The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 280 Ruyi Yunqi Qingping breaks the red crutches 1 knocks 3 holy decisions

Chapter 280 Ruyi Yunqi Qingping breaks the red crutches and knocks on the Three Saints
King Zhou pro-worships the court song and confers the gods on the altar!All officials, civil and military, will follow!
With the national teacher Shen Gongbao as the host of the gods, Wen Taishi as the supervisor, the luck of the Shang Dynasty was gathered, and the luck of the dynasty was distracted, and the five righteous gods of the heavens were listed in 360.

Zeng Qingluo knew that the dynasties of the world can rely on the holy will of the emperor to consume the merits of the dynasty's luck, and use the purpose to enshrine the gods!In Honghuang, it is difficult to achieve!
But the purpose of King Zhou's obeisance is to gather the fortune of conferring the gods, to compete with Xiqi Conferred Gods Platform for the general trend of heaven, and to compete for the will of heaven!

From then on, the gods were sealed for a catastrophe, and God's will was divided into two parts!

Xiqi has seven, Chaoge has three!

Although there are only three Chaoge songs, there are already many!The seven of Xiqi are the hearts of all people in the world to admire the sages of Xiqi, and the sages explain the teachings and give blessings.The reason for the list of gods and the whipping of the gods.

Furthermore, according to the meaning of Shuntian, Zhou should take Shang and replace it!
But God's will is for the public, even if Xiqi is supposed to be king, Chaoge is defeated!Also leave a share of God's will for the Shang Dynasty!

The Shang Dynasty has now divided the will of God with Xiqi since then, and has also occupied a share of the will of God!
From then on, among the Conferred Gods, both Shang and Zhou could call it the Mandate of Heaven!
In Yuxu Palace, Yuan always couldn't bear it anymore, this has violated his bottom line!
In the sky above Chaoge, a wishful handle suddenly appeared!Jinxia Qingyun Wanzhanglian, Yuxu Immortal Farui Caisheng!
Yu Ruyi radiated rays of light, heading towards the Conferred God Platform!

However, at this time, a cyan sword broke through the sky, the cyan brilliance filled the sky like a light, and the duckweed bloomed together!

The light of Qingping's swordsmanship struck Yu Ruyi, cutting off the Qingyun Xianxia on Ruyi's surface one after another!

The clouds, brilliance, multicolored, and majestic power over Chaoge spread for thousands of miles, full of holy prestige!

Yu Ruyi will not retreat, and Qingping Sword will not retreat!Er Baosi did not back down!
Blossoming small flowers appeared on Yu Ruyi, floating on Qingyun, coincident with the power of heaven and earth, slowly turning, dragging Qingping sword energy.

The Qingping sword is sharper and sharper. When the sword is cut out, a sky-shattering sword energy will be born, breaking all the laws of the world, and directly revealing the true source of the original intention of the way of the sword!
The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and thousands of flowers are floating to show the magic.

Yu Ruyi is good at defending, and Qingping Sword is good at attacking!
Attack and defend without retreating!
Although the two sages seem to have their own supernatural powers and their power is boundless, they are finally under control. All the rays of light and the splendor of Qingping are scattered in the air, and there is no trace of the power of a saint falling on the prehistoric land, let alone falling into the world !
Looking at the brilliance on Chaoge, Qing Luo couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief!

Fortunately, Tongtian didn't back down this time, otherwise, everything about him would have been ruined by Yuanshi Tianzun!

In Wa Palace, Empress Nuwa laughed and said, "Look at this Qingluo, how quickly Sanqing got into a fight!"

Jin Feng stood aside, only smiling, and didn't answer.

Because dare not.This is talking about the words of the sage, disrespecting the sage!
Nuwa can say it, but she can't answer it!Because that's a saint!I can't tolerate disrespect from thousands of immortals!
In the Palace of Eight Views, Lao Tzu's expressionless face, at this moment, he sighed and threw the red crutch beside him.

In the sky above Chaoge, a red crutch appeared in an instant. It was like an axe, and it was struck down.

From it came the voice of Lao Tzu: "You two juniors, remember the past, let's tolerate today's events!"

The Second Saint was silent.

Obviously not willing to let it go.

After a while, Tong Tian said: "Eldest senior brother, it's not that the younger brother is unwilling, but because Kunlun refuses to let him, how can I accept it!"

Yuan Shi also said in a deep voice: "Senior brother, Chaoge Fengshentai should not be preserved, which is against the general trend! Junior brother has to be destroyed!"

Although there is discord among the three saints, as a saint, naturally, they will not quarrel endlessly like ordinary immortals.

The old man who was in the Bajing Palace glanced at the Conferred God Altar, then at Luoling Mountain, and finally at the Wa Palace, and then said calmly: "Since this thing has come out, it is God's will. Junior brother, are you willing to go against God's will?" ?”

Yuanshi Tianzun became silent.Tongtian was also silent.The three saints became silent again!
After a long time, Tongtian suddenly said: "Brother, your realm has fallen into the lower realm!"

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly felt a shock in his heart, and the look in his eyes darkened.

Once upon a time, he was worried about gains and losses like those hustle and bustle beings. He is a saint of heaven who has killed three corpses!
In Yuxu Palace, Yuan Shi made a move, and Yu Ruyi took it back.Seeing this, Tongtian only withdrew the Qingping sword.

Lao Tzu's red crutch also disappeared in a flash!

The brilliance of the clouds thousands of miles in the sky gradually dissipated, and the original deep and mysterious color of the sky was restored. It was so deep that people could never see through the sky.

Let's say that after watching a sage scene, all the great masters have different thoughts in their hearts!

Chaoge and Xiqi's Conferred God Platforms are one east and one west, one has a list of treasures for calamities, and the other has great luck in the world

, both have advantages!
As for Qing Luo's move, although it is a risky move, it is also a lot of consideration!

Among the conferred gods, Jiang Ziya conferred the gods, but at the end!
In the last Zhou Cheng Tianxia Zhou, after the king of Zhou becomes the king, all the people will return to their hearts, and the world will be unified!Instead of starting to enshrine the gods after explaining the teachings and defeating the intercepting teachings!
Of course, there are reasons why the god position is not full, but there must be some people who need to be recognized by the king, or the help of human luck!
After all, although the management of these 360 ​​five righteous gods performed their duties, the source of incense and offerings all came from the human world, from the human race!
Unlike the saints, not only the human race enshrines, but also other races, casual cultivators, and immortals all have enshrined offerings!So come to think of it, their god status is naturally inseparable from the king's decree and the power of humanity!
Although Chaoge's Conferred God Stage cannot directly attract the true spirit of the gods, but through the decree of the King of Humanity and the blessing of human luck, please be in Chaoge's Conferred God Stage, so as to temporarily resist the pull of Xiqi's Conferred God List!

This temporary period is after the fall of the Shang Dynasty!Of course, if Shang has not been destroyed, then that is another story!

And Wen Zhong is the supervisor, he is the representative of Jiejiao in the secular world and in the dynasty!

In fact, if we only talk about King Wu of Xiqi, compared with King Zhouge of Chaoge, King Zhou once ruled the world, and his ability to rule the Quartet far exceeds that of Ji Chang and Ji Fa!
Because, although a king needs virtuousness and virtue, it is far from enough for a real king to only have virtuousness and virtue!The king also needs to have extraordinary leadership, centripetal force, and the ability to rule and govern!It still needs decisive killing and cold-blooded time!
The lord of Xiqi, the reason why he is called Xibohou is because of his virtuous reputation passed down to the world!
But also because of this, his lineage of Xiqihou's family can only become a marquis, can only govern one side of the land, but cannot rule the four directions of the world, tens of thousands of people!
If it weren't for Jiang Ziya's decisive killing and powerful commanding power, not counting the intervention of gods, it would be impossible for Xiqi to defeat the Shang Dynasty!
This is another reason for Qingluo to enter the business!

And at this time, Shen Gongbao is accompanying King Zhou to narrate during the Song of Chao!

Shen Gong Baozhen is presenting treasures to King Zhou!Present treasures that can relieve fatigue, treasures that can have fun!

(End of this chapter)

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