Chapter 324

Yun Zhongzi was shocked. He looked at the Tiangong Wonderland beside him in shock, but an old man in red appeared in front of him with a benevolent face.

The old man smiled kindly and said: "The lower world is bothering you, fellow daoist, how about playing a game of chess with me, an idle old man, to pass the time?"

Yun Zhongzi looked at the old man in front of him, feeling very vigilant.Never thought that there is such a quasi-sage power hidden in the heaven!
Yun Zhongzi didn't dare to refuse directly, and asked, "May I ask where the priest is, senior?"

The old man stroked his beard and smiled and replied: "The old man is only doing some marriages in the world, and the world calls me the old man under the moon!"

Xiqi battlefield.

Horse hissing soldiers drink, purgatory on earth!
Every moment someone dies, every moment there is a fight.

The most precious life and the most horrific fight in daily life are constantly staged here.

The battle of millions of soldiers is like a magnificent and shocking sound!It was composed with life and played out with fighting!

This is the home field of millions of soldiers, and the collision of the mortal world!

Jiang Ziya sits in the central army, and his tactics will be mastered and strategized.The soldiers of the merchant army resisted desperately, and forged an army of iron and blood with their flesh and blood!

Blood, corpses, and swords are everywhere.

Jiang Ziya was unmoved.His heart was refined by the three thousand people in the world of mortals, and it has long been like gold and steel.

In the eyes of this general Xiqi, there is not a single soldier who sacrificed his life, only a number of life and death kills!

Military orders came out one by one, and Xiqi's army advanced step by step.

The commander of the merchant army was handed over from Qingluo to the guard of Lintong Pass, Ouyang Chun.

Although Ouyang Chun is just an ordinary general, but since he was young, he has followed the grand master to conquer the barbarians of the five routes. He has experienced hundreds of battles, and his way of marching and using troops is also extremely good.

But compared with the fairy Jiang Ziya, he is much worse!
His pale hair was even more sad.Seeing the military news from the herald, all the troops were retreating, Ouyang Chun was very anxious!
Let's say that in the Seventh Heaven, Qing Luo used the Hunyuan Four Elephant Gate to trap the three great scholars and Chi Jingzi.This treasure is worthy of being the treasure of a sage, it is the best innate spiritual treasure!Although it is not the best of the best spirit treasures, it has infinite uses.

Four gates and four images, earth, wind, water and fire, wreak havoc endlessly.Inside the four gates, there is a world of its own, boundless and boundless, there are no four directions inside, so it is difficult for the four golden immortals to come out for a while.

Qing Luo dragged the lamp.

In the sixth heaven, Qu Kong held back Guang Chengzi.

In the fifth heaven, Immortal Yuyi monopolizes the three golden immortals Qingxu Daodezhenjun, Lingbao Master, and Yuding Daoist, and they are still able to help Teng Liuyier from time to time.

In the fourth heaven, Teng Liu played against Daoxing Tianzun, and Xiaozhu played against Daoist Taiyi.Qingjia and Qingyi are against the fear of leaving grandchildren.

In the third heaven, as for the real Huanglong, he turned into a mighty yellow dragon, tightly entwining the puppet You.

The first heaven, the second heaven, the four heavenly monarchs and the three generals of the Mo family fought together to teach a group of three generations of disciples, and the fight was inseparable.

Maybe it's God's will, or fairy's will, or maybe it's man's will!
The merchant camp is finally dead!
The three Heavenly Sovereigns in the Ten Absolute Formation will hardly escape their fate!

Tu Xingsun hid in the ground and got the plantain fan brought by the Great Master Xuandu!
Maybe it's God's will!Ding Fengzhu couldn't borrow it, so he borrowed Eight Banana Fans!
The fire fan in the Bajing Palace in Shouyang Mountain!This fan is of the same origin as the plantain fan of the iron fan princess Rakshasa in the later Journey to the West.

In the past, when Buzhou Mountain was not down, there was a banana tree on it with four leaves, which were arranged in order of Fengshuihuo.Rakshasa's fan is a fan.

This fan is a fire fan!Use it to add fire to the Tushi furnace!
Tu Xingsun appeared in his body, and aimed at Dong Tianjun with force, a raging fire rose from the ground, the flame burned Xiao Han, and the real fire burned the cloud!

Dong Tianjun was harassed by Mu Zha's Wu hook swords, and when he saw fire rising from the ground, he hurriedly took out the wind flag, shook it vigorously, and the black wind roared away all over the sky!

But he didn't expect why this fire would go up against the wind!

The wind takes advantage of the fire, and the fire takes advantage of the wind!
As soon as the divine fire rose, it enveloped Dong Tianjun, and he died!
A true spirit emerges with a vague understanding.

On the high platform of Chaoge Qianzhang Fengshen, Wen Zhong sighed and picked up his pen and wrote.Chaoge Qiyun is integrated into the Fengshen List on the Fengshen Stage!

More than a dozen names floated and shone.

The list of gods on the Chaoge Conferring God Stage is worshiped by the king personally, and the list is made by the king. It is recognized by the people of the dynasties in the world, luck is the source of power, and the name of the immortal is used as a guide to attract the true spirit of the departed immortals.

Now, Dong Tianjun's true spirit has also come.

On the battlefield of Xiqi, the clouds of fire dispersed in the sky.

With Dong Tianjun gone, the Wind Roar Formation would naturally break without breaking.

Wang Tianjun, the leader of the red water formation, was furious, and a blood red jade bottle appeared and fell down.

Endless poisonous water, the floating red river set off a huge wave and swept towards Tu Xingsun!

Tu Xingsun waved his precious fan again, and the Yang fire came out!Water and fire are inseparable, inseparable!

In Wang Tianjun's heart, only the anger that brother Dao was killed was on his heart, so he couldn't care about anything else.Unfortunately, because of this, his neck was bitten by something!Wang Tianjun was in pain, but he was a black dog!
Howling dog!
But before he could react, he was beheaded by Yang Jian's three-headed dragon!
Wang Bian, Wang Tianjun is dead!The red water array is broken without breaking it!

The red sand array advocated Tianjun, and seeing the loss of two fellow Taoists, he was shocked and angry, and the sky was full of red sand!The sand of lost souls!
The wind blows up the universe, and the sand obsesses the void.

Tu Xingsun slapped another fan, and with the momentum of wind and fire, the red sand was blown down to the city of Xiqi!
In an instant, thousands of people died tragically!Fascinated and scattered, the body does not exist!
Tu Xingsun was shocked, how could he bear the karma of tens of thousands of people?

Zhang Tianjun in the first layer of heaven was also taken aback, he never thought that he would kill [-] innocent mortals by mistake!
Even many immortals were shocked. Immortals have slaughtered mortals, which has never happened since calamity!
The other immortals were shocked, but Nezha was not shocked.In his opinion, it was just some dead ants. Ordinary people, in his eyes, were no different from the ants in the courtyard when he was a child.

Nezha took advantage of this moment to show his three heads and six arms, dragged the gold brick, and smashed it towards Zhang Tianjun.

The gold bricks are heavy, the treasure of dry gold, when the head falls, the bones are smashed!
The leader of the Red Sand Array, Zhang Shao and Zhang Tianjun, died.

The red sand array is broken without breaking it!

The Ten Heavenly Monarchs on Bailu Island, and the Ten Absolute Arrays outside Xiqi City.

Ten unique ten unique, ten people are absolutely unique!
Of course, no!

Yuan Tianjun, the lord of the Ice Formation, was furious, with the anger in his heart and the cold flames in his body!
Dry blue cold flames rose from the sky to the ground!The cold wind between the heaven and the earth, the icy soul.

Yuan Tianjun is a person who turned from death to life. He has survived a desperate situation, felt the great fear of life and death, and experienced a rebirth!

His fate has been mutated, a man of ten extremes, with a glimmer of life, left behind in this world!

In the Seventh Heaven, Qing Luo felt sad and angry when he saw this, but he didn't show his emotions on the outside.

Just with a sudden finger, a ray of purple light rushed down the clouds.

Ran Deng was proud of himself, and finally wiped out several celebrities on the list of gods.He saw the green purple awns flying into the bottom, he took a pat with the Qiankun ruler, the ruler fixed the space, and fixed the purple awns.

He smiled lightly and said, "Fellow Daoist Qingluo, why do you want to attack some juniors?"

Qing Luo didn't answer, but only used his supernatural powers, and the 26 thorns scattered suddenly, trapping the lamp in a prison surrounded by 26 thorns.

He sat cross-legged, and the towering orb of good fortune floated above his head, shining on the thorns.

Ran Deng trembled suddenly, this supernatural power of thorns was not an ordinary evil, and he did not dare to underestimate it.

But when he swept his eyes, he found that one was missing, and he was shocked in his heart!
But he saw the purple awn below which he had pinned, pulled out a thorn and rushed towards Tu Xingsun.

Tu Xingsun's face turned pale in an instant, and he waved the fire fan, and the raging fire burned towards the thorns.

But the thorns burst out of the fire with a flash of purple light all over the body, entangled him with a ferocity like a poisonous snake, and the terrifying aura of choosing to eat someone.

(End of this chapter)

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