Chapter 362
That gun, above the sky, millions of demon souls danced wildly, covered by thousands of miles of demon clouds, and the turbulent demon spirit pointed directly at the burning lamp!

Ran Deng was terrified for a moment, he hurriedly bowed in the direction of Kunlun, begging!Beg for life!
Yuxu Kunlun, Yuanshi Tianzun's eyebrows twitched, and he sighed.

At the same time, he also picked up the Yuxu palace lantern and wanted to wave his hand out.

But at the same time, Bi You Tongtian picked up the purple electric hammer, and also wanted to wave his hand out.

Yuanshi looked at Tongtian, and Tongtian looked at Yuanshi, without any intention of backing down.

Tongtian hates burning lamps, not because of the way of burning lamps, nor because of the people who burn lamps, but because burning lamps killed his disciples.

If it is a legitimate competition, even if Ran Deng kills his disciple with tricks and tricks, Tong Tian will not be disgusted, he can only say that his disciple's skills are not as good as others!
But Ran Deng shot at Lu Yue, and Lu Yue who was saving the mortal sergeant, it really made Tongtian disgusted!People he hates will never be better off!

The two saints looked at each other, but the next moment they both put down the Lingbao in their hands.

Because they don't need to make a move!
Just when the god-killing gun that devours the soul of all life is about to light the lamp, a twelfth-grade golden lotus blooms out, the lotus flower is shining, the Buddha's light is all over the sky, and the sacred descends.

When a Taoist stands between the sky and the earth, the sky is no longer so real, and the earth is no longer so solid.Everything in the world is a dream in front of this Taoist, a dream of nothingness, an ethereal dream, a big dream between heaven and earth!

Saints of the West, here we come!
Jieyin clasped his hands together, and said lightly: "Goodness is goodness, love and hatred, love and hatred, last for a moment. It will last forever, and it will never die from generation to generation!"

Although he spoke very lightly, it was light enough for everyone present to hear clearly!
The hem of the sleeves is lightly lifted, the Hunyuan Sixiang gate is far away, and it returns to its original form, and the figures of the two people inside the gate are displayed.

Qing Luo was shocked but not panicked, Ran Deng was surprised but extremely happy!
All the immortals bowed down and saluted in unison, congratulating the saint on his blessing.

Jieying's face was slightly distressed, seeming to be hidden but not there, he said: "Dengdeng Taoist friend, you have a relationship with my Western religion, you may be willing to abandon the world of mortals, follow me to the Western bliss, and be at ease. Big happy?"

Ran Deng's heart moved violently, and in a moment, he knelt down and said: "The disciple is willing to go!"

He really doesn't want to intervene in the interpretation of the Second Sect anymore, he is unreliable at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he can't offend Tongtian, and he can't beat the juniors, if he kills one, he will bear the wrath of the saint, he is like duckweed, like a cloud dream, wandering and helpless !
The guiding sage had a slight smile on his face, but it was always suffering.Feel the heart of heaven, and suffer for the sky.Be considerate of the earth and suffer for the earth.Feeling for the common people, suffering for the common people!
Zhunti sage laughs at the sky and laughs at the common people!
Guide the sages to suffer the world and the common people!
A smile and a bitterness are both great compassion, a big heart, the meaning of compassion, and the shape of a bitter smile!
But at this time, the devil cloud rose from the sky and the earth, and the ancestor of the hatred demon appeared in the prehistoric world, holding a long spear, and pointed the spear at the burning lamp instead of the saint.

She said coldly: "The Dafa of a sage can be broken by the mundane world, and all fate can be ended, but karma cannot be broken after all!"

Jieying's face became even more bitter, and he said bitterly: "Friend Qiu Mo, although you are a demon, once you think of an immortal, a thought of a demon, and a thought of an immortal, you will still be free from misery!
Pindao will never forget the traction of the two fellow Taoists.

I also ask fellow Taoists to give me three moments, three moments to break the cause and effect, and cut off the customs! "

After hearing this, Qiu Mo was stunned. She and Qing Luo looked at each other, then laughed and said, "I am a demon, the difference between immortals and demons, how can you believe it? If you want to stop, then come and fight!"

After all, the long spear came out of the sky again, carrying hundreds of millions of demonic thoughts in one spear, like a demon world descending, and the power of demons trembled between the heavens and the earth.

Jie Yin sighed, a white lotus was born in the palm, the white lotus divided into a son, and the son entered the burning lamp and entered the eyebrow!

Lighting a lamp will give you a feeling for a moment, and you will sit with your eyes closed, your five senses will be completely sealed, and all your five senses will be closed!At the same time, a white lotus floats under his body, and the white lotus is illuminated by the dreamy light, which is like a world of whirling shadows and endless sands.

A white lotus imprint emerges between the eyebrows of the burning lamp, which is imprinted into the mud palace, and the Buddha enters the altar.

The white lotus grows under the feet of the leading sage, and the golden lotus floats on the top. The white lotus is like a sea of ​​flowers on the other side in a dream, like a dream, an illusion, a fake, or a reality.The golden lotus is like a sea of ​​golden light and clouds, like gold, like Buddha, like Bodhi.

The golden lotus is on the top, exorcising the light of demons, retreating the demon clouds covering the sky, while the white lotus is on the bottom, expelling the demons in the heart, and protecting the purity of the altar of all living beings.

Qiu Mo was amazed, but sneered, the devil was born in his heart, and the devil's heart entered her heart.One spear is solid, gathering hundreds of millions of demons in one spear, the spear can pierce the void, pierce the sky, destroy the world, and open up the world!
A spear directly stabs at Jieying, without any falsehood, and directly intends to take the body of the saint!
Take another thing from the sleeve of the guiding cloud, pick up the treasured building, and let it come out one by one. In the Buddha's light, hundreds of millions of believers recite the mantra of connecting and guiding, attracting immeasurable light, gaining the power of great compassion, and using charity to save all lives. .

A building collides with a gun, demons and Buddhas, two forces on one line, one side is infinite in the black abyss, and the other side is endless in Buddha's light.

Pointing to the sky again, the golden lotus in the sky covers pieces of magic light, pointing to the ground again, and the white lotus on the ground scattered all kinds of magic thoughts.

With the combined force of the three treasures, the Buddha's light overwhelmed the magic light, the Buddha's light was boundless, and the endless compassion of the world suppressed the devil's energy and the devil's cloud.

But the burning lamp below has an ups and downs of breath, gloomy like a demon for a while, and radiant for a while, good and evil are entangled endlessly!

Qing Luo was startled, this turned out to be, could the burning lamp kill the corpse?How can this be?

He pondered in his heart, a little unsure.

Just when he was hesitating, a white light suddenly lit up on Ran Deng, up to Jiuyou, from heaven to earth, everyone could see it!
The breath on Ran Deng's body rose instantly, and the white light on his body was entangled with his own coffin lamp.At the same time, countless calamity clouds surrounded the surrounding world, and all the power of calamity was suppressed on Ran Deng's body. The pressure on Ran Deng's face was painful, and his mind was divided.

Seeing this, the Taoist Jieyin said, "Your way has been accomplished! Let the poor Taoist help you!
"After all, the white lotus ascended, purifying the world, and the white light illuminated the entire prehistoric world!"
Amidst the clouds of calamity, a white lotus rises into a stream of white light. Countless scriptures are entangled in the white light, and countless phantoms of worlds emerge.
The four saints of heaven and earth are all shocked!

Nuwa thought to herself: "He has come to this step too!"

There was a trace of solemnity in Lao Tzu's eyes.

Yuanshi and Tongtian were amazed that the guide Taoist was one step ahead of them!
Break through the catastrophe of calamity, guide the river of fate, and return to the truth of heaven and earth!
Three flowers of Qingyun are displayed on the top of the burning lamp, the coffin is dyed with lamps, the universe is determined, the jewels are read, and the dead fire is burning!

Ran Deng laughed loudly and said: "My way is complete! Taoists, please come out!"

Immediately afterwards, a pure white light was seen from its top, and a figure emerged from the white light.

Many great powers of heaven and earth were shocked, and cut the corpse in the calamity. The power of cutting the corpse is absolutely incomparable, and the strength of the lamp will be increased again!
At this most critical moment, Qing Luo sneered and said, "It's too early for you to succeed!"

 Thanks to book friend Xifeng Lanting for the reward the day before yesterday, I forgot to mention that day, I was so embarrassed.There is also a reward from the Holy Spirit and O Fanjie, whose tail numbers are 658718, 201378, and zeshu.

(End of this chapter)

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