Chapter 332
The sound of bells striking on the Kunlun Sacred Mountain spread throughout the majestic and handsome mountains, across the hills, and spread to every inch of land.

One by one Yuxu's disciples flew to Yuxu Palace, twelve golden immortals came together, and all three generations came to explain and teach.In the huge Yuxu Palace, there are only half a hundred people.

The gate of Yuxu Palace was closed, and Qingyun covered the roof of the hall. No one outside the hall knew what happened in the hall, who said what.

It's just that in the days that followed, all the scattered cultivators in the prehistoric world were activated by immortals!

East China Sea Penglai, the Holy Land of casual cultivators!Non-golden wonderland monks cannot enter!Even the Taiyi Golden Immortal is only slightly famous on the island, only the Daluo Golden Immortal is the real power on Penglai Immortal Island!

There are as many as fifteen Daluo Loose Cultivators on Penglai Island, and more than a hundred Taiyi Loose Cultivators!
On the island, every monk is an individual, and each other is just a relationship between Taoists and friends, otherwise it is a teacher-student or a Taoist companion relationship!There are no big forces here, only small groups of casual cultivators!
On Penglai Island, several Da Luo monks, one Taiyi, and one Golden Wonderland monk came out to Dashang!

In the southeast of the prehistoric world, where scattered sects of cultivators gathered, elders and ancestors of some sects came out of the mountain in person, got up and stepped into the mortal world.

In the southwest of the prehistoric wilderness, one by one, with the aura of fierce calendar, casual cultivators who have experienced many battles, walked out of the hidden caves, took the treasures, and stepped into the mortal world!
In the prehistoric north, amidst the boundless miasma, one by one escaped from hunting or hunting from powerful forces, or desperate cultivators for various reasons, all walked out of the north.

. . . . . .

The casual cultivators in the entire prehistoric world are in motion!
All cultivators in the world will come out!
The reason they came out of the mountain was the edict of the Yuanshi sage!
Anyone who enters Xiqi Shuntian to attack merchants will join my teaching after success!
Just this one word caused turmoil in the whole prehistoric world!

Yuanshi Tianzun!One of the Six Sages of Heaven!

Disciples of the Holy Cult!That is the wish of countless casual cultivators!Only when you have been a casual cultivator, have experienced a life of no one to rely on, and experienced countless tortures, sufferings, despair, powerlessness and humbleness that are hard to remember, can you know the strength of the great power and the superiority of the great power!

Moreover, this is the sect of saints!You can get the pity of the most powerful figures in the world!Not to mention the big temptation on the day when the sage preached, it was the spiritual herbs, elixir and spiritual treasures in the holy religion, which are enough to attract those casual practitioners who are struggling to practice the Tao!

Qing Luo just shook his head, and Yuan Shi threw out a big picture cake!That is to join my teaching after success!
Let's say that if the ability cannot be achieved, it is achieved. Can these casual cultivators really live until the time of achievement?
The calamity of heaven and earth, at this moment, it really starts to be frightening, frightening!
Many casual cultivators came out of the mountain, and those with grudges had already fought on the way, life and death.

There are those who are worried about the treasures and immortal medicines, but they disappeared and died in the chaos.

There are casual cultivators who provoke powerful forces, and as soon as Fang stepped out of the secret place, he was dissipated!
Influenced by the great catastrophe, ignorant of the true spirit, it is easy to provoke disputes and fight.

In casual cultivators, there is even a trace of secret demon energy mixed into the monk's mind. No one knows at what moment a certain monk will attack the heart and become a demon!

Heaven and Earth Jieyun became fierce!As long as the monk looked up at the sky, his heart would tremble inexplicably!
The heaven and earth robbery cloud expanded again, from the entire human race domain to the entire prehistoric quarter, and the entire prehistoric area was under the shroud of the robbery cloud!
Some hidden ethnic groups are shrouded by the clouds of calamity, and their minds are ignorant. When they are robbed for a while, the whole clan will be wiped out!

From then on, the prehistoric world once again smelled of blood.As for the last time, it was a long, long time ago when the three ancient clans fought for hegemony. The whole world was stained red with blood, and the mountains were piled up with corpses.

What's more, the flesh and blood of the ancient lich was piled up in such a way that it was so huge!A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood!It's a pity that the Tianhe River that fell from the sky surged down, washing away the corpses of those liches without a trace!

From then on, Honghuang staged battles and scenes of fighting all the time.

At the same time, there are also masters of casual cultivators stepping into the city of Xiqi!

Similarly, a close friend of a disciple of the Jiejiao stepped into the Surabaya Pass.

The six saints of heaven and earth all looked dignified.

Yuan Shi looked at the scattered cultivators in Naxiqi City, and couldn't help hesitating in his heart, how could such a mob, such shallow people, come to him to teach and cultivate the supreme immortal law?
Yuanshi Tianzun is the most majestic of the Sanqing, and also a saint who makes people feel that he knows him very well.

Emphasize rules, value qualifications, protect weaknesses, dislike monsters, and save face!

This may be the reflection of Yuanshi in the minds of all the cultivators in the past!

But often the people you think you know best are the people you don't know the most!
Yuanshi Tianzun stood alone on the top of the Kunlun Mountains, followed by Baihe Boy, silent.

Yuanshi Tianzun sighed, his deep eyes lit up with the light of old memories, his eyes softened, his expression changed to memories, nostalgic for the past, and entrusted to the future!

He looked back at Kunlun, and Kunlun stood facing him.Mountains and people, mountains and saints, look at each other without words.

Yuanshi Tianzun waved and put down an object, which was a stone.The stone is buried in the soil, and there are words on the stone, and the words are Sanqing!
One stone and three cleans are buried in the top of Kunlun, and no one knows that I have one heart!

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the sky alone, standing with his hands folded against the wind, under the sunset of Kunlun Mountain, Yuanshi's shadow was stretched very long, and the Kunlun fairyland was golden and red.

Boy Baihe felt that his master was lonely and lonely, and he always had a trace of sadness for no reason!

On Golden Turtle Island, Wan Xian meets again.Three thousand disciples go out of Biyou, a group of immortals race across the sea and sky, the magic of the immortal family falls into the clouds, enters the mortal world, and enters Surabaya!

Lao Tzu in the Palace of Eight Views opened his eyes, and if the tranquility in his heart was disturbed, he would not be able to enter the Tao, he would not be able to cultivate the Tao, and it would be natural to follow the law!

Lao Tzu quietly looked at the red crutch beside him, picked it up, stroked it, and put it down again.

After a long time, I picked it up again, stroked it again, and put it down again.

. . .

This Xuanmen sage repeated these actions over and over again, like an ordinary old man recalling the cherished things, reminiscing about the past.

The saint Nuwa in Wa Palace also fell silent.But when she turned her head to look at Honghuang Beilu, the miasma formed by the corpse of the black tortoise on the northern land was so poisonous that even the Taiyi Golden Immortal could not easily enter it.

And in that extremely deep place, there is a magnificent high platform, on which stands a statue of ten thousand feet, a statue of the god of the monster clan, and a statue of the great saint of the monster clan!
On top of the group of statues, there are three most magnificent stone statues of hundreds of millions of feet.

That is the supreme king of the demon clan, the demon emperor Di Jun, the demon emperor Donghuang Taiyi, and the demon queen Xi He.

Behind them are nine stone golden crows, which are complete golden crow beast bodies, because they died before they took shape, and they don't know their faces, so they can only use their real bodies as images!

This is the tomb of thousands of monsters in ancient times, carrying the glory of the previous era and endless memories.Although they are gone, the implication still exists in the living people.

Karma is still there, fate is still there, the demon clan is still there, and her Nuwa is still there!

(End of this chapter)

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