The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 302 Three Xiao's Life and Death

Chapter 302
The real Yellow River is right in front of the eyes of the immortals, and the Yellow River in front of them is the real Yellow River!

The river of human origin, the Yellow River!
The Jiuqu Yellow River formation really summoned the Yellow River!

At this moment, the river suppressed all the auras in the world, even the aura of Jieyun!

Formation, communicate with heaven and earth, pull mountains and rivers!With the help of the power of heaven and earth, the power of mountains and rivers!They comprehended the true meaning of formation!

Lao Tzu just stood quietly in the formation, without any intention of making a move.Because this is a matter of Yuan Shi!
When Yuan Shi saw the water of the Yellow River, he just sneered and said: "The brilliance of rice grains!"

The people outside the big formation were still amazed at the formation, and suddenly saw inside the Jiuqu big formation, Qingyun Jinhui covered the sun and the moon!
I saw Mumu Qingyun floating in the sky, stretching vertically and horizontally, boundless!

It was Wanmu Qingyun!Under the saint, the unimaginable Qi Haiqingyun!

Qingyun, which covers an area of ​​[-] mu, is even less than the sum of a hundred quasi-sages in ancient times!

This kind of stark contrast brings nothing but despair!
Qingyun mumu blocked the power of heaven and earth and cut off the power of the great formation!Just a little bit can make the entire Jiuqu Yellow River formation lose its prestige!
The Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation, broken!

Qing Luo was also extremely surprised. Although he would never underestimate a saint, such a powerful power that could not be seen was beyond his expectations!

The yellow sand scattered in bursts and fell into the ground, turning into a battlefield!
The Yellow River in the sky was also moved back to its original place by Yuanshi!

Bixiao was shocked, and the formation they spent countless efforts on, in the eyes of a saint, could be broken with just one hand!

As soon as the formation was broken, the figures of the Five Immortals appeared on the high platform.

Seeing this, the boy Baihe next to Yuanshi stretched out his hand to hit him, and Yu Ruyi slammed into Bixiao's head directly!
Bi Xiao was still surprised, but Yun Xiao had been on guard for a long time, and with a turn of the Hunyuan Jindou, he beat Yu Ruyi back!

Yu Ruyi flew back upside down, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly, Yu Ruyi instantly rose to the sky, turned into a giant of hundreds of feet and hit Bixiao!

Bi Xiao came back to his senses at this moment, hurriedly got up and flew away.

Qiong Xiao said angrily: "It's in vain to be a saint, to take advantage of others' prestige!"

In the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, etiquette and face are the most important. How has it ever been taught so by the juniors?

He took out a box in his hand, and when the lid was opened, he flew towards Qiong Xiao, trying to put her in!
Yun Xiao hurriedly dodges to block in front of him!
Yuanshi Tianzun frowned!The treasure box stopped.

I made a move, just took out a Fenghuo futon, and dropped it on Yunxiao's body!
The Fenghuo futon shows the two spirits of Fenghuo, and the treasure falls into the town!Yun Xiao was suppressed by the Fenghuo futon without any resistance!

But Yun Xiao didn't panic, just knelt down and begged: "Please, uncle and uncle, please accept me and spare some younger sisters! I beg my uncle and uncle to be merciful and let some younger sisters go!..."

Yunxiao kept crying and begging, kowtowing every time he said a word.The quasi-sage's body, even if it doesn't use mana, its physical body is extraordinary, and it only cracked the refined formation platform on the ground.

Seeing this, Bi Xiao hurriedly said: "Sister, why do you beg them so much! Without their permission for the death of elder brother, how could Ran Deng succeed!"

Qiong Xiao also said anxiously: "Yes, eldest sister, how can you kneel down to the enemy!"

Caiyun and Hanzhixian also became anxious.

Seeing that Yunxiao didn't pay any attention to him, Qiongxiao just knelt down and begged the two saints. He couldn't help being sad and angry, and hated Yuanshi's indifferent attitude standing on the top of the cloud, sneering at the way he looked at ants!

She said angrily: "If the ants are spirits, what a pity to die!"

After all, take out the golden scissors and release the double dragons, and cut towards Yuanshi!
Yuan Shi only stretched out his hand for a move, and the two flood dragons collapsed immediately!The soul of the flood dragon is destroyed!The golden scissors are broken!With another finger, Ruyi fell from the top of a hundred feet!It is as big as a hundred feet, not too big or too small, it can destroy the person it is aiming at, but it won't hurt others by mistake!

Qiong Xiao was so angry, how could she be afraid?I saw her united in front of her, turning into a purple scare, hitting Yu Ruyi!

"Boom" a loud noise!Qiong Xiao was smashed to pieces!

Yun Xiao's expression was in great pain, and he yelled sadly: "Third Sister!" She struggled desperately, trying to break free from the Fenghuo futon on her body!
Seeing this, Bi Xiao was stunned for a moment, as if she couldn't believe that Qiong Xiao died like this!

The next moment, her eyes were bloodshot instantly!My heart is like a myriad of ghosts eating my heart!Her Qiong Xiao is gone!Her third sister is gone!
They discussed Taoism together, played together, and countless scenes appeared in front of her eyes, she was crazy!She didn't know who she was, she didn't know who the second saint in front of her was, she forgot everything in an instant, only the falling true spirit in her eyes!
She ran in a hurry and rushed forward desperately, but because she was too excited, she fell and fell on the sand, and the sand was all over her mouth!But she immediately got up and ran.

She forgot that she was a big Luo monk, she only knew her relatives, and that person died like this!
Bi Xiao picked up the fallen ball of true spirits with both hands!Looking at this lavender true spirit, she finally came to her senses and cried loudly!

Fairy Caiyun was extremely angry when she saw this!Released the Killing Bead to hit Yuanshi, and Han Zhixian also released a wind bag to aim at Yuanshi!
Although they are not Sanxiao sisters, they have a deep friendship, so why be afraid of life and death?
Lao Tzu shot again, with a wave of his sleeve robe, Er Bao disappeared without a trace!

With another wave, Caiyunxian and Hanzhixian were frozen in place, unable to move their bodies or speak!

In the distance, even though Qing Luo was ten miles away, she could see it clearly.

Qiong Xiao is finally dead!

He sighed, feeling stuffy in his heart and a little stuffy in his throat.The beautiful Qiongxiao who used to be, the quiet Qiongxiao by the Yellow River, just died like this!
He had no choice but to tell Shen Gongbao, call back the true spirit and send it to Chaoge Fengshentai!

However, as soon as he raised his hand, he froze!

Qing Luo saw that Qiong Xiao's true spirit was shattered!
Fragmentation!One after another shattered!
And Qiong Xiao's screaming pain!
Qing Luo was startled, she didn't expect Yuan Shi to be so ruthless!He actually destroyed the true spirit of the primordial spirit! ! !
Bi Xiao didn't pay attention at first, but when she heard Qiong Xiao's scream from the soul, she raised her head in shock and saw the true spirit in her hand cracked little by little!
Cracked!It is not broken into pieces, but scattered with the wind!


The true spirit was completely split apart and turned into fly ash!
Bi Xiao seemed to be frozen all of a sudden, and then she really went crazy!
The tears on Bi Xiao's face hadn't faded yet, but she laughed!She said in a trembling voice: "Third sister, where have you gone? Why can't I find you?
How can you abandon me and eldest sister?
where are you! ! ! "She yelled suddenly at the last sentence, turned and looked around, looking for Qiong Xiao!
Bi Xiao stumbled and fell to the ground. She crawled on the sand and looked up.

Seeing Yuan Shi frowning, he said, "Brother, how can such a man with five limbs be able to become a Taoist?"

I am silent!Since entering the formation, he has never said a word.

Bi Xiao shook her body suddenly, and exclaimed, "It's you! You killed my third sister! I want, I want to avenge my third sister!"

 I just want to show the inclusiveness of the prehistoric, the greatness of the prehistoric, full of wonders.

  There was no such feeling after that.

  Also please forgive me.I'm just a fool, I don't know how to guess readers' hearts, I can only think about it by myself.For those who are disgusted, I can only thank you for being able to see this, and thank you for your support.After all, I alone bear all, cry. . . .

  Even if I want to leave, I have to read the next chapter, a very burning chapter, and the ending of Sanxiao is extraordinary!
(End of this chapter)

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