The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 299 Two Golden Immortals Falling to the Great Luo

Chapter 299

Immediately, four female fairies entered the battle to host, and Yun Xiao took people out!

Hunyuan Jindou preemptively took Guang Chengzi, the only existence that could threaten the formation, making it impossible for Guang Chengzi's Fan Tianyin to be used!

Guangchengzi also hesitated for a moment, but did not immediately use the treasure, and finally entered the Jiuqu Yellow River formation!

Even if he is the head of the Twelve Golden Immortals, he can teach his luck to protect him, but he can't escape the implication of the calamity in the catastrophe, and the karma is heavy!

Maybe this is the fruit of Fan Tianyin's shocking blow, but Guang Chengzi didn't expect this moment to come so soon!

Subsequently, Qingxu Daode Tianzun, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, Cihang, Chijingzi,. . .

Hunyuan Jindou has a huge space-type divine power, and its capacity is like the universe.This fight existed before the creation of the world, it is infinitely mysterious, it can contain all the treasures of the world, and it has an extremely strong and irresistible attraction for collecting immortals and objects, once the golden light comes out, it is inevitable.

Hunyuan Jindou Twelve Turns, Twelve Golden Immortals Enter Nine Songs!
In the Jiuqu Formation, Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao unleashed the power of the large formation, the Jiuqu Yellow River was filled with yellow sand, and the twelve golden immortals were lost and trapped in it!

Seeing this, Bi Xiao said coldly: "Since the Chanjiao Golden Immortals have entered the formation, their cultivation will be destroyed. In return for the death of the Intercepting Immortals!"

Although Caiyun and Hanzhixian couldn't bear it, seeing the hatred on Bixiao's face, it was not easy to stop them directly, so they said, "Let's talk about it after Sister Yunxiao joins the battle!"

Qiong Xiao said coldly: "Karma retribution! Since the Twelve Golden Immortals are in our hands, it's their fate!"

Immediately, the phantom of the nine-curved Yellow River, the mysterious acupoints covered the twelve Daluo Jinxians, and the phantom of the turbulent Yellow River appeared in the long river of fate, and the twelve-point immortal true meaning fell into the long river!
Bi Xiao waved his hand, and two dragons flew in the air!Shuangjiao rolled into the yellow sand.

Shuangjiao pierced through and flew, breaking the Qingyun on the top of the twelve golden immortals, dispelling the five qi in the chest, and three flowers shattered!

Poor countless years of cultivation have all turned into running water!

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was sitting upright in Yuxu Palace, was startled suddenly, and then became furious!
The saint is angry, the world is dark, the sun and the moon are dark!The trembling of the Tao, the trembling of the heart!
Yun Xiao outside the formation was also shocked suddenly, seeing such a vision of heaven and earth, his heart tightened even more, and he wanted to enter the formation to check.

At this time, Yang Jian came to obstruct him again, Yun Xiao didn't want to get entangled with him, so he just threw Hunyuan Jindou into the formation again!Then Yunxiao also entered the formation!
There was dead silence outside Xiqi City!
The silence was terrible!Only the whistling sound of rolling yellow sand!
All the casual cultivators were shocked, and they taught the Twelve Golden Immortals, the Twelve Daluos!So, they were thrown into the formation so easily one by one and couldn't get out?
Qing Luo was also amazed at the power of Hunyuan Jindou and Yunxiao's strength!Even if he were to manipulate this treasure, it would be difficult for him to be as relaxed as Yunxiao in a place where there is no one!

Jiang Ziya's complexion couldn't help turning pale, even the twelve senior brothers in the Daluo realm couldn't resist at all, how could he be against?
Ran Deng also showed surprise on his face, he didn't expect Yun Xiao to be so powerful!It seems that his goal should have been achieved!The two saints, it is difficult to reconcile from now on!
Yunxiao entered the formation and saw that the twelve golden immortals were all unconscious, and their cultivation bases had fallen to the realm of the immortals, the real realm of immortality. But it is the destiny of the teaching and teaching, the pillar of the pillar!

It's all right if you teach them a lesson, how can you break their cultivation?Uncle Yuanshi will definitely not spare you! "

At this time, Qiong Xiao's resentment also subsided a little, and she couldn't help regretting: "This, is it really too much?"

Yun Xiao said: "That's all! You four leave the battle quickly. After I take away the lamp and avenge this revenge, I will go to Yuxu Palace to make an apology myself!"

Bi Xiao said: "No, this is what we did, so we have to bear it, and we should all bear it. How can we leave my sister alone?"

Caiyunxian and Hanzhixian were also unwilling to leave.

Seeing this, Yun Xiao couldn't help but angrily said: "You don't even listen to my big sister? This matter is no small matter, it must not be trifling!
If you don't leave, you don't have to recognize me as a big sister anymore! "

Yun Xiao couldn't help regretting in his heart, it was too reckless to let Bi Xiao Qiong Xiao take charge of the big formation, and the cultivation of the twelve golden immortals were all destroyed.

She has lost her Taoist partner, and she can't lose her two younger sisters!It doesn't matter if she dies, the left and right are just the limits of the Conferred God.

If she lost her two younger sisters in order to avenge her husband, even the husband would not be willing!
Yun Xiao's words silenced the few people in the formation.

After a while, Qiong Xiao said: "Since the eldest sister asked us to leave, then we will leave. But we must personally see the death of the old thief Ran Deng and avenge the elder brother, then we will leave with peace of mind!"

Bi Xiao and the others also hurriedly agreed.

Seeing this, Yunxiao could only sigh, and said, "In that case, then I'll go and capture that fellow who came to burn the lamp!"

After all, Yunxiao is out!He said in a cold voice: "Landeng, the disciples of Chanjiao are trapped, and you haven't entered the battle to save them!"

After all, the Hunyuan Jindou turned again, and the golden light emerged, covering the burning lamp!
The lamp is busy showing the five qi in the chest, condensing into Qingyun on the top, and reappearing the three flowers on the top!
At this moment, Ran Deng showed the real strength of ancient power!

24 acres of Qingyun!

Qingyun is like a sea of ​​clouds, condensed and never dispersed!With a golden light, only half an acre of Qingyun was collected, and the lamp was still safe and sound!
But on the surface of the lamp, it is a pain!
These 24 acres of Qingyun are Qihai Qingyun condensed from his endless years!Every trace is pure mana!

When many ancient great powers were trapped in the realm of quasi-sages, they were at a loss for the way ahead, so they practiced hard to cultivate Qi Haiqingyun!The more Qingyun condenses, the stronger his natural strength will be, and the more condensed and pure his mana will be!Their supernatural powers and coercion will become stronger!

This is one of the reasons why the strength of the ancient power is higher than that of the new generation!

Ordinary Daluo Jinxian only has five acres of Qingyun, which is transformed by the five qi in his chest!
It is the quasi-sage's power that has been achieved since ancient times, and the number of Qingyun is only twelve acres!

Qingluo's Qingyun only has nine acres. Although it is not as good as Zhunsheng, it is much stronger than the average Daluo Jinxian!
Qingyun is formed by the manifestation of the sea of ​​qi, and every drop of it requires hard work and condensing. Qing Luo's cultivation time is still short, so it is naturally not comparable to the sea of ​​qi Qingyun of these ancient powers!
Seeing this, Yunxiao was not surprised, but when he released his mana, he also showed a sea of ​​Qi Qingyun!
Twenty acres of Qingyun!What's more, from the three flowers on the top, nine small flowers sprouted from the whole body!

If Qingyun represents the sea of ​​qi, the root of the monk's magic power, then Sanhua represents the soul root of the monk Da Luo!

The stronger the primordial spirit, the easier it is to understand Taoism and deduce the secrets of heaven!The mana that can be driven is naturally more!The primordial spirit is more pure, closer to the Dao realm, and realizes the Dao!
Sanqing was transformed by Pan Gu's primordial spirit, so it is extremely powerful against the primordial spirit's cultivation method!Yunxiao got the true biography of Tongtian, and the cultivation of Yuanshen is also very good!

(End of this chapter)

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