Chapter 56

"This is..." People who followed Zhunti's actions in the prehistoric world were all horrified. Although the human race is weak, from the perspective of the situation, they are the darlings of heaven, and Nuwa has relied on them to become holy.

Zhunti helped the human race so much. It was originally a great thing of merit and virtue from heaven. Why did it provoke the wrath of heaven and send down heaven's punishment and boundless karma?
How can it be?

Why is this happening?

Almost everyone was puzzled, even Nu Wa was puzzled, now that the machine is in chaos, she still can't figure out the next calamity.

At this time, Zhunti was struck by the black thunder and deeply embedded in the wild land. At this time, his whole body was scorched black, surrounded by a blood-red mist, which looked like he was blessed by boundless karma.

"Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?" Zhunti was stunned, and when he woke up a little bit, he was shocked to find that his realm had fallen from the peak of Zhunsheng to Daluo Jinxian!Even the three flowers on the top and the five qi in the chest have been cut off, and there is absolutely no one in terms of cultivation and strength.

It can be seen how heavy the punishment is this time!

"Why? The poor way has helped the human race so much, why did the way of heaven punish it like this? The way of heaven is unfair!" Zhunti was a little crazy!

Anyone who has 10 yuan will be insane if his penance is ruined.

A thunderbolt as thick as three feet fell on Zhunti again, and this time Zhunti passed out happily. If he hadn't been a sage of destiny, he might have been wiped out already.

"Pfft, Zhunti is trying to die, and he actually called the heavens unfair." Hong Yun spit out the immortal wine when he heard Zhunti's shout.

"Don't be in a hurry to watch the show! Quickly explain what's going on!" Nu Wa coquettishly shook Hong Yun's arm.

"The thing is very simple. This is the credit of other human races, but it was robbed by Zhunti. Heaven will definitely blame it. If Zhunti is a human race, it will be fine. Heaven will not blame it for taking the credit of others, but Zhunti is not a human race. ah!"

Hong Yun has a strange expression on his face. Today's human race is just like a hedgehog. Except for preaching, others cannot be touched. If you touch it, prepare to be stabbed!For example, this time Zhunti took the credit of Shennong. With so much karma, calculated according to merit, it may take 2000 million merits to eliminate it. Even Hongyun does not have so much merit. They are all used for sanctification, and not many can be used today.

Zhunti can only burn away the karma with the karmic fire on the karma fire red lotus, but it is a long process to eliminate it with karma fire.

In the sky, the robbery clouds dissipated, and the former clarity was restored.

However, the thousand pieces of farmland turned into scorched earth, and the thousand young men who harvested the crops also disappeared.

Many human races watching from a distance were dumbfounded. The harvesting of crops actually provoked the anger of the heavens, and thousands of clansmen were struck to death by lightning!

With mortal eyes, they naturally didn't know Hong Yun's method, and only thought that the 1000 people were wiped out by lightning.

Not to mention that the anticipation of the past three years every day and every night has been regarded as the hope of the whole clan, even the thousand clansmen who died, it is difficult for them to accept it.

"Kill this fat Taoist to death! It's all his fault!"

"kill him!"

"Kill him!"


Zhunti, who was in a coma, was dug out of the soil, and was beaten and kicked by a group of people. Although he couldn't hurt him, it also added a lot of footprints.

Soon, the reception came, looked helplessly at the human race, then at the miserable Zhunti, sighed, grabbed Zhunti in his hand and disappeared.

"Huh? What about people?"

The people who were besieging Zhunti suddenly realized that he was missing, and a group of people couldn't find him, and it took a long time for them to return to the tribe cursing.

Now, the Golden Core Dao has been handed down in the central tribe, and Lao Tzu is also preparing to leave to preach to the next tribe of the human race. When he spreads the Golden Dan Dao to the entire human race, it is the time for him to establish a religion and become a saint.

Jieyin brought Zhunti back to the west, put Zhunti into the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, and soon, Zhunti woke up leisurely.

When Zhunti saw Jieyin, he couldn't help but feel sad, and burst into tears: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"Sigh, this matter is still reckless. Brother, I don't know that the water in this human race is so deep. Now, brother, if you don't get rid of the karma on your body, your cultivation will not recover for a day, but what should I do?" concern.

"Brother, you can help me to ask Hongyun sage, he should have a solution!" Zhunti thought of Hongyun.

"Okay, Junior Brother rests for a while, I'll go and ask you right away." Jie Yin agreed.

Lotus Palace.

"Hey, Zhunti has suffered a great loss, but he thought of me and wanted me to help him find a way." Hong Yun wanted to laugh a little. It's better to cut off Hu Kunpeng less. Wen, also did it after he joined the Yaozu.

Not long after he was escorted to the outside of Penglai Island, Hong Yun let him in.

When he came in, he wailed loudly, and wiped his tears with his sleeve robe while crying: "Woo, woo, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Granted two holy positions, but now my junior sees that the human race is weak, so I try to help, but suffers a catastrophe, what should I do?"

"It's a drama of bitterness again? Well, most of the development of the West has been made by you, and I admire you." Hong Yun cursed in her heart, but she also explained the doubts in the hearts of all the creatures in the prehistoric world.

"Every peck and drink of the human race has a fixed number, and outsiders are not allowed to interfere, otherwise, the punishment of heaven will be imposed. To mention fellow Taoists is to rob the opportunity of the human race. The cultivation of five grains should be done by the emperor of the human race, and the punishment of heaven is the same. Of course."

"So... that's the case, it's only my fault that Junior Brother Zhunti was too eager to ask the sage to tell me the solution!" Jieyin bowed.

"There must be a way. Some time ago, Fellow Daoist Tai took the red lotus of karma from fellow Daoist Minghe. The karmic fire on this red lotus of karma has the effect of eliminating karma. If you can borrow it, it will be enough in ten thousand years. Eliminate the karma of the Zhunti Daoist friend."

Hongyun didn't make things difficult for Jieyin and Zhunti, nor did he lend his karmic fire red lotus to Jieyin. These saints will be thugs and pioneers in other worlds in the future. Now give them some sweetness and favor, and ask them to do things in the future It's also easy to avoid them being unwilling, but you don't have to be too nice to them, it's not worth it.

"Thank you saint!" He thanked him and left in a hurry, it seemed that he was really in a hurry.

To be honest, in the prehistoric world, there are only three combinations with the strongest relationship, Hongyun and Zhenyuanzi, then Jieyin and Zhunti, and the last pair is Dijun and Taiyi. These three have always trusted each other. The camaraderie never changes.

As for Sanqing, they are just superficial brothers, from the very first close relatives to the mutual strife, and finally to the life and death enemy, in order to kill Tongtian, Yuanshi even jointly recruited the two outsiders Zhunti to deal with Tongtian , It's really a joke to say it.

Jieyin has a headache. Yehuo Honglian is at Dijun's place. If he wants to borrow it, he may have to pay a high price. But it's not so easy to talk.

Hongyun: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻I'll let you guys know if I'm good at talking later, I'll have to pay it back sooner or later!

(End of this chapter)

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