Chapter 262
Chang'e answered and stood up, and Suyu's hand was stroking the Taiyin osmanthus tree that had existed since the beginning of the world.
Even when the moon is full, her Yi will come out from the suppression at the bottom of the laurel, and then cut down this innate spiritual root endlessly. Only when this tree falls, will her Houyi have Memories, only then can the eyes light up again, instead of being a puppet-like witch who only knows how to cut down osmanthus trees and has no emotions, and is called Wu Gang in the world!

Back then, when the Golden Crows were playing in the wild for ten days, Hou Yi had the intention of forgiving, and released a trace of the original power of the nine Golden Crows, and Di Jun also gave him a path that could be said to be forgiven or tortured.

But no matter what, it left Hou Yi with a glimmer of life and the possibility of regaining his memory.

Although Di Jun was furious at that time and wanted to cut Hou Yi into pieces, he also thought that if his child's true spirit reunited in the future, after the catastrophe of the demon clan, there would be some people who would revive the demon clan. Chance!So I gave Hou Yi the farthest distance in the world, and also the shortest distance!

The person he loves is right in front of his eyes, within reach!But he has lost his memory, like a puppet.Lovers are never able to recognize each other. This is the furthest distance, even farther than the ends of the earth.

But there is still a slight possibility that the memory will return and Hou Yi will reappear!

No matter how small the chance is, it is still possible, and there is hope!

Chang'e withdrew her thoughts, and also withdrew her hand on the laurel tree, turned to Shiji and said, "Let's start casting spells!"

A trace of pity for Chang'e flashed in Shiji's eyes, but it disappeared immediately.

The look in his eyes is only cold!

In her previous life, she did charity, but it was God's will to do so!

Since God gave her a chance to make up, she will naturally make up for it!

She didn't have the heart to fight for the son of Tao, or the way of heaven, she just wanted to take revenge, get rid of the obsession in her heart, and accompany her sister until the end of the world, when the sea is dry and the stone is rotten!

The coldness in Shiji's eyes is exactly the same as the coldness in the body of "Shiji" in the Jiulong Shenhuo hood in Qianyuan Mountain!
"Stone Rock" shows the body's body, it is a spiritual stone taken from under the laurel tree of the lunar star for hundreds of millions of years!
As soon as the stone appeared, it was attracted by the lunar star, and the seal left by Chang'e became less and less powerful.

Immortal Taiyi couldn't help being surprised, he hastily summoned the Nine Dragons Divine Fire, and circled around this spirit stone, intending to refine it.

But as soon as the stone moved, the fire phoenix withdrew the spell, pierced through it, and dissipated.

The Taiyin stone also took advantage of this to fly out of the gap pierced by Lingfeng, and arrived in front of the real Taiyi, a full moon appeared on the stone surface, and there was a laurel tree on the full moon!

At this moment, Shiji in the sky and on the ground shouted at the same time: "The moon is waxing and waning, and the soul of life is reflected in the moon. If you don't enter at this time, when will you wait?"

The Taiyin Stone radiated a silver light that directly shot at the primordial spirit, and shone on the primordial spirit of Daoist Taiyi, and then saw that the primordial spirit was actually divided into two, one remained where it was, and the other remained in place. It rises with the light!

At this time, the Taiyin stone ignited a kind of flame, the blue Taiyin fire, sacrificed all the power of this stone, and merged into half of the souls of Taiyi Daoist.

Chang'e on the Lunar Star also activated the power of the entire Lunar Star, and the silver light covered every inch of Qianyuan Mountain!At the same time, the Taiyi Primordial Spirit, which has been integrated with the power of the Taiyin Stone, was given a powerful pulling force by Jiutian Huayue!

At this time, Daoist Taiyi's body seemed to be cut into pieces by thousands of knives, and the pain was so painful that life would be worse than death!He couldn't even open his eyes, but he could feel that half of his soul was leaving him!

Daoist Taiyi exhausted all his strength and shouted: "Master, save me!"

In Yuxu Palace, Yuanshi Tianzun said angrily: "How dare you murder my disciple like this!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and threw Yu Ruyi, which hit Qianyuan Mountain in an instant, turning into a width of ten thousand zhang, with Taoist charm and pure Taoism. The jade light directly illuminated the nine heavens and ten earths, covering the light of the lunar stars!

Seeing this, Chang'e had no fear, she got up and flew to the sky above the Taiyin star, and drank: "The order of the Taiyin, the stars and the moon are shining, respect my mind!"

I saw the lunar star once again emitting endless light of the moonlight, the silver glow of the moon dyed the sky and the earth, and the galaxy shone and illuminated the sky!

Such a huge spectacle of heaven and earth naturally shocked countless creatures!
Ordinary human beings are naturally startled by the vision of the heaven and the earth, but the Chaoge people guess the vision of the heaven and the earth, the family, the country and the world, there will be troubled times, and the country will be in danger!
This endless moonlight, like an illusory and ethereal thing, crossed Yu Ruyi's natural moat, and directly shone on half of Taiyi's primordial spirits!

Taiyi's primordial spirit rose into the sky again, and even Yu Ruyi couldn't stop the call of the Taiyin star!
It's not that Yuanshi Tianzun can't, but he has scruples.Because at this time, if he directly cut off the inspiration power of the Taiyin star with the dignity of a saint, the Taiyin star would probably collapse, and the Taiyin and Sun two stars are the big stars that the world lives on!If these two stars are damaged, it will bear immeasurable karma!
Chang'e is alone, even if she is entangled in great karma, she is not like him. He can afford to be the head of a school, but his holy religion cannot afford it!

Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly: "Star Master Taiyin, since you dare to have such a heart, you must dare to admit its cause!"

After all, Yu Ruyi turned around, released Huaguang again, forcibly collected half of the half of the primordial spirit, and put it into the body of Taiyi Daoist, and at the same time Yu Ruyi wrapped Taiyi Daoist back to Kunlun Mountain!

Chang'e saw this, and the lunar star suddenly released its shadow again, and took back the quarter of the primordial spirit, and then attached it to the root of the laurel tree!

As soon as she finished, her face suddenly turned pale and she fell down.

Shiji hurriedly took Chang'e and injected mana to restore her body!

And the movement of such a large vision of heaven and earth naturally alarmed Qing Luo!

When he saw the direction of Qianyuan Mountain, he couldn't help being startled secretly, it seems that this Fengshen has undergone quite a change!I don't know if the derivative talisman I left behind back then has come in handy!

In the previous life of Conferred Gods, Shiji was just a small person, he died as soon as he died, but there was no scene where the star lord of Taiyin fought against the saint!

Among the Lunar Stars, Chang'e waved her hands and said, "It's okay, it's just that the mana consumption is too high. It's a good thing I didn't face the saint directly, otherwise I really can't stand it!"

Shi Ji's heart was naturally very moved, so he didn't need to say anything.

Chang'e said with a smile: "On the night of the full moon, when Wu Gang comes out again, if you cut down the laurel, then the real Taiyi will feel the pain of heart cutting, and the soul is incomplete, and the true spirit is incomplete. Luo Realm!"

Chang'e will not say the word Houyi easily, Houyi without emotion is just Wu Gang, she doesn't want to call it, and she doesn't want to call it the word Houyi, so it will cause heartache!

Shi Ji had mixed feelings in his heart, and the feud between the two generations was finally released today!
The coldness in Shiji's eyes faded away, and the sound of the silk and silk qin played, the supremely magnificent music, the perfect sound of the silk and bamboo orchestra, reverberated one after another.Tens of thousands of notes floated on the quiet and cold lunar star, and then a beam of light shot up into the sky, and a powerful force of heaven and earth radiated out. Standing beside Shiji was a woman in plain white clothes, with kind thoughts in her eyes. Reminiscent of the common people, the eyes are pure of the world, and there is a handkerchief in the right hand, which is the eight-treasure dragon's handkerchief.In his left hand is a simple and elegant carved wood piano.

She frowned, and said with a smile, "Taoist Suqin has met fellow Taoist Shiji and Moon Palace Chang'e!"

 By the way, let me explain, so the magic weapons of the characters in Feng Shen Yan Yi are mostly the magic weapons in the original work, so I didn't explain too much.If there is a magic weapon that is not very famous, I will explain the source.For example, Hunyuan Banner is a space-moving spiritual treasure in the original work of Fengshen. Daodezhenjun used this treasure to save more than a thousand people including Huang Feihu.

(End of this chapter)

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