Chapter 66

Di Junku sat on the Dragon Throne in the Lingxiao Palace, his eyes glazed over.

He clenched his fists tightly, his fingernails deeply embedded in his palms.



The chopping board in front of the seat was smashed into two pieces by his fist.

Taiyi's face was ashen, Fuxi frowned.

The demeanor of the three people is all because of the affairs of the underworld.

The underworld carves up official positions, but there is no such thing as the Yaozu, and the Yaozu doesn't even have the qualifications to participate.

"Continuously gaining merit in the affairs of the underworld is very important to the luck of the monster clan, but now, our monster clan doesn't even have the qualifications to participate." Di Jun said.

"This is not paying attention to my monster clan!" Tai Yi said angrily.

"I think the two saints, Hongyun and Nuwa, will help our monster race seek some benefits!" Fuxi thought that Hongyun and Nuwa would fight for it.

"I hope so. I always thought that we would not be of much help to the two saints. Instead, we have been benefiting from them. This time, the luck of the human race has increased greatly. We rely on the relationship between the two saints, and we have also received a bit of luck." Di Jun A little helpless, Hongyun has been helping them all along.

Nether Sea of ​​Blood.

"Five places of reincarnation, I will help the Yaozu get the qualifications to guard the Heaven and Earth." Hong Yun said.

"I want the qualifications of hell." Lao Tzu said.

"Then I want the qualification to be an evil ghost." Yuan Shi saw Lao Tzu speak, and then made a request.

"My Shura clan will guard the Shura Dao, my land of reincarnation," Styx said.

"If I stop teaching, I will guard the way of humanity!" Tong Tian also said.

Introduce "..."

Well, this time we in the West don't even have the qualifications to choose...

However, if he was not sanctified, he didn't even have the courage to refute. He could only blame Zhunti for being too unlucky, otherwise they would have been sanctified at this time.

Well, fortunately, I can still drink a little soup, and there are two quotas for Yanluo Fruit, which is also a psychological comfort.

After the cake was divided among a group of people, they went back to their own forces to arrange follow-up work.

Soon, Bai Ze excitedly ran into the Lingxiao Palace.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, good news, good news!" Bai Ze said excitedly.

"Bai Ze, why are you so happy? Good news? Could it be that your wife is about to give birth?" Di Jun looked at Bai Ze, wondering.

"Uh, it's not that my wife is about to give birth, it's the Red Cloud Saint who won a post of hell fruit and a post of guardian of the six realms of reincarnation for our monster race!" Bai Ze said.

"Are you serious?" Di Jun's face changed instantly, becoming amiable, kind-hearted, and changed from the expression of anger and worry just now.

"Yes, just now the boy Lingzhu of the Nuwa saint came to say that the Hongyun saint won the position of the Eastern Ghost Emperor and the guardianship of the Heavenly Human Dao for our demon clan, and asked us to send people there!" Bai Ze said in detail. explained.

"Good! Good! Good!" Di Jun said three good things in a row, and the excitement on his face could not be concealed, and continued: "From today on, all quasi-holy monster clans will remove the title of Monster Saint and change it to Yao Zun, respecting Hongyun." The saint and Nuwa saint are the demon saints of my demon clan! Enjoy [-]% of the luck of my demon clan, and from now on, there will only be two demon saints in my demon clan!"

Di Jun was a little ashamed. Speaking of which, he is also a person who wants to save face. Hongyun has always given him face. Others did not look at him after they became saints. Even their disciples were arrogant. Embarrassing, it's really rare for Hongyun to treat him like this, but he has nothing to give Hongyun, so he can only make such an expression.

Di Jun took out the Heavenly Emperor Seal, which is a special spiritual treasure, where Di Jun's authority as an emperor lies, it has the function of controlling the luck of the monster clan, and it also represents the approval of prehistoric orthodoxy and the way of heaven.

He wrote a canonization decree and sealed it with the seal of the emperor of heaven, and the monster clan was in a state of turmoil in an instant, and the luck of the monster clan was instantly blessed by three layers on Hongyun's lotus palace.

Luck is something invisible and intangible, but it is indispensable. When a race or force's luck prospers, it will become stronger and stronger. If the luck of a force dissipates, then this force will also collapse and dissipate.

Luck can be used to improve strength. With the blessing of luck, practice can strengthen the absorption of spiritual energy and comprehension of the law. With the blessing of luck to the extreme, one can achieve rapid progress in cultivation and become a saint instantly.

At this time, Fu Xi said in a timely manner: "Your Majesty, your Majesty has not yet had any heirs. There have been some small rumors in the demon tribe below that your Majesty is obsessed with the two demon queens Xi and Chang Xi, but the two demon queens are indifferent to your majesty. Within the demon tribe, please Your Majesty choose a woman with a strong foot and a beautiful appearance from among my many demon tribes to be the demon concubine and give birth to an emperor, so as to stabilize people's hearts!"

Di Jun listened and nodded his head: "This matter will be handled by fellow Taoists, and I will decide if there is a candidate!"

"it is good!"

Soon, Emperor Jun chose the princess of the peacock clan as the demon concubine, and began his hard work to give birth to a prince as soon as possible.

The hard work paid off, and after 3000 years of accepting the concubine, the peacock princess was finally pregnant.

Ten thousand years later, Princess Peacock gave birth to ten cute little golden crows.

These ten little Golden Crows seemed to be favored by heaven and earth. They were born with the strength of Taiyi Golden Immortals, and they were born to control the real fire of the sun, and their combat power was powerful.

The members of the Yaozu congratulated, wishing Dijun the joy of having a son, and congratulating Dijun for adding ten top-level combat powers. In their hearts, the tenth prince of Jinwu will definitely become a quasi-sage and great power like their father.

The birthday banquet of the ten princes.

All the immortals came to congratulate, even the saints sent their disciples to congratulate.

Hongyun also brought Nuwa to congratulate her.

Di Jun came out to meet Hong Yun and the two from a long distance away, and his old face smiled into a chrysanthemum meal, which made Hong Yun and the two feel a little awkward, but seeing Di Jun's enthusiasm, Hong Yun could only accept it.

When I came to Lingxiao Palace, I saw ten groups of flames playing in the hall.

"These ten cute little golden crows, haven't they managed to control their own sun fire yet?" Nuwa's eyes were flooded with the brilliance of motherhood.

"I'm ashamed to say that these ten children of mine are quite stubborn and unwilling to learn. Up to now, we haven't controlled the real fire of the sun, and we can't even retract it freely." Di Jun said with a sigh.

"Your ten sons are indeed very naughty, you have to discipline them well, otherwise they will be plotted against in the future and they will surely kill you!" Hong Yun kindly reminded.

"What does the saint say?" Di Jun heard Hong Yun's words, and knew that he never talked nonsense, and there must be cause and effect in what he said.

"You ten children, if you make mistakes in the future, you must be punished properly. You can't do things hastily, and you can't put them on the sun star." It's up to Dijun whether he listens or not.

"I'll pay attention, you two take your seats first, and I'll receive other fellow Taoists!" Di Jun arranged for Hongyun and Nuwa, and then went on to receive other people.

"Husband, is what you said true? Did Dijun listen to what you said just now?" Nuwa asked.

"The prehistoric world is so big. If the two clans of the Lich and the Witch don't withdraw, other forces will never rise. If the two Clans of the Lich are always at peace, do you think other people won't be in a hurry? If they are in a hurry, they will attack. And these ten childlike Golden Crows are the gap in their calculations!"

Hong Yun knew the outcome of the ten Golden Crows, and he didn't know if his prompting could change their outcome.

(End of this chapter)

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