Chapter 352

You looked at Jiuxian Mountain, and then looked away after only one glance. The fire, wind, and miasma were to avenge the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, Immortal Hanzhi, and Immortal Caiyun.The dead have passed away, so it's useless to say more, that's all there is to it!
You body collapsed and turned into a palm-sized wooden puppet, which was caught by the Feather Wing Immortal and returned to Qinglong Pass.

Above the sky, the Three Treasures Ruyi flew back to Kunlun, and the Pangu flag flew back to Kunlun.

Yuxu Kunlun is silent, the mountain is silent because of the sage, and the sage is silent because of a disciple.

Yuanshi Tianzun felt unspeakably sad!The disciple he cared about the most died like this!It was a miserable death and weeping.

Countless spirit beasts or disciples in the fairyland of Kunlun Mountain felt that the sky in Kunlun Mountain was very dull and heavy.

Baihe boy flew back, holding Guangchengzi's Fantianyin Luohun bell and other magic weapons, and knelt in front of Kunlun Mountain, not daring to move, not to enter, not to leave.

Qing Luo spared his life, maybe some people thought that Qing Luo was tolerant, or didn't dare to attack the saint's disciple anymore.

But more people are afraid of Qing Luo in their hearts.This cruel and insidious existence is terrifying.

He killed Guangchengzi with Baihe boy, and Yuanshi's favorite disciple with Yuanshi Tianzun's favorite grandson!
It's okay if they are all dead, but one dead and one alive, the living kill the dead.If Yuanshi forgave Baihe Tongzi, then every time he saw Baihe Tongzi, he would think of Guangchengzi.

But Boy Baihe is also innocent, he was just being used by others.

However, when a person dies, he dies.Guangchengzi was pierced to death by Baihe Boy, and his body was sprinkled with flesh and blood all over Jiuxian Mountain.

The battle at Surabaya Pass has stopped again!

It was raining, and the rain washed away the traces of the war. In the rain, the purple blood thorns were devouring the corpses.

In the rain, Qinglongguan was silent there.

In the rain, the boy Baihe knelt in front of Kunlun Mountain.

It rained for three days and three nights, and the dragon king in the sky dived back into the water as if fleeing, not daring to stay in the prehistoric world for a moment.

Tong Tian of Jinbie Island sat alone in the palace, looking at the sword in his hand, thinking about the dead.

The Four Sages of Kowloon Island, Shi Tianjun, Zhao Gongming, Yunxiao, Bixiao, Qiongxiao, Our Lady of Fire Spirit, Hanzhixian, Caiyunxian
Every inner disciple, every proud disciple, is gone.

In the same way, he thought of Yuanshi, he thought of Yuanshi and felt his own feeling at this time!

Lao Tzu was in Shouyang Mountain, his face was as calm and silent as ever.

Nu Wa of Wa Palace also sighed slightly at this time, this is a catastrophe.Once in the robbery, life and death do not matter.Even a saint can't protect the person he wants to protect!
Nuwa also remembered her own powerlessness and sorrow when the demon clan was destroyed.

A sage is like a huge monster in the ocean, every word and deed can cause huge waves and countless waves.

However, although the sage is great, he does not have the vastness of the sea of ​​fate and the breadth of the way of heaven.

The way of heaven is like the sea, and the sage is like a giant in the sea. Although a giant can set off a monstrous sea, when the waves surge, the power of a sage cannot stop it.

Boy Baihe knelt in front of Kunlun Mountain for nine days, and boy Baihe disappeared on the tenth day.

The Baihe boy appeared in Beihai Haiyan, and stayed in Beihai forever, and he will never come back!

He went to the end where Shen Gongbao should go, and the Anji Xianweng was heartbroken.His only disciple had come to such an end!
Duobao is also heartbroken. His only disciple, the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit, is gone.

Chi Jingzi is also sad, he has the best relationship with Guang Chengzi, and his brother and best friend are gone!

In the two teachings of explaining and intercepting, many disciples are sad, sad, hurt, and angry!These emotions are brewing, spreading, and gradually growing in the two teachings of explaining and intercepting.

After Sishui Pass and Qinglong Pass have been silent for a long time, the drums of war are up again!No matter how many people have passed away, and how sad the living people are, the general situation has become, and no one can help it.When the Conferred Gods battle begins, the two sects will be clarified, no one can retreat, no one can escape!
Day after day of fighting, Duobao injured Antarctica, and Antarctica injured Duobao.The Holy Mother of Jinling injured Puxian, and Manjusri also injured Jinling. . . .

Immortals fell one after another, and warriors died tragically.Jiang Ziya's white hair is more dazzling, and his sorrow is more worried.

The battle lasted for three months, and all the thousands of outer sect golden immortals of Jiejiao died in battle!

There are no more than ten thousand famous casual practitioners!

But in the camp of the Western Zhou Dynasty, another casual cultivator came to ask the sage to give him a chance, and he went to thousands of immortals.

Thus, in the Biyou Palace in the East China Sea, ten thousand immortals gathered again, and all the remaining two thousand golden immortals came out, and the Jiuyao Xingjun came out together, and the 28 stars walked together.

Interpreting the two religions, I no longer remember the friendship between the three religions!They didn't hold any resentment, and they didn't complain about why the Sage Headmaster didn't avenge the passing of his fellow disciples.

They know that there are saints on the other side, and because of the restraint of saints, saints can't really make a move!Therefore, they are willing to personally avenge their grievances.

After all, they are the foundation of a great religion!A sage is a sage, and the ashram of a sage is a holy place.Only a group of immortals is a great religion, and a group of immortals and saints is called a holy place for cultivating Taoism!
They are willing to use their own ways to settle past grievances.They knew that it was a catastrophe, but the moment they stepped out of Biyou Palace, their blood was boiling, but they had no regrets, no complaints, no questions, only to move forward!
As soon as the Jiejiao immortals left the Golden Turtle Island, there was a loud noise from the heaven and the earth!
Hundreds of millions of mountains and rivers trembled, the situation in Kyushu was excited, the five poles of the world trembled, and the ancient power reappeared!
A unicorn with giant feet stepped out of the land of Central Continent, the land of Wuji in the middle of the prehistoric, the ancient unicorn reappeared in the prehistoric!
Qingluo has never seen the complete appearance of Buzhou Mountain, nor has he seen the four legs supporting the sky, but when he looked at the unicorn feet in front of him, he was only shocked!
It is so huge that it reaches directly to the Ninth Heaven Realm, up to Lingxiao and down to Jiuyou!Stirring the wind and clouds, the momentum is like heaven and earth.

But besides being shocked, Qing Luo was also shocked!

Qilin smashed through the central Wuji with one foot, and the aftermath shook, and the city wall of Sishuiguan fell down!The Jiejiao immortals in the sky flew upside down and fell to the earth one after another.

Except for a few Da Luo Jinxians who were still intact, all the Jiejiao disciples and the hundred casual cultivators that Shen Gongbao had just brought to help in the battle were seriously injured!
This is how the Surabaya Pass was broken!

Qing Luo couldn't believe it, this level was broken like this?

An army of 80 mortals could not break through day and night, and the Xiongguan Pass, where immortals and immortals died in battle, was broken like this!

The Qilin ancestor only had one foot, and he shook his foot. This pass, the pass where countless mortals died in battle to guard the battlefield, the pass where thousands of disciples died to defend, and the pass that Qing Luo spent all his energy to protect, is broken!
The tall city wall of Sishui Pass stretches for dozens of miles. In Han Rong's eyes, the pass that is almost impossible to break through, the pass that he guarded for most of his life, is gone like this!

Biyou Tongtian instantly struck out a sword, the sword has a name, the name is Zhu Xian!

The sword spirit of killing immortals, the murderous aura of heaven and earth surges like ink, the color of ink is like evil spirits, like demons, it can kill immortals, slaughter gods, destroy all living beings, and cut endless lives!

The sharpness of the sword turned into thousands of sword qi, and rushed straight to the holy land of Kunlun, but the body of Zhu Xian's sword suddenly fell, turning into a giant of billions, and piercing into the central ground!

A private dragon roaring like a tiger and a lion shook the prehistoric world!

(End of this chapter)

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