Chapter 354

Under the Nine Layers of Heaven Realm, all the immortals were shocked by the sound!
When Master Taiyi heard this, he was frightened out of his wits.He was injured by the Nine Heavens Moon God in Qianyuan Mountain, cut off by the Jiuqu Yellow River, and suppressed by the Great Calamity. His strength is three points weaker than the real Huanglong!
Although there was an Antarctic fairy blocking him, but Daoist Taiyi still couldn't help the sudden acceleration in his heart.

On the Nine Immortals Mountain, if the sage takes action, Guangchengzi should die or die, and the person Qingluo should kill should be killed!
Daoist Taiyi didn't care about anything else, and he couldn't care about anything else, he could only set up the Dunguang, trying to escape from Kunlun.

At this moment, a shocking sword intent in Biyou Palace locked onto Kunlun Mountain. If Yuanshi made a move, the sword that reaches the sky will strike in an instant!

In the Kunlun Mountains, there was only silence this time.Maybe it was Yuanshi who really disliked Taiyi, who taught a disciple like Nezha who despised mortals, or maybe he knew that it was useless to do it himself.

On Surabaya, the Antarctic Immortal condensed his whole body and tried his best to stop Qingluo, even if he was seriously injured, he would not allow the death of Jinxian Chanjiao again!He is the major disciple of Chanjiao, and he is the senior brother of the Twelve Golden Immortals. This is his obligation and responsibility, and he is duty bound!
Above the sky, the Antarctic stars flicker, the Antarctic star leads the Polaris, and the north and south poles are prominent.

The Antarctic fairy shouted loudly: "The stars are falling!"

In the sky, the stars flash and fall together, across the sky, the sky is full of meteors, and the Milky Way falls for nine days.

There was a meteor shower in the sky, countless stars fell, and there was only one point of falling, which was the point of Qingluo!
If Qingluo dodges, then the stars will fall, fall into the mortal world, and there will be countless casualties. Both he and Qingluo will suffer great karma!

All Qingluo can't dodge, but can only force it!
Qing Luo didn't panic, he released the Nine Mysteries Map, on which the sun, moon, stars, and stars were activated.

At this moment, the Jiuxuantu turns into a map of stars, a little bit of the galaxy condenses into the sky, into a Milky Way, into a sea of ​​stars!

At the same time, Qing Luo waved one hand, pointed at the Purple Blood Thorn King, and said, "Go!"

The long-silent King of Thorns order is passed on!
The purple blood and thorns turned into purple streamers chasing the stars and the moon, chasing the real Taiyi!

The King of Thorns was very excited, he had already drank too much blood and too many corpses, but those were all dead, he wanted to drink hot blood and fresh flesh.

And it also needs to drink Da Luo's blood, Da Luo's flesh!
Nanji Xianweng's face was ugly, he suddenly urged, and the stars all over the sky immediately fell to him!

Meteor light from the stars hit the Jiuxuan Diagram, but they all merged into the stars!
In the Jiuxuan Diagram, the light and shadow of the stars are the aura of derivation law, they derive the source of the stars, and use the source of the stars to guide them, and guide the power of the starfall to the source of the stars in the Xuantu!
Qing Luo sneered, and looked at Daoist Taiyi who had fled far away.


Thousands of miles away, infinite white light spots rose, lifted into the sky, condensed, and thousands of danying spirits appeared, blocking in front of the real Taiyi.

Daoist Taiyi was frightened and furious, he cut off one spirit body with one strike of his sword, but there were still more spirit bodies coming.

Daoist Taiyi cut faster and faster with his sword, but his walking speed became slower and slower!

Finally, when Daoist Taiyi cut off the spirit body of Pu Ying, the King of Thorns arrived!

The King of Thorns is like a giant purple python, wrapping itself around Taiyi.

Taiyi strikes a sword, the sword body is powerful, and the sword breaks through the void!

A sword can break through the void, but it cannot break through the body of the King of Thorns, which is comparable to a great witch. The King of Thorns opened 49 spiritual flowers, purple flowers, flowers that swallow everything, and darkness before the flowers, which is the swallowed light and void, swallows everything. thousand things.

The king of thorns turned into a giant of millions of feet, surrounded the real Taiyi, and 49 flowers bloomed in all directions, swallowing the surrounded space.

Daoist Taiyi began to panic, he released the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover, the Nine Fire Dragons flew out, raising a fire that burned everything, but this fire could not extinguish the flower of the King of Thorns.

The mouth of the Purple Blood Spiritual Flower was wide open, each one was hundreds of feet in size, the openings of the nine flowers suddenly emitted a force of attraction, sucking the nine fire dragons into the flowers.

Immediately, Jiuhua's whole body turned red, and the surrounding fire was scattered, and it was difficult to bear the power of the nine fire dragon souls for a while.

Daoist Taiyi looked happy, he would rather give up this spirit treasure in exchange for life!

But at the next moment, the purple light of the nine spiritual flowers flashed again and again, and the meaning of devouring reappeared and returned to its original shape.

This time, all 49 flowers bloomed together, and the powerful devouring attraction involved Daoist Taiyi's body, mind, and soul, as if it wanted to swallow him completely, leaving no trace of soul behind.

Master Taiyi trembled slightly, feeling extremely nervous.

Once the Nine Dragons Divine Fire was covered, he covered Daoist Taiyi himself in it, and at the same time isolated the King of Thorns.

The King of Thorns entangled himself tightly with the Kowloon God Fire Cover, even though the cover was emitting extremely hot flames, the King of Thorns would not let go at all.

Maybe it's the nature of Bao Sui. Qing Luo's body is a snake, and snakes are very good at winding and strangling. The powerful strangulation and crushing force can emit a force that is several times or even ten times stronger than the body!

The divine fire refines the thorns, and the thorns crush the fire cover.The thorns are getting tighter and tighter, and the pressure of contraction is getting bigger and bigger!Finally, after ten breaths, the countless internal thorns on Thorn's body were inserted into the god fire cover, and the force of squeezing crushed the god cover.

Daoist Taiyi's complexion suddenly turned pale, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Daoist Taiyi felt ruthless in his heart, waved his hand and raised his sword, the sword soared to heaven and earth.

An incomparably sharp sword, the spirit of Gengjin from the west travels thirty thousand miles from the east!

Daoist Taiyi looked pious and sincere.He is extremely devoted to his sword!The body of the sword leads to the heart of the master.

The Tai Geng ancient sword gathers the supreme golden energy, the avenue of the sword, the gold of the five elements, the two are combined into one, the sword is better than the gold edge, and the gold is like the body of the sword!
Daoist Taiyi stood up abruptly, joined the sword with his body, and his body and sword merged into one!

Daoist Taiyi only has the sword in his heart, he is the sword, and the sword is him!
The sound of the sword stirs up the situation of heaven and earth, revealing its sharpness and slaying evil spirits!

The gold of dryness, the sharpness of Zedui, the gold of the five elements and eight trigrams, Gandui gathered in one sword, this sword is the Da Luo sword, the sword of the golden sword, and the sword that Taiyi laid the foundation of the Dao!
Cut through the Nine Heavens with one sword!

Slay the King of Thorns with the sword!
The king of thorns has a million-strong body, a body that supports the sky, and the thorns are involved in this shocking sword!

With a sound, the sword came out of the thorns, and the thorns fell!
Daoist Taiyi staggered out with an extremely pale complexion, his sword intent receded, his heart and courage disappeared, and he hurriedly wanted to escape.

But at the next moment, thorns suddenly sprang out from under him, piercing his body, and the thorns pierced his body, hanging his whole body on the thorns!
Daoist Taiyi was in great pain all over his body, but after only a moment of pain, he couldn't feel the pain anymore!

Because his blood has been sucked dry!

Daoist Taiyi was at a loss, did he die like this?

Yuxu Kunlun, Yuanshi closed his eyes!
Golden soft-shelled turtle swims in the sky, soothes eyebrows all over the sky!

On Surabaya, the Antarctic is sad, and the teaching is angry!
Duobao laughed, Guiling laughed.

The anger on Qing Luo's face calmed down, neither joy nor sorrow, he stretched out his hand and said, "Come!"

The Thorn King's body was reattached, and he flew thousands of miles to Surabaya.

The body of Taiyi was placed in front of the unyielding fighting spirit.Thousands of souls are united, the grievances dissipate, and all go to reincarnation!

(End of this chapter)

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