Chapter 305
I saw dots of light flashing in the yellow sand. There are two colors, one is purple and the other is green!
Countless points of spiritual light gathered together, shining a little bit under the list of gods.

Yun Xiao suddenly stopped breathing, and stared at the two bright lights with both eyes, not daring to move away!

Behind Empress Nuwa suddenly appeared a towering ancient tree, the sacred tree of good fortune, with an aura of endless vitality!

That tree is only nine feet in radius, but every green leaf carries an unimaginable vitality!
Among the flourishing branches and leaves, there are three thousand flower buds shyly waiting to bloom!Each bud has a different aura of law, and among them there is an aura that is stronger than that of a quasi-sage, hidden and hidden!
Although the tree is only nine feet tall, the slight trembling of each leaf will trigger countless flowers and grasses in the world to bloom, and the greenery and vitality will fill the prehistoric world!
Qing Luo's eyes startled, could it be possible that this tree will evolve into a world tree in the future?After each flower blooms and withers, it will produce a fruit, and each fruit is a world?
Not to mention Qingluo, even Yuanshi Tianzun was startled when he saw this tree, and the corners of his eyes twitched.

Lao Tzu also stared at the tree of good fortune and remained silent.

Empress Nuwa stretched out her slender jade fingers and spread them out.

Two green leaves fell from the tree and were in Nu Wa's hands.Then with a wave of her, the two leaves flew into the two-color aura of green and purple!

As soon as Fang entered, the two clusters of spiritual light condensed one after another. With the spiritual leaf as the core and the spiritual light as the body, two figures reappeared!

It was Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao who were already out of their wits!But the two are only the bodies of true spirits, not immortal bodies!

Countless powers shocked!Almost no one has ever been able to re-condense the soul that has been scattered!It is almost impossible for a saint to do it!

But Nv Wa did it!

In the Six Realms of Reincarnation, Empress Pingxin, who had both indifference and compassion on her face, looked at Nuwa!

Empress Pingxin, there is no trace of emotional indifference on her face, but only her eyes reveal great compassion and generosity.

Empress Pingxin looked at Erxiao's true spirit, and then at Nuwa. The two looked at each other with an infinite distance!
Empress Pingxin smiled suddenly, and Empress Nuwa also smiled lightly.

The two most powerful female cultivators in the prehistoric world smiled together, and the endless splendor swept across hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers.

No one can understand what they are thinking in their hearts, and no one dares to ask them what they are thinking, as long as they know it themselves!
Seeing the return of the true spirit, Yunxiao was ecstatic!
But Nvwa said: "The soul of Erxiao was summoned by me using the power of the Conferred Gods List, from now on it is only for the rightful position on the Conferred Gods List, and it will never be cut off as an immortal!

Fellow Daoist Hater, can you take a step back? "

Nuwa's words surprised countless great powers. The saint called him a friend of Taoism. Could it be that Yunxiao really has the strength of a saint?

Yun Xiao was startled by Nu Wa's words, but then laughed.Smile coldly, laugh sadly.She bowed and said, "Thank you, Empress Nuwa, for your kindness. Enemies will always be in my heart."

After all, she waved her hand, and Chao Xixian, who had already left, came again!

Yun Xiao said: "In the future, please ask fellow Taoists to take care of my sister!"

Although Er Xiao has regained his spirit, he has no memory or emotion at all, so he can only rely on the list of gods to exist, to seal the righteous god, and to gather the god body with the incense!
She has become a demon, so naturally she can't be with her!
Chaoxi smiled: "I wish to go!"

Yunxiao nodded, stretched out his hand, and the Hunyuan Jindou fell into Chaoxi's hands.

Immediately, the demonic clouds all over the sky gathered and attracted, and the deep demonic abyss also disappeared into the sky, only there was an extra mouthful of demonic abyss in the southwest demonic abyss sea!
Yunxiao bowed to Nuwa again, Nuwa chuckled, and Yunxiao smiled back.

The two disappeared at the same time and returned to the dojo!

The Conferred Gods List also returned to Xiqi, and Er Xiao and Chaoxi entered the Xiqi Conferred Gods Platform at the same time!
Lao Tzu took the cow and left.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he sat on the Kowloon incense and returned home.

Tong Tianfu turned around and sat down on the cloud bed.

The heaven and earth change triggered by Sanxiao has come to an end for the time being!

The God Conferred Tribulation will continue!
In the Lingling Mountain, Taoist Ran Deng went out of the mountain again, and Jiang Ziya regrouped his troops again!

Their story is over, everyone else's story must continue, keep going!

Qing Luo saw Jiang Ziya's army coming, but he ordered to return to the camp!
Because, his evil thoughts have already taken shape and become a wicked corpse!

At this time, in his Lingtai, the primordial spirit has two primordial spirits!One is his main soul, with blue light flashing, and the vitality of creation is immortal.

The other one is dark red!Exuding a bloodthirsty reddish evil light!This is his Evil Corpse Primordial Spirit!
A fusion of one's own evil thoughts, desires, killing thoughts, and the murderous thoughts of Quan Jie Jieyun, and the evil thoughts of the devil!
When Yunxiao released the Black Demon Abyss to demonize many prehistoric monks, he introduced a demonic energy into the evil thoughts of the primordial spirit!And this devilish energy is what made his corpse finally take shape!

Because of this, the evil corpse is thinking about devouring his main soul every moment!
But Qing Luo couldn't do anything to the evil corpse.You can't hurt, you can't kill!

Because, if he attacks the evil corpse, it is equivalent to attacking himself.And as long as the evil corpse devours Qingluo's main soul, it can become another real Qingluo!

Unless the evil corpse is cut out, entrusted with the innate spirit treasure, and obtains a Taoist body, the evil corpse can no longer devour the master soul, and it will also fuse the master's mark in the spirit treasure, and will truly obey the master soul!
However, when the Self-Measurement Tribulation is really formed, there will be no one in the world who can break through Da Luo and become a quasi-sage!Only when the catastrophe is over, the evil energy of heaven and earth disappears, and the secrets of heaven are clear, can monks break through!
Qing Luo can only use the ninth-grade lotus platform to restrain the evil corpse, so as not to harm the primordial spirit!
Even so, every time the evil corpse struggles fiercely and is injured by Qinglian's pure energy, his main soul will feel the pain of tearing the soul!
Qing Luo can only endure it with perseverance!
It's only been more than ten years for this Conferred God. For him, although this pain is indeed painful, it is naturally bearable for more than ten years.

After Qing Luo finished disposing of the evil corpses, she went to the big tent in the army and ordered the officers and soldiers accompanying her to report the news.

He took the military document, opened it, and couldn't help smiling.

Xiao Zhu at the side asked: "Master, is it a happy event?"

"That's right, it's really joyful! Kong Xuanben was at Sanshan Pass, defeated Nanbohou's army in a few days, and took Nanbohou's Houcheng directly. The war in the south has been decided!" Qing Luo said with a smile, "Looks like it's time for Shen Gongbao to come out!"

Shen Gongbao's greatest role in conferring the gods is to attract scattered cultivators from all over the world, and stop and teach his disciples to come down the mountain to fight.Now, because the Chaoge Conferred God Stage cannot be separated from human guarding, he has to be trapped in Chaoge, unable to find the group cultivators among the three mountains and five mountains.

Now, Chaoge has Wen Zhong in charge, and even the great demon Fei Lian has entered the court, so Shen Gongbao can be released for activities.

No matter what, Shen Gongbao's sentence "Friends of the Daoist, please stay behind" can't be silenced because of him.

Therefore, in order to help in the battle of Xiqi, the national teacher of the Shang Dynasty went to three mountains and four seas to find immortals for help.

Hearing that the grand master returned to the court, he took charge of the mobilization of soldiers and horses of a country.

(End of this chapter)

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