Why should I give way to the red cloud?

Chapter 88 Self-destruct magic weapon, the end of the beast king

Chapter 88 Self-destruct magic weapon, the end of the beast king

Hongjun was very embarrassed, and his previous image of immortality was completely destroyed.

"This chaotic beast is really extraordinary!" Daozu changed his whole body again, returning to his original appearance.

Hong Yun secretly laughed in his heart, but he didn't dare to neglect, this beast king is not easy to mess with.

The beast king had to open his mouth. Suddenly, he thought of the usual methods used by the second African brother on earth!
"Try it and see if it works, I hope you're not an iron man!" Hong Yun said to himself.

Although Hong Yun couldn't figure out why the chaotic beast had organs like chrysanthemums, it didn't affect his thinking of a solution.

What Hong Yun thought of was exactly the method used by the second brother in Africa.

"Teacher, I'll find a way to make this beast open its mouth. You wait for it to open its mouth and give it a hard time!" Hong Yun said via voice transmission.

"Good!" Patriarch Hongjun nodded, observing what method Hongyun used to make the beast open its mouth.

Hongyun came behind the fierce beast, and the beast king noticed Hongyun's movement. With a huge tiger-like tail, he cut it at Hongyun. It has always been his favorite, a treasure of defense, exclusive to life-saving, but this time I am afraid it will be scrapped.

That's right, Hong Yun wanted to make a gorgeous fireworks display at the back door of the Beastmaster.

Caressing the good luck green lotus, because of the system, he has a deep relationship with the lotus magic weapon, if there is no other way, he would still be reluctant to part with this magic weapon.

The fierce beast's tiger tail attacked Hong Yun continuously, but he dodged them one by one. His understanding of the law of space was not inferior to that of the beast king, and the attack of the beast king's tail could not reach him.

While dodging, Hong Yun moved the restraint in the magic weapon, destroying the restraint, and penetrated part of the source of heaven, making the explosion more powerful by a few percent.

Soon, Good Fortune Qinglian became unstable, began to vibrate slightly, and a violent breath emanated.

The tiger's tail struck again, the red cloud ducked down, and the green lotus in his hand flew out, heading straight for the back door of the Beast King!

The Beastmaster's chrysanthemum suddenly turned cold, and he felt a destructive aura from his tail.

It wants to retract its tail to protect the back door.

How could Hongyun do what he wanted?I saw Hong Yun suddenly rushed forward, transformed into a figure, enlarged his body, and hugged the Beastmaster's tail.

Beastmaster "!!!"

Creation Qinglian and the Beastmaster had a close encounter through the back door!
The shocking explosion, the explosion of the congenital treasure is not a trivial matter. The congenital treasure is the most suitable magic weapon for the saint realm. The saint realm can exert the strongest power of the congenital treasure. Below the saint, the quasi-sage can only refine 48 of the innate treasures at most. Forbidden, can not play the full power of innate treasure.

Today, the self-destruction of Good Fortune Qinglian is equivalent to the self-destruction of a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian fifth level.

"Aw!" The Chaos Beast King let out a shrill scream, and the violent explosion blew out a hole with a diameter of [-] feet in its back door. Black blood gushed out wildly, and a section of its tail was blown off. The feet were also bloody and bloody, looking extremely miserable.

Hong Yun himself was also blown away, and he didn't know how far he flew. Even if he used the law of the avenue of space to transform into countless space barriers to offset most of the explosion power, he spit out several mouthfuls of blood and was seriously injured.

Ancestor Hongjun looked at what happened in front of him, and suddenly felt that the chrysanthemum tightened, it was too cruel!He can't do this kind of dirty trick.

Hongjun seized the opportunity of the beast king to open his mouth to howl miserably, and Zhu Tianqingyun flew into the mouth of the beast king.

Zhutian Qingyun was transformed by the awe-inspiring righteousness in Pangu's chest, carrying a trace of the will of the great god Pangu, and it became its instinct to purify all filth.

The chrysanthemum of the beast of chaos was exploded, excruciating pain, and seeing something flying into its mouth, it became fierce, closed its mouth, and bit its teeth fiercely at Zhutian Qingyun.

However, Zhutian Qingyun is a mass of qi, which can be both virtual and real. When the beast king closed his mouth, Zhutian Qingyun dissipated and merged into the flesh and blood of the beast king.

The beast king's body trembling slightly because of the severe pain of the chrysanthemum suddenly paused, his eyes suddenly widened and almost popped out, his whole body fell to the ground with a bang, began to roll, and let out a tragic howl.

But Zhu Tianqingyun merged into the flesh and blood of the fierce beast king, and the flesh and blood of the fierce beast king was full of violence and bloodlust. The two were incompatible and began to devour and melt each other.

Hong Yun came back from a distance, saw the state of the beast, and knew that it was not long to die.

On the other side, Zhen Yuanzi sacrificed the book from the earth, and the laws of the earth rushed out, intertwined into a thick net of laws, trapping all the beasts in the Hunyuan Jinxian realm, unable to escape in a short time.

Lao Tzu sacrificed the Tai Chi Diagram, and fought with a beast of the second level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, neither side could do anything to the other.

Yuanshi used the Pangu banner to blast a fierce beast back again and again, occupying a clear advantage.

Tong Tian held the image of Zhu Xian's formation, and the four swords of Zhu Xian transformed into a sky filled with sword light. The four swords of Zhu Xian carried the law of killing, and slashed at the beasts repeatedly.

The Four Swords of Jade Immortals is worthy of being a treasure for killing. This fierce beast has wounds that are tens of thousands of feet long all over its body, dripping with blood. , split the scalp and skull of the beast, revealing the purple brain.

It only takes a while longer for Tongtian to grind this beast to death.

Jieyin and Zhunti had a different situation here. I saw the two of them, stepping on the golden lotus of merit, holding a blessing pestle in their hands, and attacking fierce beasts again and again. Even with the blessing of the original power of the Dao of Heaven, he couldn't do anything to the beast, but Yingying was thrown into a panic by the attack of the beast.

Zhunti stepped on the karmic fire red lotus, and directly cast his six-foot-long golden body, raising his physical strength to the level of a saint. Holding the wonderful tree of seven treasures, he swiped at the fierce beast.

The Seven Treasures Divine Light, which claims to brush everything without brushing, brushed on the beast, but was easily blocked by the beast's body.

In the final analysis, the Qibao Miaoshu is only a top-grade innate spirit treasure after all, and the damage it can cause to the saint is really limited.

Zhunti froze for a moment, he didn't expect that the wonderful tree of seven treasures, which was invincible in the past, didn't work anymore.

The ferocious beast turned around, swept its tail at Zhunti, and swept the slightly dazed Zhunti away. It rolled over and over in the chaos, and finally lay on the ground like a dead dog, seriously injured.

"You bastard, Pindao wants to save you!" Zhunti said through gritted teeth.

Suddenly Hongyun's voice came over: "Attention fellow Taoists, the weak point of these beasts is in their mouths, and the inside of their mouths is their softest place!"

Hong Yun told the other people about the weakness of the beast, but he didn't mention another weakness of the beast, because it would make others feel ashamed. Except for the introduction, it is estimated that no one can do the thing of sneak attacking the back door .

Zhunti heard Hongyun's voice, looked towards Hongyun and the two, and found that the beast king was lying on the ground and howling like a dog that had been beaten mad by meat buns.

Zhunti was secretly surprised that Hongyun and Daozu were really strong, and a chaotic beast in the eighth level of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian lay down so quickly!
Little did he know that this was exchanged by Hong Yun and his wife for two innate treasures. Fortune Qinglian blew up and was completely destroyed. Zhutian Qingyun merged into the flesh and blood of the beast king, and the negative aura in the beast king penetrated each other, completely destroying it as well. .

 One more chapter today, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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