Chapter 223 Chapter 222
Qing Luofei stopped after fleeing hundreds of thousands of miles.

During this trip, he still had another idea, which was to move Zhen Yuanzi!
In the future, the prehistoric world will be broken, and the four continents will be divided.Among them, Zhen Yuanzi's reenactment of the Earth Immortal Realm played a huge role!
If he makes a move, then the lands of Luoling Mountain will naturally be able to stand safely in Nanzhan Buzhou, without worrying about being divided into Wangyang or Xihe Niuzhou!

As for how to move Zhen Yuanzi, he was somewhat sure in his heart!
Although the chance is not great, you must try it!

No matter how small the chance is, it is possible to succeed!
So, after some adjustments, he activated the large space array again, and instantly teleported to a flower field in the wild west.

In the prehistoric west, there are hundreds of miles of dandelion flower fields, and the tidbits are flying like flying snow all over the sky, and the neon clothes are circling around, and the fairy looks are extraordinary!

After the brilliance dissipated, Qing Luo stepped out!

With a sweep of his eyes, he found that there was still some distance from Longevity Hill!
Exactly what he wanted!

If it was directly teleported to Longevity Mountain, it would be too disrespectful!

After all, Zhen Yuanzi is a power of heaven and earth that has existed since ancient times, a power of the same generation as a saint!
However, just as Qing Luo was about to leave, a gentle voice suddenly came from a spiritual mountain behind him: "Senior, wait a minute!"

Hearing this, Qing Luo swept away her sense of immortality and was a little curious.

Behind him was a woman in white palace attire walking on the wind.His appearance is refined and immaculate, and his temperament is natural, giving people an extremely gentle feeling. His cultivation base has reached the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, half a step up!
When the woman came close, Yingying bowed and said: "The younger generation is a loose person in Baoshan, and I have seen the senior!"

Qingluo said noncommittally: "Poverty Taoist Luoling Mountain Qingluo Taoist, I don't know what's the matter with this little friend?"

When the woman heard this, she was surprised and said: "Does the senior recognize Senior Aunt Qinglan?"

Qing Luo couldn't help being stunned and said: "But it's like this, why? My little friend and the people in my mountain don't know each other!"

The Sanren of Baoshan said with a clever smile: "When Senior Saint Gu was still in the realm of Taiyi, he came to Wanshou Mountain to listen to Zhenyuan Daxian's sermon!
At that time, the younger generation had a few conversations with the holy lady, and they hit it off very well! "

After hearing this, Qing Luo's expression softened, and he said with a smile: "So that's the case, so I don't know what the little friend is calling the poor?"

"This..." She hesitated for a moment, and then resolutely begged: "Senior Wisdom Eyes! This junior is on the final step of breaking through to the Daluo Jinxian, but the way he cultivates is somewhat special, and he needs to accumulate a little bit of power to educate all living beings.

But the younger generation's magic power is low, not enough to have this virtue.Therefore, I found a small world, which is in a wild period, where the younger generation can walk!
But this technique of the junior requires full attention, and that small world can only accommodate distractions, so the junior prays that the senior can take care of the junior's body!
The junior is willing to give an innate spiritual treasure to the senior to repay this favor! "

Qing Luo didn't care much at first, but when he heard the power of enlightenment, he thought about it!
The way of derivation of good fortune he practiced is not just the evolution of the natural laws of living beings, but also the evolution of living things!
These things can only be comprehended by the quasi-sage, but now the way this woman cultivates is a little bit involved in this aspect, maybe it can be understood by analogy!
Qingluo was silent for a moment, looked at the nervous Baoshan, and said: "You are not very familiar with me, why do you want to ask the poor Daoist to protect the law?

Aren't you afraid that Pindao has done something bad and evil? "

After hearing this, Baoshan Sanren was overjoyed, knowing that there was something to be done, he hurriedly said: "Senior has heard about the reputation and reputation of the senior, and the junior naturally trusts the senior, so he said these things!"

"In that case, then take me there and take a look first!"

Baoshan Sanren hurriedly led Qingluo forward, and after traveling tens of thousands of miles, they came to a small stream!
This creek is about ten feet wide, with clear water and beautiful grass. There are all kinds of ordinary creatures on both sides of the stream, such as rabbits and sika deer, drinking water with their heads down!

And beside this creek, there is still a handsome boy of fourteen or fifteen years old, teasing a sika deer, touching the antlers on the deer's head.

When Baoshan Sanren saw it, he hurriedly scolded: "Huai Sang, pay attention to etiquette!"

The boy named Huaisang jumped up in shock when he heard this, and hastily saluted Baoshan Sanren!
Baoshan explained to Qingluo: "I made senior laugh, this is junior's apprentice named Huaisang!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head again, and said to Huai Sang, "Come over and pay respects to senior!"

After hearing this, Huai Sang bowed respectfully to Qing Luo again!
Qing Luo waved his hands and said with a smile: "No problem! No problem, the innocence of a young man is rare!"

Huai Sang was taken aback when he heard this, then thought for a moment, and exclaimed: "Senior, I have seen you, Senior!

Back then in front of Longevity Hill, my predecessors asked me about Wuzhuang Temple, and you were the one who answered me back then! "

As soon as this statement came out, both of them were surprised!

Qing Luo thought about it carefully, and it really happened. When he was looking for an opportunity to break through the Taiyi Realm, he did ask a little boy before he came to Wuzhuang Temple!The little boy claimed to be a disciple of Baoshan Sanren.

The Taiyi Golden Immortal, whom I still had to admire back then, now calls me a senior! ! !

Baoshan was surprised that her apprentice would know this senior!

Qing Luo said with a smile: "It's really destined! Since we meet again, I will give you a treasure!" Say it, and with a wave of your hand, a folding fan exuding the artistic conception of ink and wash landscape emerges, but it is a top-grade acquired treasure!
This precious fan was found from the relics of countless monsters in Wuzhiqi's army back then. He deliberately searched for more than [-] pieces of Houtian Lingbao of innocent quality.

Seeing this, Huai Sang was pleasantly surprised: "Thank you for the treasure, senior! Thank you for the treasure, senior!"

Qing Luo waved his hand indifferently, and said to Baoshan Sanren: "The small world you mentioned is a small space in this stream?"

"Senior's wisdom eye, but that's the case!" Baoshan Sanren hurriedly replied.

If it is a secret realm that even Da Luo Jinxian can't discover, how can she discover it?
Qing Luo said: "Since I'm here, you should talk about your plan in detail!"

The Sanren of Baoshan respectfully said yes, and then slowly said: "This small world can only carry the power of the gods. The junior needs to escape from the primordial spirit, so the body can only stay here! Moreover, the junior disciple Huaisang may The gods entered it, and took this opportunity to comprehend the art of deception, so as to break through the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Therefore, it is necessary for the seniors to take care of the physical bodies of the juniors and their disciples, in case they are taken advantage of by the evil ones! "

After all, this place is not far from the southwest of Honghuang, and it is also far away from the land of Western sects. The resources are scarce, the Taoism does not exist, and most of the monks are murderers!Have to guard against!The protective measures arranged in this female Taiyi realm may be difficult to deal with the attacks of monks of the same rank!

Qing Luo nodded slightly and said: "It's a trivial matter, of course it's nothing to worry about.

However, Pindao is curious about this small world, and also wants to enter one of them. I wonder if my little friend would like it? "

(End of this chapter)

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