than before. The fusion of part of the primordial spirit created the powerful human race today.

(End of this chapter)

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