Chapter 215
Wan Shui is ruthless, but he has love!
His kindness is not due to differences in races, but he only insists on keeping his Taoist heart clean, and there will be a strand of goodness to the end!
This point will never change in Honghuang, and Qingluo is still a little different!

His shocking momentum naturally alarmed everyone, Suiren asked in surprise: "Friend Qing, what's wrong with you?"

Qing Luo smiled speechlessly.

The smile is clean and pure, without any trace of conspiracy and calculation, gains and losses, it is so bright and warm to the world.

Qing Luo said softly: "Master, don't panic, let's look at the Dafa of the poor!"

As soon as the words fell, the towering orb of good fortune floated on top of Qingluo's head, blooming an astonishing white color, shining brightly and full of vitality!
Qing Luo's eyes were slightly closed, and his handsome appearance became even more dusty under the shining white light.

Behind him, a ray of light slowly appeared, and under the urging of the towering orb, the light swelled rapidly.

Its shape is vertical throughout, without vines or branches, and there is a group of round stamens blooming on it, with white aura flashing, the light of infinite vitality and hope!
Qing Luo calmly said, "Hundreds of millions of dandelions belong to me.

Use my thoughts to guide and call your spirit.

I am your beginning, and you are my body.

Thoughts spread to immeasurable numbers, transforming into thousands of bodies! "

His voice now has an indescribable mysterious feeling, an indescribable ethereal feeling!

The phantom of the dandelion behind Qingluo, the flowers and branches are swaying, no difference, no sound, no emotion!
This scene made everyone stunned, and they were very puzzled. Could it be that he failed to cast the spell?Or just mess around in one place to distract people?

Just when everyone was suspicious, there was a trace of shock on Youchao's face, pointing to the crystal brick in front of him, his voice was trembling with excitement or shock, and exclaimed: "Everyone, look, these are not Qingluo Daoists." friend's avatar?"

When everyone heard the words, they all turned their eyes away!

I saw countless white spots flying out of the monstrous and huge water that submerged in all directions, or on the top of the tall mountain, or in the submerged plain, or in the forest that was about to be submerged!Overwhelming, white light covered the sky and the sun, like countless white clouds covering the sky!
These white light spots are exactly the flowers of countless dandelions!

As soon as they appeared, they condensed into white arch bridges, one end connecting the struggling human race in the big water, and the other end connecting the high mountain!

One after another, the white spirit bridges were erected in the raging torrential water. Countless human races wept with joy. They climbed onto the white arched bridges, and stepped out in one step. The distance between the world and hell has never been so close. close!

Thousands of white spiritual bridges were erected on top of the flood, and countless human races walked on the arch bridges full of hope!

There are many dandelion flowers condensed in the sky, and a figure is formed in the bright white light!
He is handsome and free from vulgarity, and his beauty shows off his elegance.

It was Qing Luo's spiritual body!
Thousands of spiritual bodies gathered the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, poured into themselves, and raised their cultivation base to the realm of heavenly immortals or even mysterious immortals in a few breaths!
Of course, because of the mana of the spiritual body as the source, once the mana is exhausted, it will be scattered in the world and return to Feihua!
Each of these spiritual bodies exerted their mana to protect the tribes struggling in the flood and get rid of the flood.

Each spirit body releases layers of white masks.

Outside the mask, there is a raging flood.

Inside the mask, there are pairs of terrified but joyful human eyes.

Regardless of whether women, children, old or weak, or strong and strong adult men, they all thanked excitedly, grateful for the protection of an immortal in this innocent disaster!
Between life and death, there is great fear!
But there are also big good and big evil, big right and wrong!

The human race still understands good and evil, without the ideological induction of feudal ignorance, and without the insensitive and decadent state!
In the human race, some people yearn for life and yearn for a better life.

At this moment, Qing Luo's spiritual body is the god in the hearts of countless human races, and they believe in God!
In the land of the Huai River, Ying Long and other Dragon Clan Da Luo looked at the many "green falls" in the crystal bricks with amazement, deeply feeling the high level of human law!

The human race looked at Qing Luo gratefully. With his own efforts, he saved countless human tribes, which can be said to be a great favor to the human race!
At this time, the conflict between the human race and the demons and the demon race is not intense, and in addition to the development of the human race for more than [-] years far surpassing the decline of the ancient demon race, at most there are only some low-level demons who rely on devouring the human body to practice in the human race. chaos.

What's more, Qing Luo has always regarded himself as a casual cultivator, and does not belong to the demon clan or the demon class, and is not a demon!Where is the demon nature?The human race naturally thinks that he treats people with sincerity, which is a practice of great virtue and great kindness!

As time slowly passed, monks from all over the human race have also been dispatched from various guarding places, and monks from many small worlds have also left the battle. Big water!
And Qing Luo's spiritual body dissipated its spiritual power shortly after the arrival of these immortal monks, and passed with the wind, turning into dandelion flower seeds all over the sky, sprinkled on the world, bringing hope and new life!
Countless human races bowed and said farewell, and the Wanxian human race bowed to say goodbye.

At this time, in Shouyang Mountain and Bajing Palace, Xuandu looked at Qingluo's scattered spirit body, and couldn't help asking: "Master, is this the great inaction?"

Lao Tzu sat at the head, nodded, and shook his head again!
Xuandu was silent for a moment, he seemed to have enlightenment, he seemed to still doubt!

Lao Tzu said in a voice that seemed light and indifferent: "It is the great inaction, but it is not our inaction, but the inaction of the law of heaven. All living beings have their own use, each has its own behavior, and each has its own responsibility!
Needless to say, there is no need for fate, when the time comes, it will come out, the family relationship will follow, and the variables will remain the same! "

Xuan Du listened, nodded, and said nothing more.

But Lao Tzu said again: "Er Ding Fengshen, the time is coming!

Would you like to join? "

Xuandu bowed his head for a moment, then replied: "I have no wish, but I want to go there once!"

Lao Tzu nodded his head, he knew it in his heart, so he didn't need to talk too much!

In the land of Huai River at this time, the bloody formation finally couldn't withstand the attacks of many masters, and it shattered loudly!

After Suiren thanked Qingluo from the bottom of his heart, he hurried to deal with the flood!

And Dayu rushed to the last place where the Yellow River was blocked, Longmen Mountain with the Dinghai Shenzhen!
After several months, Longmen Mountain opened and the Yellow River flowed!
After decades of asceticism, the hard work of thousands of people, and countless painstaking efforts, the governance is finally smooth!

So far, in the territory of the human race, the water is safe and the river is flat, the mountains and rivers are quiet, the plains of thousands of miles, and the country of thousands of miles have all become fertile fields and fertile soil, and all people in the world can finally live in peace!

Moreover, because the Yellow River is smooth, the flood caused by Wuzhiqi was also diverted by the Yellow River, and it calmed down in just a few months. From then on, the human race domain will usher in a stable year!
And just when the regulation and dredging of the Yellow River waterway was about to be completed, Shun also announced to the human race that Dayu would be the leader of the next generation of human race alliance!
At the same time, when the waterway of the Yellow River was dredged, immeasurable merits and virtues were finally descended from the nine heavens!
(End of this chapter)

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