Chapter 50

Hongyun, Zhenyuanzi, and Nuwa became holy one after another, making the creatures in the prehistoric world discuss and envy them.

Zhunti received a painful look on his face, Nuwa became a saint, and what the hell was going to give a gift. If this continues, the accumulation of so many years will be given away again, and the two people's desire for sanctification has deepened a little bit.

This sermon is aimed at the monks of Da Luo Jinxian and below, and the big brothers of the quasi-sacred period are just going out of the scene to support the show.

The speed of the bosses is naturally faster than those of the little monks. Soon a group of people gathered in front of the Lotus Palace, and there was another wave of business exchanges. Then they entered the Lotus Palace and took their seats under the welcome of the maid. Almost all the quasi-sages were present, except Fuxi.

At this time, Fuxi came to the Nether Blood Sea.

A hundred years ago, Emperor Jun found Fuxi.

"Fellow Taoist Fuxi, I have something to discuss today!" Di Jun said straight to the point.

"Your Majesty, please order!" Fuxi agreed.

"Now that saints are born one after another, I am deeply worried. Sanqing and Xixi are not far away. What kind of situation will my monster clan be in by then? Daozu bestowed seven primordial purple energy, six of which cannot be moved. But there is one more..." Di Jun didn't finish his sentence, so as not to be sensed by others.

Fu Xi also understood what Di Jun meant: "Your Majesty means to do something to this person?"

"That's right!" Di Jun nodded, "Sage Nuwa preached, this person must go to listen to the sermon, fellow Taoists are well versed in formations, and it's not a problem to set up a five-element array to trap this person, besides, it's Saint Nuwa Brother, if you don’t go, no one will blame you.”

"We don't know this person's route. If we make inferences, we may be perceived by him. How can we lure this person into the formation?" Fuxi expressed his worry.

"Set up an formation next to this person's lair. This person also knows that he has a majestic purple energy. He is quite careful when going out and returning. If there is anything wrong, he will run away. No matter where he sets up the formation, he may be discovered. , and when he gets home, it is also the time when he is the most relaxed, and he can do it by surprise!"

"It's doable!" Fuxi nodded.

"When Fellow Daoist traps this person, my second brother and I will follow up, and then work together to quickly kill this person and take away the primordial purple energy..."

"Okay, I'm leaving now!"

"Fellow Taoist, bring this Hetu Luoshu to cover up the secret!" Di Jun handed the Hetu Luoshu to Fuxi.

After the two discussed it, Fuxi set off.

After Fuxi set off, Styx also came out of the Nether Blood Sea. Ever since Nuwa became a saint, his whole body was weak, and his soul often trembled slightly, as if something had happened.

"The primordial spirit is warning again! Could it be that someone is staring at my primordial purple qi? But there is no danger of life at this level. Nuwa became a saint, and I have to go to congratulate Nuwa anyway. By the way, I will ask the following questions about the primordial purple qi "

Minghe murmured to himself, he is quite helpless now, he has the opportunity to become a saint, but he has become the target of public criticism, he is not backed by Taoist ancestors like the previous six, and he has no backer They can only hide in the sea of ​​blood in the nether world all day long to realize the primordial purple energy.

But this primordial purple qi is like a dead thing, no matter how he comprehends it, he can't integrate the primordial spirit into it. Now he is already at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage, and the disobedience of the primordial purple qi makes him quite anxious.

"Pindao possesses the power of immortality, as long as it is not a sage, who can do anything to me?" Styx cheered himself up, tearing apart the space and rushing to the Lotus Palace.

Not long after Styx left, a figure emerged from the void, and it was Fuxi who came.

Fuxi sacrificed Hetu Luoshu to cover up the nearby heavenly secrets, and then took out the materials and began to arrange the innate five-element trap.

This time Dijun was bleeding heavily, and he took out the innate five elements materials that Tianting had collected for many years, just to maximize the power of the trapped formation, which is bound to be obtained for Styx's majestic purple energy.

It took Fuxi a full thousand years to arrange the congenital five-element trap formation, and then arranged the hidden formation to hide the formation. After everything was arranged, Fuxi entered the formation to hide, waiting for the Styx to enter the urn.

Styx walked cautiously all the way, but until he arrived at Penglai Island, nothing happened, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

When he entered the palace, he found that he was the last one to come, and both Yin Zhunti and Yin Zhunti had already arrived, presenting their treasures with pained faces.

At this time, there are [-] living beings. Excluding all the quasi-sages and great powers, the rest are the living beings born after the third lecture of Zixiao Palace. The spiritual roots of the spiritual beasts that gave birth to spiritual wisdom also came to listen to the lecture.

There is a predestined relationship and a predestined relationship, and those who can come are destined, with the two saints Hongyun and Nuwa pressing down, this group of quasi-sages dare not be presumptuous.

Speaking of it, Styx is no richer than Jieyin Zhunti. In a place like Nether Blood Sea, where there is no grass, no spiritual roots can grow, and the treasures on his body are accumulated over the years. The color is no less than Zhunti.

Hongyun sat on the right side of Nuwa, glanced at the [-] living beings in the hall, and found that Fuxi hadn't arrived, after a little thought, he knew the cause and effect.

Nu Wa also noticed this problem, she looked at Hong Yun, Hong Yun shook her head, meaning don't worry about it, let the situation develop.

Nuwa nodded and began to preach.

This time Nuwa is talking about the method of cultivation, called Bajiuyuan Gong, which is a simplified version of the nine-turn Yuangong obtained by Hongyun.

The last time Hongyun chose to reward, he got the Nine-Turn Yuan Gong and Nine-Turn Xuan Gong, which are the methods of cultivating the primordial spirit and body respectively. After reaching the ninth level, he can prove the realm of heaven.

Hongyun is going to pass it on to the human race as the inheritance method of the human race. With the super reproductive ability of the human race, after a few years, the huge population base will have more people with extraordinary talents. A saint is not impossible.

In the future, the monster race and the human race can be the main force to conquer other worlds!

At the beginning, Hongjun Daozu Zixiao Palace talked about the Tao, the Tao of Daluo Jinxian, the Tao of Quasi-sage and the Tao of Hunyuan.

However, for a race, most of the creatures have ordinary feet and ordinary talents, and preaching to them is almost like playing the piano with a cow. Therefore, for a race, what needs to be passed down is the practice, not the understanding of the Tao.

When Minghe came in, he looked at the crowd deliberately, and found that no one who threatened him had noticed him, and Sanqing didn't even look at him, Zhunti picked up a bitter face, his face hurt, and he was not in the mood to pay attention to him , while Emperor Juntai and the two of them glanced at him and turned their heads away.

Everything was as usual, no one deliberately approached him, and no one offended him, did he feel wrong or some people pretended to be too nice?
Di Jun and Tai looked at each other, everything was kept silent.

(End of this chapter)

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