Chapter 226
Qing Luo tapped her ears with both hands, and instantly felt the silence in the world!
All good and hopeful sounds will disappear, and at the same time, all noisy and evil sounds will also disappear!
It is the only sense of hearing in this world.

There was a flash of inspiration in Qing Luo's eyes, and countless characters in this world appeared before her eyes!
He sees all living beings in the world with only one pair of eyes, and realizes floating life with only one heart.

Since then, chaos has gradually emerged in this world!

Fairy fights, conspiracies and tricks, greed and lust, reveal themselves to the world!
In this world, there are master planners who want to dominate hundreds of schools,
Love couples who do not show their love in life and do not abandon them in death,
There is a kind person who takes care of his loved ones all his life and has no complaints even though he died with his own hands.
There are heroes who are jealous of evil and intolerable, and die tragically.
There is a person who started from the humble beginnings and used humble techniques to spread his fame all over the world, but finally sighed.
There are people who are cursed by the world, but still accept it with ease, and don't care much,
There are poor people who are gentle and white-clothed and poor in life, and have ghost names and evil spirits after death,

A person who has done good deeds all his life, has a compassionate heart, but has been beaten to ashes,

There is an infatuated person who has been asking for love for thirteen years and only returns for one person; there is a person who is full of vicissitudes and is still a young man after sacrifice.

. . . . . .

Countless countless stories, everyone has their own ups and downs in life.

Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, there are only four kinds of human emotions, but there are thousands of emotions.

After 81 years, the world has returned to peace.

Qing Luo also closed her spiritual eyes and regained her sense of hearing.

In just a moment, voices from heaven and earth came to my ears one after another.

Even if it is an insect chirping, a gust of wind passing by, or a drop of water falling, you can hear it.

In 81, the old monk sat down, and the sky was bright and clear.

There is a saying in the previous life: "Wine and meat pass through the intestines, but the Buddha keeps it in his heart."

At this time, Qing Luo had a deep feeling.

Seeing all kinds of love and hatred in the world, his heart seems to have seen through the essence of the world. All love, hatred and hatred are just a kind of conservation of gains and losses.

Get it, like it, like it, love it, keep it.

Lost, resentful, hated, angry, angry.

Qing Luo's heart is calm now, and the level tends to be stable.

In his previous life, he was originally an adult at heart, and various values ​​and concepts in his previous life had already been formed. Even though he had practiced Taoism for thousands of years, he still had habits.

Just like a tall building!
It is determined by the foundation!

Even if the top is extremely high, it cannot determine the foundation after all, only the foundation can determine the height of the building.

Some people say that one hundred thousand or one million years of cultivating the Dao is nothing compared to a mere ten years of memory?

The memory of these ten years is the foundation.Once a person's concept is formed, it is extremely difficult to change!
However, Qing Luo passed through the world known in her previous life, her heart entered into the world, her body was outside of the world, her thoughts were clear, her mind was not drawn, and she finally filled the foundation!
And the Sanren of Baoshan, together with their disciples, went out of this square.The name of Baoshan, although no one has passed it on, has penetrated into the hearts of the people here and will never be forgotten.

And Qing Luo also paused, and the primordial spirit flew out.

The spirit body changed back to the original willow tree.

However, this willow tree is already psychic.It shakes the branches and leaves to the fallen primordial spirit to bid farewell!

Qingluo Yuanshen flew out of this world and entered the flesh body!
The next moment, a mighty aura soared into the sky, carrying vicissitudes, gratitude, and a breath of order in the world!

Seeing this, Baoshan Sanren hurriedly saluted and said, "Congratulations, senior, for your success!"

Qing Luo also opened her eyes, but the once star-like eyes have now become impossible to see, and her calmness has reached the extreme!

He said slowly: "I still need to thank you, master and apprentice, for this trip! Fellow Daoist, there is no need to mention the innate spirit treasure.

The two of us are friends! "

What he said, not accepting Lingbao, is because of cause and effect.

They are called friends of Taoism because they are scattered people in Baoshan Mountain. After this trip, the Great Luo Realm can be expected!
After hearing this, Baoshan Sanren saw Qingluo's flat and unquestionable tone, and he didn't make any excuses, just bowed down and saluted.

Qing Luo nodded and said: "Since that's the case, let's just leave here!"

Baoshan responded naturally.

So, Qing Luo put away these methods and flew straight to Longevity Mountain.

His comprehension in the small world this time is not only the comprehension of the state of mind, but also the comprehension of the sense of order!

It's just that this trace of logic still needs to be accumulated before it can arouse the realm.

One day later, in front of Longevity Hill.

Qing Luo looked at this tall mountain range, although it was not the first time she had seen it, she still couldn't help admiring the majesty of this mountain!
He lowered the cloud head and stepped up the mountain with a respectful face!
Yes, it is a step, step by step up the mountain.

No need to fly, no supernatural powers, no spells to shrink the ground into inches, just like ordinary mortals, walking up the mountain step by step.

No one else, just to express respect for Immortal Zhenyuan!

This mountain is a million feet high, and the roads up and down the mountain are winding and winding, and so on, no less than thousands of miles of footsteps!
However, Qing Luo didn't have a trace of impatience, and walked on with both feet like an ordinary person.

He didn't directly enter the mountain through sound transmission, nor did he bow his knees and beg in front of the mountain in humility, but just walked without saying a word. Walking in this vast mountain, he would not take a second look at all kinds of spiritual materials and medicines. Even if there are strange beasts coming to stop you, you will still follow the mountain road, and will not deviate half an inch from the mountain road because of them!
One hour, two hours, four hours, the sky is already dark, the sun is setting in the west, the lunar moon rises into the sky, and its brilliance shines on the earth!
Under the moonlit night, Qing Luo was still walking on the mountain road with his shadow.

He didn't blatantly let out the aura of Daluo, nor deliberately concealed his own cultivation. With Zhen Yuanzi's supernatural power, he naturally discovered his coming long ago.

As for Zhen Yuanzi, since tens of thousands of years ago, the gate of the mountain has been closed tightly.

To this day, the mountain gate has not been reopened.

No one knows why this is, and no one dares to ask why, maybe only a few high-ranking saints know it!
As for Qing Luo, even if he guessed that it might be possible, there might be a saint involved, he must do it!
Because, the catastrophe has not yet occurred, and the saint has no reason to directly intervene.

If it comes back in the future, during the catastrophe, cause and effect will be difficult to calculate!The saint's shot is not guaranteed.

Or, lost the opportunity!

The moon is getting deeper and shallower!

The sun rises again, and the sun hides again.

Qing Luo walked all the way without stopping or lingering.

There was no trace of panic or anxiety.

After nine days and nine nights, Qing Luo raised her head and looked in front of her eyes.

Five Village Views!
Three simple Dao patterns are engraved on Guanyu, and the ancient atmosphere inadvertently exudes awe!
Immortal Mansion of Immortals, a family with the same longevity as the sky.

This seemingly free-spirited couplet is exactly the portrayal of Zhenyuan Daxian!
Even at this time, Qing Luo did not stop.

Even when you see the concept is closed, you still go forward.

A foot in front of Guanmen, Qing Luo finally stopped.

After nine days and nine nights, the pace of walking thousands of miles finally stopped!
Qing Luo said loudly: "Junior Luo Ling Shan Qing Luo, pay homage to the Great Immortal!"

After finishing speaking, he bowed down and saluted!
The door is still closed.

(End of this chapter)

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