Chapter 232

"But this person came here for the first time and wanted to establish a side of power, so he couldn't tolerate this Luoling Mountain demon cultivator, and arresting him would be even more frustrating!

This kind of ruthless heart, once this person establishes a foothold here, I am afraid that I will have a bad life as a casual cultivator! "

The three of them, the master and the apprentice, were talking through sound transmission, when they suddenly heard a exclamation from a group of casual practitioners!
I saw that in front of Dugu Sheng, a purple beam of light suddenly flew over, flying over with incomparable speed.

Taking a closer look, the purple light beam was actually formed by countless purple spirit butterflies!
As soon as the purple light beam rose and fell, it landed in front of Dugu Sheng, and transformed into a peerless woman in a purple robe!

She has a beautiful appearance, with a soft and charming temperament, but she also has such a cold and aloof demeanor, which makes it even more beautiful and touches people's hearts!
When he appeared, he had a faint smile on his face.

But the killing intent and coldness in that smile made people tremble with fear!With a wave of his slender hand, a purple-black spiritual sticker flew towards Dugu Sheng with a whistling sound!
The casual cultivators present were all surprised and even a little scared.

The fat Daotong asked in confusion: "Master, who is this beautiful fairy sister? Why did you give this person something?"

The goatee old man gave him a blank look, and said, "Stupid, this is the famous Luoling Mountain Yueji!"

"What? This is the legendary "Yueji smiles and sends stickers, Minghou rages and kills" Yueji?

I heard that although Yueji is only in the middle stage of Taiyi, but the two work together, there is almost no opponent in the Taiyi realm!The two even had the record of beheading several Taiyi evil cultivators in one fell swoop!

This Dugu Sheng has encountered a hard bone! "Shou Daotong said with a look of amazement.

But at this time, Dugu Sheng stretched out his hand to take the sticker, without even looking at the spirit pattern and the eye-catching word "kill" on it!
Just looking at Yue Ji's wonderful figure and appearance with fiery eyes, and even in front of Yue Ji, sticking out his nose, sniffing vigorously the fragrance left by Yue Ji on the spirit paste, and then his face was intoxicated He looked at Yue Ji and said: "This fairy, is it possible that you have a secret wish for me? You came here to give a gift? It's just that it's not convenient for the fairy to be in such a large audience!

Why don't the fairies come into my cave and talk about it in detail? "

Yue Ji still had a smile on her face, but she said coldly: "Your Excellency actually killed me Luoling Mountain Demon Cultivator, what is waiting for you is the reincarnation of soldiers, death and dao disappearing!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Ji moved her body like a shadow like the wind, flashed to Dugu Sheng's side in an illusory moment, and snatched the souls of the three demon cultivators back.

Then, as soon as the purple spirit butterflies dispersed, her figure disappeared!When she reappeared, she was already standing a hundred feet away!
Dugu Sheng looked at it, and said indifferently, "Such exquisite movement and illusion!"

Yue Ji saw that there was no pressure on his face, and she couldn't help wondering, could this person be the hidden Da Luo, or someone with a lot of history?How dare you provoke Luoling Mountain so blatantly?
But, even so, Luo Lingshan's reputation cannot be lost, and this person must be eliminated!
The two stood quietly like this, and the rest of the casual cultivators looked like they were watching a good show, waiting for the arrival of the moonlit night!
Half an hour later, the lunar moon has already shone high!
Yue Ji's body that had been standing for a long time suddenly moved, her jade hand pulled towards her waist, and the belt that bound her slender waist suddenly fell off, Yue Ji held it in her hand, and with a light wave, it turned into a soft sword and pointed towards the Dugu Sheng rushed forward!

Seeing this, he said frivolously: "The fairy is so anxious that she even took off her belt, so I will not be polite!"

After finishing speaking, his figure moved suddenly, disappeared in an instant, and appeared beside Yue Ji the next moment. The speed was unimaginable!
Yue Ji was also startled by this speed, she quickly turned sideways in the air, and the soft sword in her hand wrapped around his body like a spirit snake.

But Dugu Sheng didn't care, he just stretched out his hand to caress Shang Yue Ji's waist, and pulled it into his arms.

However, when he pulled, Yue Ji's figure turned into countless purple butterflies, flying away!

At the same time, with a trembling of the soft sword in his waist, it tightly bound Dugu Sheng's body.

Then suddenly a giant blade holding the sky flew down from the sky, and it slashed towards Dugu Sheng with infinite vigor and destructive aura!

As soon as the saber is released, all casual cultivators will know that this is the arrival of Minghou!Once this saber is dropped, even Taiyi and only Jinxian can hardly survive it!

However, only a trace of disdain flashed in Dugu Sheng's eyes, even if his body was restrained by a soft sword, he didn't have a trace of fear!
I saw a quaint light gate suddenly appearing in front of him, swallowing this light blade head-on!

Without waiting for him to regain his senses, Yueji suddenly appeared under the bright moon, and the moonlight poured down on her body, making her body and appearance even more beautiful!
With a pinch of Yue Ji's hand formula, countless purple spirit butterflies immediately enveloped Dugu Sheng like a tornado storm, turning into a purple storm as huge as a thousand feet long.

At the same time, Minghou swung the ancient giant blade again, and slashed straight into the storm!
There was only a loud bang in the sky and earth, and countless dust and smoke rose up!

All the casual cultivators couldn't help but sighed and thought: "Taiyi Jinxian, even if it is the peak, it will not survive this knife and this storm!"

Seeing this, Yue Ji always felt that something was wrong!Suddenly, a voice came from behind her: "Isn't the fairy thinking about it!"

Yue Ji's heart skipped a beat, and her body froze!How could this person's evasion technique be so powerful that he could even escape from the forbidden space!
Dugu Sheng hugged Yue Ji from behind, but when Yue Ji turned around, purple light flashed in her eyes!
Dugu Sheng froze in an instant, and confusion appeared in his eyes!

Seeing this, Yue Ji hurriedly took advantage of the flash of purple light, and her body disappeared. At the same time, Ming Hou swung a magnificent giant blade at Dugu Sheng again!
There was a loud noise in the air!The white air waves scattered in all directions!

Yueji's figure also appeared beside Minghou, so be on guard!

Just when everyone thought that Dugu Sheng deserved to die this time, the white air wave in the air suddenly subsided, and Dugu Sheng's figure reappeared.

At this time, with an indescribable coldness on his face, he said: "You madman has some abilities, but you should die too! Your Taoist companion, let's be my fairy's concubine! "

After hearing this, Ming Hou said angrily: "Presumptuous, the thief will die!"

After finishing speaking, Minghou rushed forward directly!

Seeing this, Dugu Sheng smiled disdainfully and said, "I am proud of my destiny, how can I be compared to you, a little reckless man?"

. . . . . .

In Luoling Mountain, Qingluo, who was practicing meditation, suddenly felt a little uneasy!
This restlessness made him a little uneasy!
From some completely unknown aspect!

But often speaking, the unknown is the scariest thing!

Qing Luo is busy with the power of luck and karma, and counts with her fingers.

Immediately a little startled!It's not good to yell secretly, Yueji and Minghou are in danger of falling!

(End of this chapter)

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