The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 212 The Secret of Dinghai Shenzhen

Chapter 212 The Secret of Dinghai Shenzhen (Subscription)
Qing Luo didn't turn the corner, and said directly: "If you want to hold the water eyes of such a huge water vein, you must have a huge restraint power of the five elements, and Zhenyuanzi's Great Immortal Palm has such treasures as the book of the earth, so naturally there is an extremely powerful soil force. Xingkun Wu essence source.

But the Empress Nuwa, the sage, has the map of the mountains and rivers in her hands, and she can seek to use the power of the mountains and rivers bestowed by the Empress Nuwa to dissolve in this treasure.

In this way, the mountains and rivers are connected, and the treasures refined by mountains and rivers can mobilize the world's mountains and suppress the Huai River in the water! "

Everyone fell silent after hearing this!How do these two big men seek?

Suirenshi said: "The Great Immortal Zhenyuan has a pure and kind heart, and I think we can still exchange with him.

But Empress Nuwa is far away from the chaos, even if she finds it, Empress Nuwa may not give us the spiritual things! "

Qing Luo said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist, what you said is wrong!

The human race was ultimately created by Empress Nuwa, so as long as the human race treats Empress Nuwa sincerely and puts aside their distractions, they will surely win Empress' mercy! "

What Suirenshi said was because, before the Lich War in ancient times, Empress Nuwa didn't care about the killing of two Lich clans.

Therefore, it is the leader of the human religion that the human race worships most.

And because there are human races in the two teachings of Interpretation and Interpretation, and they have laid down the orthodoxy in the human race domain, inheriting the immortal methods of Yuqing and Shangqing.

So even the number of temples of these two saints far exceeds that of Nuwa Empress!
Of course, the human race in the southern part of the wild is another story!
Seeing that both Suiren and Youchao were still in deep thought, Qing Luo said: "If you two are still unsure, Empress Nuwa has a saint in the prehistoric age to act on her behalf, why don't you both go to pay a visit to the saint?" Auntie, how about exploring the wind first?"

As soon as the two heard this, their eyes lit up, and they said happily: "More advice from fellow Taoists!"

The son of Zulong, Pu Lao took a look at Qing Luo at this time, and a thoughtful light flashed in his eyes.

But Ying Long watched this scene blankly, as if he had nothing to do with him.

Therefore, Suiren and Youchao went to Shenggu Temple to seek an audience, and asked Dayu to take over Cangjie's task of curing poison, and Cangjie went to visit Zhenyuan Daxian to ask for it.

Moreover, Qing Luo handed over the twelve sea-fixing beads sent by Teng Liu directly to Dayu, allowing him to comprehend the magic of suppressing water in them!
Of course, this treasure is extremely important to Qinglan, so Qingluo naturally set up a forbidden law.

He and Da Luo of the Dragon Clan stood firm here, laying down formations, waiting for the follow-up human army and Dragon Clan navy to come.

Qing Luo took a break and began to think about her gains and losses.

The reason why he persuaded the Suiren clan and Youchao clan to see Empress Nuwa was not only to help the human race control the water, but also to reconnect the relationship between the human race and Empress Nuwa!

The two Suiren clans are the two great sages of the human race who are earlier than the Three Emperors. They have the power of the two of them, and the human race respects Empress Nuwa. If Empress Nuwa is willing, they can take the opportunity to plan.

If you don't want to, that's fine!
But if Empress Nuwa had a plan for this, then my "flattery" would be considered a success!

Ever since Qing Luo came out of Linghu Lake, she has been thinking about the future God Conferred Tribulation and her future direction!
He thought about many aspects, and combined with the events he knew in his previous life, he had a huge idea in his heart!

The key to this idea is whether Empress Nuwa values ​​supporting herself!
This is the first step.

The second step is to silently accumulate strength and influence, and keep a low profile!
As for what is too far behind, I'm afraid it will have to wait until after the Conferred God.

And if this matter is accomplished, then I will no longer worry about my own safety, and will gather luck from all directions, gather together and cultivate myself, with the blessing of luck, the road will be smoother!


On the banks of the Huai River, ten years later.

At this time, the entire waterway of the Yellow River has been unblocked, and there is only this last Huai River left!

Qingluo and all the big Luos looked at Dayu, Suirenshi, and Youchao clan who were making treasures in the quiet room in front of them!

This Dinghaishenzhen needle is the supreme treasure of the human race, so Qingluo and the others will naturally not intervene at will.When he borrowed the Sea God Orb, it was to avoid this point!
Suirenshi and Youchaoshi actually got the treasure of Empress Nuwa, and Immortal Zhenyuan also gave it to Cangjie Lingbao.This treasure has finally collected enough spiritual materials, and can start refining.

But at the time of refining and cultivating this precious spiritual material, it was necessary for several big Luos to take action, and Qing Luo naturally took the initiative to do so!What everyone didn't notice was that when Qing Luo shot, the Luo Ling pattern on his forehead flickered faintly, and it merged into something that no one knew about!

Qing Luo knew that this treasure would be Monkey King's Ruyi Golden Cudgel in the future, so he naturally had to take some precautions.

Although I no longer need to be afraid of Monkey King, my disciples need to be more careful!
Let's say at this time, it's the last moment of refining!
I saw that a strong pressure had been generated between the heaven and the earth, and the phantoms of mountains and rivers gradually emerged.

After more than ten breaths, suddenly a beam of light pierced the sky, pierced the sky, passed through the ninth heaven, and hit outside the Lingxiao Palace. Haotian was shocked, and his ten thousand years of hard work almost came to naught!
At this time, Haotian is sending nine clones to fall into each small world, experience the mortal world, go through countless disasters, and increase his mana!

And every catastrophe he has in the small world needs to go through 12 years. Even if the time gap in the small world is far greater than the time gap in the prehistoric world, he has only experienced more than a hundred times of reincarnation catastrophes at this time .

He really is a person with great perseverance, and he deserves to be the Lord of the Three Realms!

And as soon as that beam of light soaring to the sky was born, it stirred up the wind, cloud and sky, and disturbed most of the prehistoric world.

When the brilliance dissipated, there was an extremely thick column standing in the sky!
The aura exuding from his body is the power of the acquired treasure, and beside this pillar, there are twelve Dinghaishen beads slowly rotating around, dyed with a trace of aura!
Qing Luo's eyes lit up, and he quickly stretched out his hand to move, and the twelve Dinghai God beads were taken back.

Seeing how powerful this pillar is, everyone couldn't help but feel happy!

However, as soon as this pillar was born, suddenly a huge wave rolled up in the vast ocean, and the boundless flood poured down one after another!

Among them, there are countless demons and black clouds, tumbling in it!
But Wuzhi Qi knew that this pillar was not bad, so he took advantage of this opportunity to launch a decisive battle early to avoid being passively attacked by the enemy!Seeing this, Ying Long roared: "The army of the Shui Clan, meet the enemy immediately!"

Many aquarium armies that had already gathered rolled up waves of water to fight those demons in the same way!
Cangjie, who had completed the construction of the Five Emperors Terrace and suppressed Xiangliu's poisonous swamp gas, also came here to fight against the enemy!

At this time, he also ordered the human army to charge up and fight against the [-] demon soldiers without Zhiqi!

On the other hand, Dayu took the opportunity to rush towards the Poseidon needle, and the pillar instantly turned into a thin needle less than an inch and held it in his hand!
Suirenshi and his eyes met each other, and then they flew away.

But at this time, in front of Wuzhi Qi's army, six figures appeared, and they were the same Da Luo from back then!

Immediately after, a gigantic and stalwart figure suddenly stood up in the water. Upon closer inspection, it looked like an ape, with a flat nose, protruding forehead, white head and blue body, and golden eyes!

Its huge figure of nearly 90 feet is extremely huge in front of everything. Even the vast ocean is just shallow water that has just buried its ankles compared to it!
It was Wuzhiqi who had the head of one hundred thousand demons!

As soon as it appeared, thunder and light flashed between the sky and the earth, and the storm was pouring down, looking like the end of the world!
(End of this chapter)

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