Chapter 336 Battle of Surabaya
When Yuanshi Tianzun made a move, Tongtian in Biyou Palace closed his eyes, sighed, and fell silent again.

It is almost impossible for them to break up their friendship for countless years.Even if it is a war, Tongtian will give three points.

Thus, Jiang Ziya's 80 troops went through many obstacles and finally passed the Surabaya Pass!
The 80 troops lined up, facing the west gate of Sishuiguan.

The army is long, the crowd is huge, and a dark figure is approaching the city.How was this scene ever similar?The Shang army attacked Xiqi, and the soldiers trapped Xiqi city.Shang attack Zhou Shou.

Now, the situation is reversed, the Western Zhou Dynasty attacked the great merchants, and the troops came to Surabaya.Zhou attacked business and defended.

Surabaya Pass, the first gateway for big merchants to Zhou!
The 36th Route Army attacked Xiqi, and all the news of the defeat was transmitted back to the Shang Dynasty from here.And the guard of Sishui Pass, Han Rong, is also the longest surviving guard of the Ten Heroes of the Dashang Pass, and the only one who has not changed positions!

Qing Luo relievedly handed over the power of the defender to Han Rong, a taciturn defender in his 40s.

Han Rong was both happy and panicked.The joy is to be appreciated by the handsome and entrusted with a heavy responsibility.The panic is that his opponent is Jiang Ziya!

The talent of this general whose name has been spread all over the world, master of art of war!

But Han Rong still took it.

Military orders came out one after another, and the troops moved out one by one.

Surabaya was closed with merchant troops, huge stones, bows and arrows, rolling logs, and all kinds of siege objects piled up on the top of the city.Under the city, countless soldiers and civilians continued to transport supplies, and teams of soldiers patrolled and strictly guarded.

The hearts of these pass guards are also a little heavy, because there are a lot of enemy troops tens of miles outside the pass!

Sishuiguan and Zhouying faced off tens of miles away, without drums, shouts, flags, and trumpets, the breath of killing spread from the sky and the earth.

On the second day, when the sun rises and the light of the rising sun shines on the earth, this epic battle has already begun!

Countless Zhou soldiers climbed up the thick wall of the checkpoint like a colony of ants, the ladder was erected, and the flying claw rope flew out.

On the top of the wall, countless rolling logs, boulders, and sharp arrows fell, each of which would take a life away, and take a life and fall to the top of the city.

Shouting, fighting, non-stop.

Bleeding, death, non-stop.

Those who attacked the city tried their best, and those who defended the city also tried their best.Both sides are very hard, so fierce, so the casualties are heavy!

They are all inconspicuous ants in the catastrophe, unable to stir up the slightest disturbance.But they are just like the immortals, fighting with their lives, fighting with their lives!

There are rolling logs, boulders, and arrows all over the place under the Surabaya Pass, but there are still corpses, most of which are Zhou Jun's corpses.Since the city is besieged, the party who is besieging the city must suffer heavy losses!
But there are also some corpses of merchant soldiers!They were either killed by the soldiers who rushed to the top of the wall, or fell to the top of the city together.

Jiang Ziya was in the big tent in the army, and his heart trembled slightly. The number of casualties made even him feel a little trembling!

Although he is a master of military art, Han Rong didn't fight him, and retreated into the city from the very beginning.

War is Jiang Ziya's strong point, and defending is the strong point of Han Rong who occupies a favorable location.Han Rong is the defender, the first to defend the city!Jiang Ziya is the conquest general, and he is number one in attacking cities and lands!

The war below is fierce and cruel.

The war above is also tragic and cruel.

Battle of Ten Thousand Immortals!From the first level of heaven to the ninth level of heaven, it is a battle of immortals!

The immortal of warriors not only comes from the Second Teaching of Interpretation and Judgment, but also comes from casual cultivators in the prehistoric world!
Not to mention Taiyi, Jinxian, and Xuanxian, there are even immortals in heaven and earth fairyland!A mixed bag!

Among the many rogue cultivators invited by Chanjiao, there are many who have high cultivation bases, powerful magic weapons, and strong combat power, but most of them are like miscellaneous fish and skirmishers!

Thousands of golden immortal disciples have come to Jiejiao, and only one thousand golden immortals have fought against the ten thousand immortals in the Zhou camp!
Not only because of the heels, cultivation bases, and magic weapons of Jiejiao disciples are higher than those of casual cultivators, but more importantly, the unique skill of Jiejiao, formation!

A large array of flashing brilliance rises from the clouds, tops the sky, traps the upper and lower directions, and surrounds the heaven and earth!
One formation can trap several immortals!One Golden Immortal can rival several Golden Immortals!A thousand immortals are the enemy of ten thousand immortals!This is the gap between the holy religion and ordinary casual cultivators!

Of course, this is just an ordinary casual practice!Among casual cultivators, there are many masters and powerful people!Many Jiejiao disciples were also injured by some casual cultivators using various means.Conspiracy and tricks, lure the enemy to go deep, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, and directly suppress them with force!
Immortals began to fight to the death!Jiejiao Jinxian began to fall!Among the casual cultivators invited by the teaching, even one of them fell, and even the true spirit could not inspire the list of gods, and the true spirit was wiped out by the aftermath of the war!
But in Jiuchongtian, Xuandu is very leisurely, and Kong Xuan is also very leisurely.The two sat facing each other, quietly watching the life-and-death battle of the immortals and sentient beings below.

Kong Xuan has already shot twice, and once again he will enter the Western Land!Therefore, his last phone call must play a role!
And Xuandu only restrained Kong Xuan.Because he was not sure that he could beat Kong Xuan.Since making a move can't change the situation of the battle, then simply don't make a move.

The two masters watch clouds, sky, immortals, people, and each other leisurely and elegantly.

But within the eighth heaven, it was extremely chaotic!Fairy melee!
Interpret the melee of the core disciples of the Second Sect!

The Holy Mother of Guiling fought Cihang, Manjusri, and Samantabhadra alone, and gained the upper hand with one enemy and three!Because the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit beheaded a dead body!With the virtue of Cangjie's creation of characters, praise the common people, kill the good corpses, and become a quasi-sage!She had already escaped from the catastrophe, but in the heart of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit, cutting off religion is the number one!More important than yourself!

It may be that he has stayed in Jiejiao for a long time, and he has long regarded Jiejiao as his family, Saint Tongtian as his father, and all his brothers and sisters as relatives.

Therefore, she did not hesitate to invite Zhan to accompany her to the most dangerous Surabaya Pass!

Hanzhixian and Caiyunxian faced off against Guangchengzi. Due to the death of Sanxiao, the two fairies were damaged in character and difficult to develop their strength.Even if the storm rises and sweeps the sky, it will be difficult to shake the imaginary phantom Fan Tianyin in the sky!

Chi Jingzi met the Holy Mother of the Fire Spirit, and the yin and yang mirror illuminated the poles of life and death, but Chi Jingzi couldn't see the Fire Spirit in the golden glow, and what he saw was just illusory.

Lu Yue, the silent god of plague, met this unlucky real Huanglong, which made Huanglong feel even worse.

Feather Wing Fairy's Battle Soul of Ten Thousand Beasts met Qingxu Daodezhenjun's Seven Birds Holy Soul and Master Lingbao's nine-character mother spirit treasure.

Immortal Yuding's treasured tripod smashed onto Qukong's golden-sounding twin phoenixes.

When Luo Xuanhuo's elf meets Taiyi Daoist, it's hard to burn even a single bit of Nine Dragons' Divine Fire. There are only thousands of fire crows in the sea of ​​fire, and it's hard to distinguish the roar of dragons and crows!
But Fear Liusun met Ma Sui, the golden hoop fairy who came from Jiameng Pass.The fairy rope binds the fairy body, and the golden hoop traps the fairy essence.The intertwining of rope and circle is chaotic, inseparable!

Daoxing Tianzun met the Pilu Immortal among the Seven Immortals, the breeze rolled the clouds and Shulu flowers, and a dust wave swept the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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