Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 6 Hongjun Lecture 2

Chapter 6
Hongjun's voice was indifferent and cold, without any emotion.

The same is true of his eyes, after sweeping all living beings, he said:
"This time, it is the second lecture of Zixiao Palace, teaching the way of quasi-sage!"

"Above the Daluo Jinxian, there are two realms, one is the Hunyuan Jinxian, and the other is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. This time, the teaching is the way of the Hunyuan Jinxian! The Hunyuan Jinxian is also called the quasi-sage! "

What Hongjun meant was obvious.

In fact, in a broad sense, whether it is a Daluo Jinxian, a quasi-sage, or even a saint, they all belong to the category of Jinxian.

The golden immortal, the golden one, is immortal, as the name suggests, is the eternal immortal.

But this time, I will only talk about the first one, quasi-sage.

"Everything has its own place, something to hide, something to hide... I am the ancestor of all things, my heart has heaven and earth, and my eyes are full of vicissitudes..."

When Hongjun started speaking, wild flowers fell from the sky, and golden lotuses sprung from the ground.

Countless people suddenly fell into an epiphany.

Some people cried bitterly, some laughed, some looked crazy, and some were as calm as water.

The quasi-sage way taught this time is obviously much more effective than the Da Luo Jinxian last time. After all, the people here are all Da Luo Jinxians.

The next level is quasi-sage.

Even Hong Yun listened with relish, and gradually entered the state.

A blink of an eye!

3000 years have passed.

Hongjun's golden mouth closed, the vision between heaven and earth disappeared, and countless Dao Dharma runes were hidden.

Everyone also woke up from that epiphany state.

"Thank you Daozu for giving me the way..."

Everyone saluted Hongjun.

Hongjun said: "Dashan, if you have doubts, you can raise them!"

So, Lao Tzu was the first to stand up, cupped his hands towards Hongjun, and said: "Teacher, what you have taught the old man is the practice method of the quasi-sage, but we still don't know how to break through the quasi-sage from the Da Luo Jinxian." , and ask the teacher to enlighten me!"


Hongjun waved his hand, asked Lao Tzu to sit down, and then said: "There are two ways to break through the quasi-sage."

"First, it is a method of natural breakthrough. If you have the luck of heaven and earth, and the power of your feet is deep, no special way is needed. As long as you practice step by step, you will be able to enter the quasi-sage realm sooner or later. Once you enter the quasi-sage, you can tear apart Heaven and earth, travel all over the prehistoric land in one day!"


Everyone understands, that is to say, if you are lucky enough, have good aptitude, and have good footwork, then you don't need to pay special attention, and you will break through naturally one day.

But what if the heel is not enough?
Therefore, those souls without self-confidence said: "Dare to ask the ancestors, what is the second method?"

Hongjun said: "Secondly, it is the method of beheading three corpses."

"For those creatures who are not strong enough to follow their feet but can reach the peak of Da Luo Jinxian, they can use the method of cutting off the three corpses. With the primordial purple energy, cut off any one of the three corpses of good, evil, and self, Then you can reach the quasi-sage realm!"

"Hongmeng Purple Qi?"

When everyone heard this, they secretly complained.

What is this thing, has it ever appeared in the prehistoric world?

"The difference between innate treasures and acquired treasures is that innate treasures have a hint of primordial purple energy."

Daozu said that only Xiantian treasures have a trace of grand purple energy, so that means only Xiantian treasures can kill the three corpses!
Daozu went on to say:
"The so-called three corpses are people's good, evil, and ego. Although they are controlled by the body, they have their own self-awareness. Therefore, they must separate out a ray of soul sustenance. The only treasure that can be entrusted by the soul in the prehistoric world is Hongmeng Zi. gas!
The higher the quality of the innate spirit treasure, the more primordial spirits that can be entrusted, the stronger the strength of the three corpses, and the stronger the strength after becoming a quasi-sage. "

Everyone was surprised, and they all thought about how to get a better Xiantian Lingbao.

Hong Yun didn't take it seriously, this primordial purple qi was also a pit, even more pit than Heavenly Dao merit.

Although it is possible to cut out the three corpses and achieve the quasi-sage realm by relying on the innate spirit treasure, it is only a one-step process. It is extremely difficult to become a saint, because according to the method of cutting the three corpses created by Hongjun, the three corpses must be combined into one to become a saint. , but if you want the three corpses to become one, the innate spirit treasures used for beheading the corpses must have the same origin!

If different roots have the same origin, then the chance of three corpses becoming one is zero.

Even if the spirit treasures have the same root and origin, the chance of the three corpses becoming one is pitifully small, not much greater than proving the way with strength, and in the end they have to rely on the help of heaven to become holy.

Sanctified with the help of Heavenly Dao, and depositing the primordial spirit in the Heavenly Dao by relying on the primordial purple energy, the saints will not die in the wilderness, and the immortals will not be destroyed in immeasurable eons. It sounds chic, but it is too pitiful.

Hong Yun, who is familiar with the development of the prehistoric world, knows that every time a calamity passes, the constraints of the heavenly law on the saint will become heavier!

After the breakthrough of the Lich, the saint must establish a dojo in the chaos, and must not appear in the prehistoric at will.

After the Lich's calamity, the saint must not act casually.

After the Conferred God Calamity, the saint was ordered not to appear in the prehistoric for several calamities.

After Journey to the West, even the quasi-sages disappeared inexplicably. There were only a few quasi-sages who flaunted in the Three Realms, and the others disappeared.

Anyone who is on the sidelines with the primordial purple energy is bound by the law of heaven.

Hong Yun was thinking about the trick of beheading the three corpses, when Hong Jun suddenly interrupted his thinking.

"Good good..."

Hongjun waved his hand: "The detailed method of beheading the three corpses will be explained in detail in the third sermon on the method of sanctification by the Pindao Society. You wait and leave, and come back in ten thousand years!"

After sending everyone out of the palace, Haotian Yaochi slowly closed the palace gate.

Outside the palace, Zhen Yuanzi carefully listened to what Hongjun said, exuding all kinds of Dao rhymes all over his body, and many of the people present present had deep heels, and their cultivation had reached the peak of Daluo Jinxian. Cut corpses and break through quasi-sages.

But everyone knows that this is not a good place to break through, so they hurried to the dojo.

"Fellow Daoist Hongyun, let's go back to Wuzhuang Temple, too. Porky Dao also feels that we will definitely break through within a thousand years." Zhen Yuanzi looked at Hongyun and said.

"it is good!"

The two sat cross-legged on the Creation Green Lotus, flew through the chaos and flew towards Wuzhuang Temple.

And Nuwa Fuxi, who was standing behind Hongyun, silently watched Hongyun leave, and was silent for a while.

"Brother, it seems that Hongyun really doesn't want the red gourd anymore, what is his purpose?" Nuwa's eyes flashed complicatedly.

Her feeling towards Hongyun is neither good nor bad, but she feels that Hongyun is stupid, she doesn't want chances or treasures, and insists on giving them to others. Sometimes she suspects Hongyun's purpose, but she can't think of Hongyun's good plan. Can you contrive something better by paying for the opportunity to listen to the Tao and the best innate spirit treasure?

The only thing better than the best Xiantian Lingbao is the Xiantian Supreme Treasure, but there is no Xiantian Supreme Treasure here in Nu Wa.

Moreover, the West is so poor that Zhunti cannot afford to repay the cause and effect of his abdication.

"I wondered what Fellow Daoist Hongyun was planning!" Fuxi stared at Nuwa with sparks of wisdom in his eyes.

"What? What does he want from me?" Nuwa asked in confusion.

"He wants you!" Fuxi smiled charmingly.

"Ah?" Nuwa's pink cheeks turned red with a brush.

"Hey! Little sister, don't be shy, I see, this Hongyun Taoist friend must be interested in you, and he is honest and honest, I am embarrassed to say it, so I will give you this precious gourd as a token of love!"

"Brother, what nonsense are you talking about!" Nu Wa became even more shy, stomped her feet, lowered her head, and almost buried her head in her chest.

"Little girl, don't be embarrassed. I think Hong Yun is a loyal person, has a wide range of friends, and has a deep source of blessings. He has great luck. If you go to Chaos and talk about Taoism once, you can get the 24th grade of the innate treasure Qinglian. You and him will become a Taoist couple." It's not bad either!" Fuxi pressed his hands on Nuwa's shoulders, softly persuading Nuwa.

(End of this chapter)

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