Chapter 92

After so many years of development, the human race finally traveled all over the prehistoric and began to settle down in every corner of the prehistoric.

With the Golden Core Dao handed down by Lao Tzu, coupled with the Eighty-Nine Yuan Gong handed down by Hong Yun, the inheritance of the family's skills can be continued, and the original situation of lack of successors has basically disappeared.

However, the human race is really capable of reproduction. The number of human races today exceeds trillions. Excluding the descendants of the [-] innate human races at the beginning, most of these trillions of people are acquired human races, who can embark on the journey of cultivating and becoming immortals. There are only hundreds of millions of people, and most of them are stagnant in the realm of foundation establishment and alchemy.

It is too difficult for a mortal body to step into the path of cultivation, but it is even more difficult for people with the aptitude to become immortals. Basically, only a few clansmen with the aptitude to become immortals will appear among the [-] million human races.

This has also led to the fact that the entire human race is still dominated by mortals, and it is extremely difficult for mortals to survive in the dangerous flood.

In the prehistoric world, ferocious beasts generally have the realm of earth immortals or above. Human beings live on the ground and are often attacked by ferocious beasts, and there is a danger of casualties at all times.Forced by the harsh environment, human beings live without a fixed place and suffer from fierce beasts, snakes and ants.

Later, the patriarch of the central tribe, You Chaoshi, organized the clansmen to build houses on top of big trees, learned several defensive formations, and passed down the formations.

People were overjoyed and followed suit one after another. Practitioners from various tribes set up formations, which effectively prevented the beasts in the fairyland from harming mortals.

Suirenshi was the leader of the Eastern tribe. He discovered that many mortals ate raw flesh and blood. Eating raw meat could easily lead to diseases and was not easy to digest.

The Suiren family is a strong man at the peak of Daluo Jinxian, who can control the congenital divine fire. At this time, there was no mortal fire in the prehistoric world. In today's prehistoric prehistoric world, the innate aura is very strong, so everything in the prehistoric prehistoric world is dominated by congenital spirit. They are also innate flames, common fires, which belong to the lowest level of acquired flames.

When the number of human races was small, the strong people in the human race could roast the food with divine fire and distribute it to the tribesmen. But now the human races are spread all over the prehistoric world, and there are not enough strong people above the fairyland. The monks below the immortal are in charge, and if they are not immortal, they cannot control the innate flame.

So Suirenshi thought, is there a kind of flame that can be controlled by mortals, can be lit when it wants to be born, and can be extinguished when it wants to be extinguished?

He saw that when it rained, thunder fell on the forest, causing a big fire, so he taught the human race, when the forest caught fire, use wood to start the fire, and then keep the fire until the flame does not go out.

However, the probability of a mountain fire caused by thunder is very small after all. Some tribesmen will never encounter it once in their lifetime.

So Suirenshi thought and experimented all day long, and finally discovered the way of making fire by drilling wood, and passed it down to the whole human race, so that people no longer eat raw meat.

Ziyishi is the leader of the northern tribe and the only female leader among the five major tribes.

The northern tribe has now grown countless times, and a large number of tribesmen have migrated northward, gradually approaching the sea of ​​darkness.In the northern part of the prehistoric wilderness, the weather is extremely cold. People only use animal skins and straw to surround their bodies to keep warm. Some people often freeze to death.

So Ziyi taught people to sew animal skins and make clothes to protect people from the cold.

There are Chao clan, Suiren clan, and Ziyi clan. Because they have made great contributions to the human race, and the heavens have made merits, the three directly broke through to the late quasi-sage.

And because of their great merit to the human race, the three were worshiped and admired by people, and they were honored as the three ancestors of the human race.

Today's relationship between the human race and the monster race is not good. In the past, there were powerful monster races such as Emperor Jun Taiyi, and the monster tribes below Honghuang were very responsible. The melons and fruits grown in it can meet the daily food requirements of the human race.

But after all the strong monsters disappeared, there was a gap in the inheritance of the monsters, and the new generation of monsters began to let themselves go. They didn't know that the human race had saints backing them. Saints were too far away for them. Many new generation monsters don't know what a saint is.

As the number of human races increased and spread throughout the prehistoric world, the monster races began to be unacceptable and began to compete with the human races for territory.

Ordinary mortals are like desserts after a meal in front of the beasts above the fairyland, and the beasts and monsters behind them discovered that the flesh and blood of the human race contained a trace of innate energy, and eating it could speed up their cultivation.

This discovery quickly spread throughout the Yaozu.

The prehistoric monster clan, after the last Lich War, only a few trash fish remained.

The Taiyi Jinxian demon clan dares to be the king, and the Daluo Jinxian Jinxian demon clan dares to call the demon saint!These monster clan powerhouses are all successful creatures after the Lich War, and they have never seen the grand occasion of the monster clan back then.

Obviously, there are no tigers in the mountains, and the rabbit is the king!

The various tribes of the demon clan were torn apart and divided into countless demon kings and saints.

The human race is distributed throughout the prehistoric region, often fighting with the monster race. The two sides compete for territory and fight each other for survival, just like the two clans of liches and monsters back then.

Later, the cultivators of the human race discovered that eating the flesh and blood of monsters could enhance their physical strength, and the aura contained in it could speed up their cultivation, and the demon race also discovered that eating the flesh and blood of humans could speed up their cultivation, so the conflict between the two races intensified.

This also directly led to a complete break between the human religion and the cut religion, and Lao Tzu fell directly to Yuanshi Tianzun.

The battle of conferring gods is not only a struggle between cutting off teachings and explaining teachings, but also a struggle between human races and monster races. After conferring gods, monster races completely withdrew from the prehistoric stage. , are all related households backed by Taoism and Buddhism.

Lao Tzu's sanctification is rooted in the human race, with the blessing of human luck, if the human race is damaged, his strength will also decline.

As for Jiejiao, almost all of Jiejiao's disciples are monster clans, and they will naturally support the monster clans in the wild.

In today's Yaozu, the top elites gather in Jiejiao, backed by saints, with their own arrogance in their hearts, and disdain for weak races like the human race.

The demon clan below have short-sightedness, lack of reverence for saints, and often make troubles, and when they suffer a loss, they go to the Interceptor to complain and ask the Interceptor to vent their anger.

Tongtian doesn't value follower, and advocates that there is no discrimination in education. Although the Jiejiao recruited the elites of the prehistoric era and made the Jiejiao the number one teaching in the prehistoric period, it also caused a mixed situation of the Jiejiao, good and bad, and Yuanshi's words were not unreasonable , Tongtian recruited some troublesome and dubious monster clans, which will bring him trouble sooner or later.

Hong Yun returned to the Lotus Palace. After the troubles in the chaos were resolved, he just watched the development of the human race. After the third ancestor of the human race, it was the great era of the human race. The emperor Fuxi of the human race would soon be born.

 Chaos spirit beast eggs will hatch in the next chapter. Guess what will hatch from the eggs?
(End of this chapter)

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