The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 316 Under the green willows on the battlefield, the enemy and we drink and talk together.

Chapter 316 Under the green willows on the battlefield, the enemy and we drink and talk together.

Outside the city of Xiqi, a long wind blows and the yellow sand rolls.

Under the sand is a corpse, under the sand is a drop of blood!

It will be a success!

The blood and corpses of mortals are like ants in the eyes of immortals, and it doesn't matter how many people die.

Qing Luo stood quietly in the sand field, the wind and sand blew his robe, adding to the sorrow of separation.

Beside him, there was also a handsome and handsome man standing with him in the wind and sand.

After a long time, Qingluo's gaze was withdrawn from the plaque of Xiqi City, looked to the west, and said: "Brother Kong, are you really willing to be released?"

Next to him is Kong Xuan who rushed to the foot of Xiqi city!Along with Kong Xuan came another 50 troops!

After Kong Xuan, there are Deng Jiugong and Hong Jin's 30 troops, and they will arrive in about a month!

Kong Xuan smiled lightly: "Yes!"

Just one word, with an unquestionable momentum.

Qing Luo sighed, what he didn't expect was that Kong Xuan actually wanted to teach in the West!

In his previous life, Kong Xuan grew up deeply in Buddhist rituals, so he naturally had a good impression of Western religion.

But, more importantly, he is for his own way!His opportunity to kill the corpse is in the west!
He also bears the expectations of the Feng Clan, the Feng Clan who is constantly tormented by the fire in Zhongnan Immortal Mountain.

Qing Luo didn't know what he and the Feng Clan were planning to teach in the west, because Kong Xuan didn't want to tell him and didn't want him to be involved in the dispute again, so Qing Luo stopped asking.

Kong Xuan laughed again: "Don't worry, even if I want to leave, I won't let you down! I will give my best to Xuanniao again!"

Qing Luo nodded and said: "Then I will trouble Brother Kong."

Kong Xuan looked at Xiqi City and said, "I, Kong Xuan, can't lose my demeanor in this city of calamity!"

The blowing up of wind and sand is the last symbol of Sanxiao's amazing talent and brilliance that has been left here, and the next shocking person will also be witnessed by Xiqi City!

On the second day, a million merchant troops surrounded Xiqi!
The east gate of Xiqi is the main gate.There are 40 troops approaching the city.

The west, south, and north gates each have 20 soldiers!

Xiqi City is already an isolated city!
Xiqi is no longer the two hundred princes in the west, but just a city named Xiqi!
Since then, it has been difficult for the princes of the world to enter the Zhou Dynasty!
At the east gate, there is only Kong Xuan, an immortal, sitting on the cloud head.

Zhengximen, which is the gateway to the two hundred princes in the west, is guarded by Qingluo, Qingjia, Qingyi, and Xiaozhu.

The south gate is guarded by Teng Liu, Yu Yixian and four heavenly monarchs from Shijuezhen.

The north gate is guarded by Qu Kong, Shi Jun, the three generals of the Mo family, and all scattered cultivators.

Looking around from the city of Xiqi, all you can see is the dark merchant army!

No need for power, no need for war drums and bells, just standing in formation is enough to make Zhou Jun see no hope in his heart!

Xiqi City has only 30 troops, and even Jiang Ziya, who is like a god of soldiers, has no confidence in defending the city!

In the last battle, Guang Chengzi was seriously injured, the three great men were captured, the father and son of the Huang family were captured, and the leading general Nan Gongshi was beheaded!
The Tianshun of the Western Zhou Dynasty has disappeared. Although the Mandate of Heaven of the Western Zhou Dynasty is still there, people's hearts have been divided into two poles!
Xiqi City is trapped!Foreign aid cannot enter the city, money and food cannot enter the city, and food and clothing cannot enter the city!
Immortals have no worries, but mortals need drinking water, food and clothing, and salt, oil and rice.

When everyone can't get out, seeing the gradual reduction of clothing and food, they will panic, become confused, and complain!

Trapped in a city, secure the Quartet.

Trapped in a city, with no access, chaotic for a long time, people resent!
Qing Luo was calm and leisurely, she sat on a table and planted a willow tree under the west city gate.

Because willow grows sand and is drought-tolerant!Resistance!

The willows are Yiyi, drinking under the tree according to the sun.Although it is a calamity, even though it is a conquest on the battlefield, Qing Luo gives people a feeling of leisurely living.

Jiang Ziya began to worry, and Yuanshi Tianzun began to frown.

Nu Wa continued to look and laugh, Tong Tian continued to hesitate and think.

After five days, the gate of Xiqi city opened.

The east gate and west gate opened at the same time!
Ran Deng and the nine golden fairies walked out of the east gate.

Jiang Ziya and three generations of disciples from Chanjiao went to Ximen.

There were also tens of thousands of horses coming out of the north and south gates, but they just lined up quietly, with Huang Gun in the north and Li Jing in the south.Both of them are talented leaders.

However, there is only silence at the north and south gates, only the howling of the wind and the flying of yellow sand.

Ximen, Jiang Ziya went out of the city, looked at the green fall under the willow tree, and couldn't help feeling worried.

But he still spoke.

"Senior, you are also a powerful cultivator, why don't you enjoy the happiness in the mountains, but always go against God's will?"

Qing Luo raised her eyebrows and said: "Prime Minister Jiang, this statement is wrong!

There was once a sage who was the head of the noble sect and said: "When 36 soldiers attack you, you should suffer three deaths and five injuries before you can worship the generals on the golden platform and conquer the merchants. This is what you said.

Today, Pindao has specially gathered fifteen of the 36 roads for you, just as God intended, and I also specially hope that Prime Minister Jiang will finish the conquest of the 36 roads as soon as possible, and pay homage to the general as soon as possible!

This is an act of obedience to heaven, how can you say it is disobedience? "

After Jiang Ziya heard this, it was difficult to refute for a while.He can't say that God's will is to let him kill all the way, and then kill all the way, instead of coming a dozen times at once like you, how can he kill?

If you can't say it, then keep silent.Anyway, today's home game is not here, only at the East Gate.He just needs to keep an eye on this person.

So, Jiang Ziya sat on the four portraits without looking at him.Qing Luo sat under the willow tree, only concentrating on surveying tea.

After a while, the venue was surprisingly quiet, tens of 10 people, as quiet as a ghost town.

Qing Luo suddenly smiled and said: "Prime Minister Jiang, it's windy and sandy, why don't you come and have a cup of tea to refresh your mind?"

Qing Jia and Qing Yi immediately stepped forward, put out the tea set, which was worthy of fragrant tea, and set up the seats.Jiang Ziya was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't expect Qing Luo to come out like this.

But immediately, he said: "Then thank you, senior!"

After speaking, he dismounted from his mount, stopped Nezha and the others who were about to speak, walked to the green willow tree, and sat down slowly.

He picked up the tea, hesitated, took a sip, his mouth twitched and his brows frowned.

This tea was beyond his expectation.

It's not that the tea is too mellow, but too bland, as bland as the tea grown by ordinary mortals.

"What? Are you not used to drinking?" Qing Luo took another sip and asked with a faint smile.

Jiang Ziya nodded and said: "Indeed, I haven't drunk Fancha for a long time, and I'm a little surprised and uncomfortable!"

"You are honest."

"Thank you senior for praising Miu, Jiang Shang still has a point in asking himself."

"But you're also selfish!"

Jiang Ziya shook his hand, and said: "Although Jiang Shang is selfish, it is also for the sake of elucidating the teaching and obeying God's will!
The senior is also very selfish, and there is no bottom line for selfishness! "

Qing Luo asked curiously: "How come there is no bottom line?"

"For your own selfishness, implicate your disciples in robbery
For his own selfishness, countless ordinary people died tragically, making the battle difficult to distinguish.

For one's own selfishness, he helped the unjust and stupid king, and made the world's people unhappy.

As a seeker of the Tao, you are willing to go deep into the great catastrophe for the sake of the Tao, and use the catastrophe to break the Tao. Your perseverance and Taoism are indeed commendable.

But as a sage of the human race, dynasties have changed, and you stick to the faint king for profit, you are ashamed of this title! "

Jiang Ziya looked up at Qingluo.

Qing Luo didn't dodge at all, but just smiled faintly: "Then if I don't come out, you will conquer the five passes in Xiqizhi, and millions of people will bleed, thousands of families will lose their children, widows, widows, widows, lonely and sick people, how can countless people live in peace?"

Jiang Ziya said: "But quick battles can always save lives. The longer the battle, the more people will suffer."

Qing Luo shook his head and said: "Wars are not just about fighting to decide the outcome!

Just like the ordinary tea in your hand, if you have been noble for a long time, you will not be able to understand people's hearts! "

Jiang Ziya was puzzled and asked, "How did the senior win without fighting?"

(End of this chapter)

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