Chapter 277

Then Qing Luo pointed at Shuo De's eyebrows again, Shuo De understood instantly, grinned and said: "Master, don't worry, this apprentice will definitely finish!"

Let's say that Jiang Ziya took up the bronze armor this day, and suddenly he knew that Chengtang's men and horses were coming to Qishan!

So he sent Nangong Shi with 5000 troops to station at the foot of Mount Qi!
At this time, it was midsummer, and the heat was unbearable. The sun in the sky was like a steamer, and the sky was full of red flames, and the ground under the light was cracked and cracked.

However, Jiang Ziya then ordered Nangong Shi and Wu Ji to take the soldiers to the top of Qishan Mountain!
All the soldiers are extremely hot and have no water to drink. Wouldn't it be even more unbearable to go to the top of the mountain?

After all the soldiers went to the top of the mountain, another group of soldiers went up the mountain to deliver supplies.When all the soldiers saw it, they couldn't help laughing funny!

It turned out to be thick jackets and heavy clothes worn in the severe winter!All the soldiers said that Jiang Ziya was old and confused!

It is said that when Lu Xiong led his troops to the foot of Qishan Mountain, they set up camp and waited for tomorrow to rest and recover before fighting.

In the afternoon, it will be sunset.

Jiang Ziya set up a high platform on Qishan Mountain, stood on it, draped his hair and wielded a sword, looked at the East Kunlun and bowed down, clothed gangsters, practiced mystic arts, recited spiritual chapters, and issued talisman water!

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up above Qishan Mountain, roaring the trees through the forest.Together with this wind, the summer heat will be completely dissipated!Once this wind blows, it will last for three days, and the summer that blows straight is like cold winter!
Another day, the sky suddenly began to snow goose feathers!
The snow is so big that it can be called falling snow!
Everywhere you enter your eyes is white snow, flakes are as big as a child's palm!

It was the first time in their lives that the soldiers saw such heavy snow!

Snow falls in July, the heat turns into severe cold!

A group of soldiers on Qishan hurriedly put on their cotton-padded jackets, still shivering, and dared not say Jiang Ziya's stupid words anymore!
The Xiqi army on the mountain had been prepared long ago, but the merchant army below the mountain was unprepared. They all looked like they were marching in summer. Who would have expected such a vision?

The freezing wind in the barracks of the three armies pierced the bones, and I couldn't speak or lift my hands!
And just when Lu Xiong was burning with anxiety, he suddenly saw a messenger running from outside the camp who was about to freeze and said: "Report to the general! There is an eleven or twelve-year-old Taoist boy outside the camp begging to see him!"

Lu Xiong's expression changed when he heard this, and he guessed that some expert came to help him!So he hurriedly ordered to come in.

After more than ten breaths, he saw a handsome Taoist boy wearing a red shirt, wearing a flaming crown and hair, holding a red vase, coming from outside.

When Lu Xiong saw it, he hurriedly got up and said, "I don't know where the fairy mountain grows? What's the matter here?"

This Taoist boy is none other than Shuode!

He hit Jishou and said: "So that the general will know that Pindao is the disciple of Qingluo Xianzun sitting down in Luoling Mountain, Shuode, I am here to help you by order of my teacher!"

When Lu Xiong and the others heard this, they were overjoyed and said: "It turns out that he is actually a disciple of Xianzun. I am disrespectful and disrespectful. We ordinary people are lucky to meet Xianzun's disciples. It is really a blessing for three generations!"

Shuo De smiled and said, "General, you don't need to be too polite! I don't know if You Hun and Fei Zhong are here?"

Lu Xiong was taken aback for a moment, for some reason he was mentioned.But he still hurriedly said: "Return to the leader, these two people are waiting for orders in the other camp, what orders does the leader have?" "

Shuo De said: "The general also asks the troops to set up an army formation, and then put these two people in front of the army formation. The poor road will naturally get rid of the long snow and cold, so that the general will have no worries!"

After hearing this, Lu Xiong hurriedly ordered the three armies to dress up neatly, stand in neat rows against the cold wind, and stand under Qishan Mountain!

Although Lu Xiong couldn't save himself, he was not a fool either.If other people come, he may not believe it, but Xianzun's disciples will definitely not harm him.

Because, Xianzun is the sage outsider of the human race, for the good of the human race!In the prehistoric world, you should not easily report the names of other people's mountain gates, otherwise you will be implicated in cause and effect, and you will have troubles!Although he doesn't know this rule, but in the world at this time, it is very rare to lie about the name of the family, and he is sincere!
Before the big battle, all the soldiers were trembling, and the hooves of the horses sank a foot deep in the snow!
Fei Zhongyou and Hun stood in front of the army for some unknown reason, shivering from the cold and pale.

Du Shuode is alone, stable and self-reliant, although his clothes are thin, he doesn't feel cold!

Shuo De took two steps forward, and then rushed towards Fei Zhong!
Immediately, the two of them were ablaze!A fiery warmth rose from the bottom of their hearts, making them feel extremely comfortable!

However, in the eyes of the sergeant, he could see in the flames of Fei Zhongyou and his body, there were countless souls struggling, old women and children crying, all because of their treachery!

Shuode doesn't understand, but mortals like them do!

They knew that those were the heinous crimes committed by the two of them that they had heard about.
However, the two treacherously rebelled against their relatives, and became even more presumptuous by relying on the power of the emperor, collecting treasures from all over the world, selfish and greedy, everyone in Chaoge knows, everyone knows!
Seeing the anger in the eyes of the soldiers gradually, Shuo De threw his right hand, and the magic fire bottle flew out, releasing clouds of red gas and melting into the bodies of fifty thousand soldiers!

Immediately, all the soldiers felt that the anger in their hearts seemed to be burning on their bodies, dispelling the chill, and they didn't feel the cold at all!
This is the use of human anger!

Burning with anger, fueled by the spirit, guided by the heart!It can dispel these ordinary cold airs!If Shuo De released the spiritual fire, he might burn them to death!
However, Fei Zhongyou and Hun were thrown by Shuo De and thrown onto Mount Qi!
Seeing this, all the soldiers applauded and applauded!
Seeing this boy's supernatural powers, Lu Xiong admired him even more, and he didn't care about the lives of Youhun and Feizhong. Before leaving, the grand master told him to find an opportunity to end the two

At this time, Lu Xiong stepped forward and asked: "Master Dao, since you have supernatural powers, how dare you ask if you can dispel this strange celestial phenomenon full of flying snow for us, so that we can march and fight! "

Shuo De said with a smile: "The general has the heart for the country, which is naturally excellent, but at this time, the time is not waiting! Just wait!"

It is said that Youhun and Feizhong were thrown on Qishan Mountain, and they were so frightened that they were out of their wits!It happened to be caught by Xiqi soldiers and brought back to the camp!

Although Jiang Ziya was puzzled, how could these two people get to the mountain, but without hesitation, he ordered them to be beheaded immediately!

No matter how the two of them turned their rhetoric, it was useless to Jiang Shang's iron heart!

On the fourth day, the snow outside the mountain had already fallen thickly, and the snow on the mountain was even thicker, enough to pile up snow half the height of a person!
After Jiang Ziya made the calculations, he walked up to the high platform, and in front of all the troops, he released the formula to disperse the clouds in the sky, showing a big sun in the sky!
The big sun shines on Qishan Mountain, and the ice and snow on Qishan Mountain melt!
After an hour, I saw countless snow and ice on the mountain turned into ice water, and the ice cubes rushed towards the commercial camp like a flood of beasts!
Shocked so much that Shang Ying trembled and could hardly stand upright!

After all, they are all mortals, in the face of this natural disaster comparable to avalanches and mudslides, naturally they can only run for their lives!

Lu Xiong panicked and said: "Here, does the Taoist priest have a clever plan?"

Shuo De laughed and said, "General, don't worry, just look at the sky!"

When the Shang army heard this, they all looked up at the sky.It's just that there is no movement in the sky!
Only the iceberg and snow water, the torrent of ice rushing down the mountain quickly!
Seeing that they were about to reach the foot of the mountain, all the merchants were so frightened that they all shouted in fear!

However, at this moment, the melting ice and snow that was surging like a beast was suddenly stopped!
If you look closely, it is not frozen, but frozen again!

Seeing this, Jiang Ziya was stunned and frowned!

He only has the cultivation base of a celestial being, and Shuode has hidden his aura, so naturally he can't check it out.

Just when all the Xiqi officers and soldiers were also puzzled, they suddenly heard an extremely cold voice from above the nine heavens: "Good Jiang Shang, you dare to touch the ice and snow without permission, causing cholera in the world! Where do you think you are as a god?"

As soon as the words fell, a stunning female fairy walked down from the sky, with naked jade feet, stepping on ice and snow flowers, plain clothes palace attire, beautiful and touching!
It is the Snow God Teng Liu!

When Jiang Ziya saw it, he couldn't help feeling suspicious, but he was not afraid at all, and replied: "I don't know which priest and fairy is here? Jiang Shang is here to obey Yuxu's order to help the world's enlightened master to succeed in his career. Please forgive me if I offend you." crime!"

Teng Liu said coldly: "I am the God of Ice and Snow in the Heavenly Court. I am the God of Snow! You have used spells on your own initiative to reverse the four seasons of the world, the reincarnation of the four seasons, and the physics of all things. This is already a violation of the rules of heaven!"

Teng Liu's voice pierced down from the nine heavens, the icy cold voice shook the hearts of all the soldiers below.

Jiang Ziya burst into anger in his heart, and said: "I am a disciple of Yuxu, and I am under the jurisdiction of Yuxu Kunlun. The heaven and us have nothing to do with each other. How can we violate the rule of heaven?"

Teng Liu's face was even more cold, but he didn't get angry.Instead, he said: "Since this is the case, then the god is not embarrassing you!

You don't have to move the ice and snow in vain! "

After finishing speaking, with a wave of her hand, a snow-colored spiritual flag flew out, and with a move in the air, the Snow God's authority and divine power came out and took back all the ice, snow, water vapor, and cloud air in a radius of thousands of miles!Then he turned around and disappeared!

Jiang Ziya was wondering, why is this god so weird?
Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw another big sun rising in the sky!
The blazing fire is stronger than the sun!

Two days and the same day, the yang fire is strong, and the sweat of all the people in Xiqi is streaming down their backs, and the heat is unbearable!
Moreover, the area illuminated by this great sun is only above Qishan Mountain!
Jiang Ziya suddenly felt the anger of being teased, and shouted: "Where is the monster in the sky dare to make trouble?"

However, the sun that Shuode transformed into didn't move at all!Ignore it at all!
Jiang Ziya was furious, and shouted: "Where is Nezha? Bring down this great day!"

Nezha took the lead and flew into the air on the Hot Wheels!

But before he got close, the "sun" sent out a real fire of samadhi, and Nezha, who was burning straight up, screamed in pain and flew back in a hurry!

Nezha is the incarnation of the lotus flower, and belongs to the wood element, so it is naturally restrained by the fire element!Moreover, this fire is the Samadhi real fire in the divine fire bottle!Naturally, the low-level samadhi real fire refined by extraordinary monks is comparable!

A group of soldiers on Qishan Mountain had just experienced the cold winter, and suddenly it was midsummer. This scene of cold and hot, ice and fire, immediately made many soldiers suffer from the wind and cold!
And the merchant army below, under the leadership of Lu Xiong, retreated instead of advancing, and retreated into the Sishui Pass!


Because Shuode persuaded him to quit!

Because, in the official history of the Conferred Gods, it was Jiang Ziya who was supposed to freeze Qishan Mountain, but after only a few days, the army was destroyed by melting ice and snow, and flash floods destroyed the army, captured Lu Xiong, You Hun and Fei Zhong, and sent them away. On the list of gods!

At this time, although Shuo De and Teng Liu changed the scene, the secrets are unpredictable and it is extremely difficult to explain clearly!

Lu Xiong heard him say that this was the meaning of the sage, so he immediately returned to Guanzhong, and then wrote a letter, asking Wen Taishi for reinforcements!By the way, at the end of the article, I attached the matter of Shuo De's assistance, and hurriedly sent it to Chaoge!

But at this time on Qishan Mountain, Jin Zha saw that his brother was injured, so he hurriedly stood up, sacrificed the Dunlong Stake, and wanted to beat this day down!

(End of this chapter)

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