Chapter 64

Houtu came to the nether sea of ​​blood, looking at the bloody water below, a large number of ghosts were struggling up and down.

"What do you use to build reincarnation?" Hou Tu fell into deep meditation.

Styx is upset, can anyone stand on top of his head to shit and pee now?When he Styx does not exist?

"I swear! No one will bully me, no one will step on top of me!"

After finishing speaking, he held Yuantu Abi's double swords and prepared to rush out to have a fight with Houtu.

A wave of dao patterns radiated out around the earth as the center, forming a huge shock wave. The originally calm netherworld blood sea was agitated by the impact of this wave of dao patterns, forming waves of turbulent waves.

Styx was also blown away by this shock wave, and his body that had just emerged from the Nether Blood Sea fell into the Nether Blood Sea.

"excuse me!"

Styx gave up. This level of enlightenment was only felt when the Taoist ancestor became a saint. This is a special mission. He dare not disturb, otherwise the heaven will send down the wrath of thunder!
At this time, Hou Tu had already entered the level of enlightenment, and her aura became heavier and heavier, and the runes of the Dao of Earth, as thick as the earth, emanated from her body.

Thousands of years later.

She suddenly retracted all the Runes of the Great Way of Earth that emanated from Houtu's body.

She got it!
She is the ancestral shaman of the earth, the goddess of the earth of destiny, and the mother of the natural earth.

"Styx, I will build a dojo on top of the Nether Blood Sea, what's your opinion?" Hou Tu said to the Nether Blood Sea.

Styx: "..."

Dare I have an opinion?Is my opinion helpful?Do I dare to violate the will of heaven?Build it, anyway, I was born to be bullied.

"Don't dare, as long as your old man is happy!" Ming He obediently offered his lair.

"The establishment of the six realms of reincarnation is only good for you, and you will not suffer!" Houtu heard strong resentment from Styx's voice.

"This is your chance, Styx!" A voice suddenly appeared.

It was Hongyun who came.

"Meet the saint!" Seeing Hongyun approaching, Minghe hurried up to meet Hongyun.

When Houtu saw him, he also bowed to Hongyun.

"Hey, girl Houtu, why are you so polite when you see me? Didn't you kill me before?" Hong Yun teased.

"Before, my witch clan didn't know the number of days, so I ask the saint to forgive me!" Houtu was not angry, but apologized.

Hong Yun felt like he was a small belly instead.

"Why did the saint come here?" Houtu asked again.

"I'm here to pick peaches! After the establishment of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, I want a position as Emperor Fengdu!" Hong Yun said bluntly.

Houtu "..."

Styx "..."

It's too straightforward, telling the truth without shame.

The person involved is still here, so you want to snatch the fruits of victory openly?

Houtu laughed bitterly and said: "The sage should discuss it with the Dao of Heaven. Houtu is about to use his body to reincarnate in the six realms. It is useless to tell me when the body dies and the Dao disappears."

"Sister Houtu, don't you really think you're going to die?" Hong Yun looked at Houtu in surprise.

"My primordial spirit is polluted by filth and incomplete. After leaving the body, it will dissipate in the wilderness."

"The way of heaven is fair. You are a person with a great mission. The way of heaven will not let you die. One peck and one drink will be determined by God. Just watch! Well, if you don't die, I will take the position of Emperor Fengdu." !"

After hearing the words, Houtu nodded suspiciously.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, dark clouds filled the sky, and the sea of ​​blood and heaven in the netherworld was chaotic. Even Sanqing and other saints couldn't figure out what happened here, only knowing that something crucial to the prehistoric world was about to be born here.

Houtu knew that the mission had come.

Her whole body gradually became ethereal.

"The way of heaven is above, I am a descendant, thinking that the souls of the dead in the prehistoric world have no refuge, and today I am willing to use my body to become the six reincarnations of the prehistoric world! Let the souls of all the victims in the world have reincarnation and rebirth!

After death, all living beings can enter the six realms of reincarnation, wash away the sins of the previous life, resolve unwilling hostility, and let the prehistoric creatures reincarnate from now on, endlessly!

Reincarnation, stand! "

A huge black lightning struck Houtu on the nether sea of ​​blood.The body of the [-]-foot-tall ancestral witch was disintegrated inch by inch, the flesh and blood melted, and the entire soul was melted together. In the end, it was divided into six parts, turning into six black bottomless, and the souls of the two could be inhaled at a glance. swirl.

"Six Paths of Reincarnation..." Hong Yun sighed, this was the first time he saw the legendary land of reincarnation!
"Isn't it still dead?" Styx looked at Hongyun puzzled. Hongyun just said that Houtu would not die. The whole body and soul were melted by the power of heaven. If this is not dead, I will eat it...forget it , let's check the situation first, and don't set the flag for now.

Before the six reincarnations, there is a trace of green light cluster floating, this is the last true spirit of Houtu, if this true spirit disappears, then Houtu will really fall.

The evil spirit in the Nether Blood Sea became ready to move, as if the Six Realms of Reincarnation and the Acquired True Spirit were like delicious food, trying to devour them.

The power of heaven worked again, lightning and thunder covered the entire Nether Blood Sea, and huge black lightning strikes on the Nether Blood Sea again!
When the monstrous evil spirit in the Nether Blood Sea touched the lightning, it immediately melted like snowflakes touching flames.

The evil spirit that was about to move immediately calmed down.

The seemingly endless Nether Blood Sea was split open by lightning, revealing the black bottom like an abyss.

Suddenly, a faint blue light emerged from the bottom of the sea and gradually floated up, and finally floated to the side of the true spirit of Houtu, absorbing the true spirit of Houtu into it.

"The Book of Life and Death of the Ultimate Innate Spirit Treasure Book!" Hong Yun said.

"The book of life and death? The ultimate innate spiritual treasure?" Styx felt that he was about to split apart. He had been in the Nether Blood Sea for countless years, why didn't he find that there was a top-grade innate spiritual treasure under the Nether Blood Sea?

Seeing the remorse in Styx's heart, Hong Yun smiled slightly, and said: "This book of life and death is used to suppress the evil spirit of the Nether Blood Sea. If you find out and take it away, then the monstrous people who have gathered here for countless years All the evil spirits will flood into the prehistoric world, and when the time comes, the lives will be burnt, and there will be countless deaths and injuries, and then all the karma will be blessed on you, and then, hehe..."

Hearing this, Styx shuddered. It was too scary. If he really encountered the book of life and death, he might really be tempted to take it away. At that time, he would die without a burial. This level of sin , what descends will no longer be karma, but karmic fire!

Styx will definitely be burnt into nothingness by karmic fire immediately, where is there still a place to be buried?
A miracle happened, when Houtu's true spirit entered the book of life and death, a graceful figure appeared again, it was Houtu!

Tiandao rebuilt Houtu's body with the book of life and death, brought her back to life, and completely controlled the book of life and death. From now on, she will be the real master of the six reincarnations, and because the book of life and death needs to suppress the six reincarnations, Houtu has never been Unable to leave the underworld.

After the rebirth of the Houtu, a large golden cloud of merit and virtue drifted over. This piece of merit and virtue was as huge as the merit and virtue of Nuwa when she created human beings.

Ninety-five percent of the merits and virtues fell on Houtu, and Houtu's aura rapidly increased, and finally broke through to the level of a saint!
Houtu merit has been sanctified!
The other half fell on Styx, and Styx's aura also increased a lot, and finally reached the semi-holy level.

(End of this chapter)

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