The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 260 Overwhelming 2 Immortals to Seek Spirit Treasure

Chapter 260

Daoist Taiyi immediately said angrily: "Your Excellency, this is an unreasonable word, who knows that this son is your disciple just now! Fellow Daoist, return me the treasure of Qianyuan Mountain as soon as possible, and just expose this matter! Otherwise,...

"Oh? How about otherwise?" Qing Luo suddenly interrupted Taiyi Daoist's words, and said indifferently: "Don't you still want to use the poor way to eliminate your murder?"

Qing Luo spoke with a sneer, without saving any face for Master Taiyi!
At this moment, Daoist Taiyi, and even the Daoist Lord Qingxu next to him, both of them had traces of sinister and evil spirits leaking out of them, faintly connecting with the gray and dark robbery clouds in the sky!
Master Taiyi sneered and said: "Since that's the case, what's the harm in using you to finish my killing?"

After all, he waved his hand and released a golden-red sword light that was hundreds of feet long, slashing towards Qing Luo, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Brother, please help me!"

After hearing this, Master Qingxu Daode sighed, and had no choice but to bow to Qingluo, "Fellow Daoist, I've offended you!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his hand and took out a fan. On it were seven feathers of different colors, all of which had the meaning of fiery explosion, and there were five different kinds of true flames attached to the fan feathers. .

Daozhenjun's cultivation base has just entered the late stage of Daluo, and he has heard of Qingluo's fierce reputation, so he dare not be careless, and immediately used his Taoist guardian spirit treasure!

Qing Luo saw that the two of them joined forces to fight against the enemy, and that Daoist Taiyi even made a sneak attack first.Daoist Daoist is only in the early days of Da Luo, and he lacks confidence in his heart, that's why he called in Daozhenjun for help!

But Qing Luo didn't panic, only the towering fortune pearl on his body suddenly released a dazzling blue light, which turned into a solid light shield to block the hundred-foot sword light. How can you hurt me?"

I saw a blazing light suddenly emitted from Qing Luo's body, and then a hundred-foot-high fire phoenix flew out.

And Daodezhenjun's face sank, and he uttered a formula, and the fan of five fires and seven birds slammed at the fire phoenix, and a violent flame condensed into phantoms of seven spirit birds, including Phoenix, Qingluan, and Dapeng. , peacock, white crane, swan, and owl are seven birds of light and shadows, surrounded by five fires: fire in the air, fire in stone, fire in wood, fire in samadhi, and fire in the world. Filling Zhou Tian, ​​the vast divine power suppresses all directions!
Seeing this, Qing Luo couldn't help being startled, she never thought that the Daodezhenjun looked very gentle, but when he struck, he hit like a storm!

Due to the suppression of human luck and the influence of Jieyun, the supernatural power of the three can only be compared to the power of a golden immortal, but the blow of the five fire and seven bird fans has the power of the peak of the Taiyi golden immortal. , The suppression of magic weapons in this catastrophe of heaven and earth is still relatively small, no wonder the immortals in the Conferred Gods often fight with magic weapons!

There is only one Nirvana fire phoenix called by Qing Luo, so it is naturally no match for the phantoms of the seven giant birds. When the two come into contact, there is a loud noise that shakes the sky, and directly burns the sea water within a thousand feet, and the sea water behind it becomes weightless. Come here, make a shocking wave!

After only one blow, Nirvana's phoenix was completely dull, looking like he had lost all vitality.

At this time, Master Taiyi also shot again, flying directly into the sky, the sword of Jin Geng in his hand suddenly buzzed, and then he saw the boundless gold exchange energy in the sky and the earth was attracted, gathered in the giant sword superior.

Then Daoist Taiyi held the hilt of the sword in his hand, facing Qing Luo with the tip of the sword facing down, and stabbing straight down.

As soon as the sword moved, countless golden auras gathered together, forming a thousand-foot giant sword, which swooped down from the sky, slashed through the void, and smashed all emptiness wherever it went, and a fierce sword intent locked directly Qing Luo made him have nowhere to escape!
Qing Luo was not afraid at all, and let the thousand-foot giant sword stab at him from the sky, with golden waves bursting out, unparalleled in power.

However, when the sword was about to pierce Qingluo's head, suddenly a blue shadow sprang out and punched the huge lightsaber
"Bang!", the indestructible golden giant sword shattered like glass!

Daoist Taiyi was backlashed by the spell, his face turned pale suddenly, and he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

It was You who, relying on the power of his body, brazenly smashed the giant sword into pieces.

At the same time, Qing Luo pointed at the boundless sea of ​​fire and the seven giant spirit birds, and a drop of water dripped from his fingertips and shot into the sea of ​​fire.

The drop of water looked like an ant in front of the sea of ​​fire, and it rushed into the sea of ​​fire like a mantis arm blocking a car.

However, the next moment, the phantoms of the seven ancient giant birds that were originally majestic suddenly let out a mournful cry!
In the sea of ​​flames, a long dark gray river unexpectedly emerged, flowing slowly, and wherever it went, all the flames could not resist it and were suppressed.

This water is formed by Qingluo condensing the entire river of weak water, and then blending the Qinglan's true water of life and the power of the gods and seas in the Dinghai Shenzhu. Every drop of water in this river is It can be turned into a hundred-foot-long river, which is as heavy as a small mountain. The tens of thousands of drops of river water gather together, and this huge and heavy pressure is enough to suppress the seven phantoms of the ancient spirit birds with no form and god!

Nezha below opened his eyes as big as a copper bell, seeing that the Taoist who robbed him of his treasure had such supernatural powers, he couldn't help being startled, he actually provoked a big man!

And Ao Bing was full of admiration on the surface. He had heard of Qingluo's name for a long time, but he could feel Qingluo's vigor more intuitively when he saw it with his own eyes!
Daoist Taiyi's complexion became gloomy, he didn't expect this person's magic power to be so powerful, even if he broke through Da Luo, he was still far from his opponent!

But at this moment, seeing that the seven birds were being suppressed, the true gentleman of morality hurriedly fanned his precious fan again, releasing an incomparably majestic sea of ​​fire, wanting to resist the weak river and win by quantity, after all, if there are too many fires , Naturally, the water can be burnt dry.

But Qingluo released another law of derivation to the Phoenix of Nirvana. As soon as the light melted, the fire phoenix opened its mouth directly, sending out a force of attraction, devouring the spirit birds that were suppressed by the river of weak water flames!
Daodezhenjun looks a bit ugly on the face, these seven spirit birds can be regarded as the spirit of this treasure, if the seven birds are damaged, the treasure will inevitably be damaged!
Immediately, with a move with both hands, he released the octagonal bright silver hammer and the flying electric gun, each of which exuded tremendous pressure and stabbed at Qingluo to distract her attention.

Then he moved the Hunyuan Banner to appear, and waved towards the weak river, a force of space was generated, intending to move the river away.

But with a flash of inspiration, it was difficult to move such a huge weight!
Seeing this, Qing Luo flew to the sea of ​​flames with one move of Jiuxuan Tu, and at the same time, a faint phantom flashed, and knocked back the two weapons one after another!

When Jiuxuantu flew into the sky, he released a force of space, intending to contain the raging sea of ​​flames.

Daodezhenjun was startled immediately, and hurriedly shook the Hunyuan flag again, and moved the seven spirit birds out of the suppressing range of the Weak Water River, and put them into the fan.

So, Jiuxuantu only took the raging flames into the picture, and then flew back.

But at this time, Daoist Taiyi suddenly released a treasure again, it was the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover!This treasure flew high into the sky, and directly turned into a giant of thousands of feet, trying to cover Qingluo in it!

Although Qing Luo is not afraid, she doesn't want to be covered in it, because there is a huge gap between the power of this treasure outside the cover and inside the cover!
He puffed up his cuffs, and the five spirit gourd was hidden in the cuffs, emitting a mysterious five-color light, and shouted: "Definitely!"

Seeing the multicolored rays of light rushing towards the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, the aura of the Divine Cover immediately stopped and stopped in the air.

Qing Luo hastily stretched out her hand to grab this treasure.

But at this moment, his divine sense suddenly felt a sharp bloody light piercing towards his back from the back of his head!
This thing is extremely fast and powerful!Qing Luo didn't care about grabbing the treasure, so she hurriedly let out a golden light from the back of her head, and a golden sun emerged from the dazzling golden light, blocking the attack!
With a sway of You's body, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the magic weapon. The huge body force held it, making it difficult for the treasure to escape!

Qing Luo couldn't help being angry, he forgot this treasure, it was Qingxu Daodezhen Lord who later bestowed the treasure on Bing Linggong to kill the four generals of the Demon Family, the Yinren's treasure.

If he hadn't blocked the blow with the golden wheel of merit just now, he would have been seriously injured by now!
Qing Luo furiously said in his heart: "It turns out that Qingxu Daode Zhenjun also knows this set of insidious tricks, the word Qingxu Daode, do you deserve it?" Yu's arms were entangled and flew down to the Daodezhenjun below, and at the same time, the thorns of thorns gathered from his body stood up one after another!
Daoist Taiyi was taking out his Yin-Yang sword, about to fight again, when he saw the purple blood thorns coming out, he hurriedly took away Nezha who had been immobilized, and stepped back.

Daodezhenjun also shook the Hunyuan banner in a hurry, and fled away in the distance.

The two of them saw with their own eyes this powerful evil that thorns and even the phantom of Pangu could restrain, so naturally they didn't dare to take risks easily!
The Zixue thorn was empty, and then returned to Qing Luo's side again, and leaned up behind Qing Luo like a boa constrictor, choosing to eat someone!

Seeing that the two immortals were so careful, Qing Luo endured the slight arousal of evil thoughts in her heart, tried to calm down her mood, and said with a light smile: "Why don't you two fight anymore?
Could it be that he was afraid?Don't dare? "

As he spoke, he held the Qiankun Circle and Huntian Ling in his hands, and said with a smile, "Isn't this the treasure of Zhenshan, Taiyi Daoist? Is it so generous to give it to the poor Taoist today?"

Daoist Taiyi's anger increased greatly, and he shouted: "Don't be mad! This treasure is a treasure of destiny! If you don't return it to me, there will be disasters in the future!"

The smile on Qing Luo's face faded away, she became a little nervous, and said to herself: "It's true! If you say it like that, I really can't take this treasure and not return it!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and said with a kind smile on his face, "Fellow Daoist, I would have given you this treasure back."

Daoist Taiyi and Daodezhenjun were taken aback for a moment, not understanding that Qing Luo would sneer at one moment and laugh at Yanyan the next.

The two were speechless for a while, and Qingxu Daozhenjun said with a smile: "Since Fellow Qing is so kind, it is a misunderstanding! Junior brother, you should apologize to Fellow Qing and take this treasure. Let's make this happen!"

Qing Luo smiled and said: "It's really good!
Pindao has no intention of making enemies with the Shengjiao sect, so it's just a matter of turning the big things into small ones! "

Master Taiyi heard this, although he was extremely unwilling in his heart, he still held back the emotions in his heart, and said to Qing Luo with a stiff face: "The poor Taoist will not be able to compensate the fellow Taoist! It is the poor Taoist who is too impulsive to provoke this matter. Fellow Daoist, forgive me!"

Qing Luo nodded with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Taiyi is so sincere, the poor Taoist will no longer care about this matter!"

After hearing this, Daodezhenjun laughed and said, "Of course, everyone is happy. I also ask Fellow Daoist Qing to return my junior brother's treasures, so that we can go back to the mountain."

Qing Luo smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist, don't worry, the treasure will naturally have to be returned.

But, you see, the life of the little apprentice almost disappeared just now.Although he didn't say anything on the surface, he must have hated this treasure in his heart, wishing he could destroy these two treasures! "

When Ao Bing heard this, he kept his usual expression on his face, but he was thinking in his heart: Master, I don't think so!
Taiyi's face stiffened suddenly, and he said coldly: "What do you want, Your Excellency?" He even apologized to him in a low voice, and this person is still so difficult!

Qing Luo smiled and said: "Two fellow Taoists, look, although my apprentice has just been accepted, but as a master, I naturally have to think carefully about him!
If today passes like this, then my apprentice will definitely have a knot in his heart in the future, and I am afraid it will be difficult to improve my cultivation.

Thinking about it this way, only by making up for my poor disciple a little bit, and letting him let go of his worries, can I be at ease as a master! "

Daoist Taiyi said with a gloomy expression: "You still want to ask for the treasure? How can the treasure of my teachings fall into the hands of outsiders?"

Qing Luo said with a smile: "Hey~, fellow Taoist said this, how can a poor Taoist dare to be greedy for the treasure of teaching.

Me, I just saw the two yin and yang swords that Fellow Daoist just took out. The quality is not bad, and they are not treasures.

Fellow Taoist compensated my apprentice with the pair of yin and yang swords that were only of Lingbao rank, and the poor Taoist naturally felt at ease, and returned the treasure immediately! "

When Master Taiyi heard this, he almost vomited blood in his heart!These two swords come from a stone, refined from a Yin-Yang stone in Lao Tzu's Eight Diagrams Furnace. The Yin-Yang Stone is refined with a part of Lao Tzu's Tai Chi Dao, and obtained from the Samadhi True Fire in the Eight Diagrams Furnace. Tens of thousands of years, the natural quality is extraordinary!

This real fire of samadhi is also different, how can the real fire of sage's samadhi be comparable to the real fire of samadhi of ordinary immortals?
This stone was exchanged by him with an innate spiritual treasure back then from the great mage Xuandu.

Now it is just a little practice, and it has become a top-grade Houtian Lingbao. After a fine sacrifice and practice in the future, even the Houtian treasure is no problem!
Seeing Qing Luo's calm expression, Master Taiyi gritted his teeth in his heart!

But now, for Nezha, he had to do this!

Nezha is not only the reason why he is valued by his master, but also a good assistant for him to gain luck and virtue, and to kill gods, but he is also destined to pay for Nezha.The cycle of heaven and the cycle of cause and effect should be so!
 My phone broke today and I took it for repairs. I only started typing in the middle of the night. Four thousand words is not easy!Please take pity on me, and count your votes!

(End of this chapter)

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