Chapter 210

I saw the five spirit gourds flashing out in front of him, and the five elements and five powers burst out suddenly and reversed, containing the aura of good fortune, but what came out was the destruction of heaven and earth!

Its destructive power is already terrifying, destroying the void!
And at this moment, the five-spirit gourd has truly released its power as a top-grade innate spirit treasure that is extremely rare in the world!
The Five Elements Dao is the ultimate principle, the power of heaven and earth, all follow its will, destroy the silence, nothing can hinder it!
Infinite power once again rippling between heaven and earth!

Shake thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, thousands of rivers!
Afterwards, the shocking sound subsided and the vibration ceased, only Qing Luo stood in the air with a pale face holding the Five Spirit Gourd.

Just when everyone was shocked by Qing Luo, there was another attack in the vast ocean!

I saw that a huge force rolled up the boundless water, forming a phantom blue mountain in the air, which contained powerful mountain and sea power!
The power is much stronger than the upper palm!

Just when Qing Luo was so startled that everyone ran away, he suddenly heard a voice from the north: "Fellow Daoist, don't be afraid, I'll come to help you!"

Everyone hurriedly turned their heads to look, but it was the Suiren clan and the Youchao clan who came together!
Qing Luo was naturally overjoyed, she didn't expect the human reinforcements to come so fast!

Suirenshi directly released ten thousand fire crows, each of which was burning with astonishing flames!
After more than ten thousand fire crows croaked twice, they all flew towards the giant blue sea mountain that was descending in the sky!
With a wave of Youchao's hand, nine ten-thousand-foot stone pillars suddenly emerged from the ground, supporting them under the giant mountain in the blue sea.

And Qingluo also released the Nine Profound Map, which turned into a thousand feet, trying to hold up this mountain!

However, something happened that made everyone's hearts sink!
I saw that no matter it is the Nine Profound Maps, the Ten Thousand Fire Spirit Crows, or the Nine Great Stone Pillars, it is difficult to resist the falling momentum of the giant blue sea mountain!And this mountain happened to surround the people of the human race!
Even if everyone wanted to escape, the oppressive force of the suffocating space made it difficult for them to escape for a while!
But at this time, a voice suddenly came from the east: "Everyone, don't be afraid, my Dragon Clan is here!"

It was Ying Long's figure!
However, there are three strong Jinxians standing behind him, they are actually the three dragon sons Bi An, Ba Xia and Pu Lao among the nine sons of the dragon!
As soon as the four of them showed up, they immediately appeared in their original bodies!The four beasts lifted up the mountain vigorously one after another.

With the strong help of the four Da Luo Jinxians again, this huge mountain in the blue sea could hardly resist the power of the seven Da Luo Jinxians, and was slowly lifted up.

However, at this moment, two huge black palms suddenly fell from the sky and slapped on the mountain. Immediately, everyone felt a powerful force descending from the sky!

There was a loud bang of "Boom~", everyone in the field was taken aback.

I saw that even the seven Da Luo Jinxians could not withstand this blow!
And Da Luo Jinxian was also thrown upside down by the shock.

At this time, at the bottom of the lake like a vast ocean, an ancient ape with blue hair is sitting in the eyes of the water here!

The breath on his body is extremely strange, half of it is immortal, and the other is generally the violent meaning of the witch clan!

But relying on the extremely abundant water spiritual power in the eyes of the sea water, he used a method comparable to that of a quasi-sage, and directly suppressed the seven Daluo Jinxians!
However, the already unstable power in his body has been slackened at this time!

Therefore, after knocking down the seven big Luos with this blow, there is no second attack!

Seeing this, many monsters also left the battlefield under the leadership of the three big Luos of different races!
The seven big Luos didn't chase after them, but just quietly looked at the monsters who were eager to leave below.

Qing Luo waved away the tree soldiers!And looking at it with some pain, the seeds of these spirit trees are at a loss!
As an existence that can be transformed into tree soldiers, every seed is extremely rare!Not only tens of thousands of trees are old!But also through his mana blessing, when using it, he can directly transform into a famous tree soldier with the aura of heaven and earth!

This time, tens of thousands of Spirit Seeds were used all at once, how could he not make him feel sad!After all, spirit seeds can be extremely useful in many places!

After all the evil spirits retreated, several Da Luo Jinxians began to talk politely!
And Dayu looked gratefully at the Daluo Jinxians, especially Qingluo among them!

Just now, if it wasn't for Qing Luo's sudden arrival, trying to turn back the tide, fighting against a hundred thousand evil spirits alone, and delaying everyone's time, everyone would be dead by now!

After a few polite greetings from everyone, he took many monks to a distant place and settled down temporarily!

At this time, Dayu was standing on the high platform of the temporary hall to make plans!

After all, Wuzhiqi's quasi-sage cultivation base is not something to just talk about casually!When this matter was mentioned, everyone sighed more or less!

Because just now, Wuzhiqi was so terrifying that everyone was terrified!

Seeing this, Qing Luo opened his mouth and said: "Did you guys realize the quasi-sage realm of Wu Zhiqi, is it a bit unreasonable?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of several people were a little different!

Naturally, they sensed the powerful aura with the blood of the Wu clan just now, and they couldn't help but hesitate!

This monster ape is hiding in the water mansion, and he is very good at escaping water, and his fighting power in the water will be even more rampant!

Suirenshi sat on a high position and said: "We and the others know nothing about this bureaucrat, why don't we investigate and have a plan?"

Ying Long said at this time: "I'm afraid this is extremely difficult! There is a supernatural power set by Wu Zhiqi in this lake, even if we are the sea people, once we enter the water, we may all be aware of it..."

Hearing this, everyone was silent for a moment, and He Bo suddenly stood up and said: "Since you are not willing, then the poor will take over the matter."
After all, I have practiced in the water all year round, so I know a lot about the aquarium! !Come to think of it, I might be of some use! "

The rest of the people were silent when they heard the words.

After a while, everyone reacted, and their eyes sank slightly.

Ying Long said: "So many friends are so kind!!"

When Qingluo saw He Bo, she couldn't help sighing that Luoshen was infatuated. This He Bo was extremely handsome and extraordinary, even if he was not much worse than himself!
He pondered for a while and said: "Poverty Dao has a technique of invisibility, which can avoid most detections in the quasi-sage realm!"

He Bo still had a happy face and said: "Then thank you fellow daoist for spending mana on my behalf!"

Qing Luo couldn't help asking: "It's okay, is it possible that fellow Taoists are going to investigate today? You know, now that we have so many people here, the Wuzhi Qi family will definitely not feel at ease! And at this time, you Is it wrong to get up immediately?"

He Bo smiled sassyly, and said with a sudden grace: "As the saying goes, speed is the most important thing in soldiers! The poor Taoist is going to investigate these monsters today, so he must be fully prepared!"

 This is the last chapter, I don't know how many times I tilted my head, how many times I typed wrongly, how many times I wrote wrongly in the plot, please forgive me for any inappropriateness, and you can remind me of any mistakes , I will correct it tomorrow, I really can’t read the second time to correct the typo today!
(End of this chapter)

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