Chapter 364

Volume Five

The six sages of heaven and earth lead me, life and death will be achieved under the array of ten thousand immortals!
Since then, the alliance of planes has been established, and the son of Daoxuan has shown his edge!
The nightless city of heaven is prehistoric and ancient, and the great Confucianism of man and the way of heaven are astonishing!
Journey to the West Taoist Buddha has passed since then, ten thousand demons, ten thousand immortals and ten thousand gods and Buddhas!
Yuanshi Tianzun sneered and said again and again: "Okay, okay, very good!"

After all, he got up and left Yuxu Palace, and came to Shouyang Mountain!
In Shouyang Mountain, in the Palace of Eight Views, Lao Tzu raised his eyes.

Yuan Shi saluted.

Lao Tzu said flatly: "Why did you come here?"

Yuan Shi said: "Come here for the green snake."

"How would you like?"

Yuan Shi's eyebrows twitched, he paused for a moment, and said: "It's very good to destroy, it's good to destroy it, and it's good to suppress it!"

Lao Tzu shook his head and closed his eyes.

Yuan Shijian was stunned for a moment, and persuaded: "Could it be that senior brother wants Nuwa to intervene in human education?
In addition to this son, it is not only for enshrining the gods, but also for teaching luck.Nuwa has already entered the game, hiding and not revealing, waiting for the opportunity to move.

The Green Snake was chosen for the Dao. If the decision was not made early, it would be too late once he became a quasi-sage! "

Lao Tzu opened his eyes again, glanced at Wa Palace, and finally said: "I know."

Yuan Shi's face relaxed, and he said with a smile: "Thank you, brother!"

Yuanshi Tianzun has realized that if there are variables in the Conferred God, then Qing Luo is the biggest variable!This variable is troublesome and weird.Since this variable is active, let him be eliminated in advance!

Xuandu went back to Bajing Palace and returned to Jiepai Pass.

Standing on the cloud, Xuandu's face was as plain as water, and he raised his voice and preached: "I have been ordered by the master of Renjiao: Taoist Qingluo privately provoked and explained the struggle between the two religions, and disrupted the friendship between the three religions. You should be punished!"

As soon as these words came out, the sound shook the sky, and Qing Luo's heart trembled sharply.He went out of the boundary card pass, Duobao Wudang, the turtle spirit and the gold spirit, there is also a kind of Jiejiao disciple, his disciples, went out of the boundary card pass together.

Xuandu looked at Qingluo, and then said again: "But thinking that you are a sage of the human race, and you have made great merits in governing the world with the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, so you suppressed him under Tianyu Mountain for ten thousand years, thinking about your own mistakes."

As soon as this order came out, many great experts were surprised, and they didn't understand why Lao Tzu would take action against a big Luo!
Duobao immediately stepped forward and said, "Brother Xuandu, what is the meaning of this? Why are you partial to Xiangchan?"

All the immortals of Jiejiao looked unhappy and angry in their hearts.To help him cut off the teaching is to provoke the friendship between the two religions, to go against the will of the heavens, and to be ignorant of the sky.

Xuandu said: "This is the order of the head of the human sect, and also the head of the Taoist sect! Neither the sect nor the sect can interfere!"

Qing Luo's heart shook.The Dao is fifty, the Tianyan is forty-nine, and only one is left.

Without him, the biggest variable, the leader of the variable, even if there are many variables in Jiejiao at this time, it will be difficult to form an effective real variable!
Yuanshi Tianzun is going to get rid of him, the biggest variable, early!

Once he is out, there will naturally be no big changes!The rumored one that is most likely to happen to Qing Luo will also disappear!

Qing Luo's heart turned violently, this is Laozi's order, both the interpretation and interception sects need to respect the leader of Renjiao as a teacher, even if the interpretation and interception sects are already evil, no one will easily disobey Laozi's order!

In Biyou Palace, the sky was shocked, and his expression was surprised. He really didn't expect Lao Tzu to make a move, and he still didn't care about his position!
The sky is full of surprises!

Tongtian also stepped out one step at a time, reaching Shouyang Mountain instead of Bajing Palace.

Because, I don't want to see him, so he can't step into the gate of Bajing Palace!

Tongtian's heart trembled, Lao Tzu's heart was deviated again and again, and the heart of cultivating the avenue of inaction is still promising, and because of the potential, he was biased!It's such a bias!

He stood on Shouyang Mountain, looked at the magnificent Bajing Palace below, and was silent.

"Forget it, since the Sanqing has been divided, and the elucidation has been evil, I reach the heavens, and I cut off the teaching, so I respect your last senior brother, and respect your last teaching order of the master of the Taoist sect!"

Tong Tian turned around and went back, back to Golden Turtle Island, back to Biyou Palace, back to his Jiejiao!

In this world, there are no relatives, no brothers, the world is so big, there is only one golden turtle, Bi You, who is truly home!
In the Bajing Palace, Lao Tzu sighed, he is the head of the Taoist sect, although he is Sanqing, he has to think more about the entire Taoist sect and the entire Taoist sect!
Because of Nuwa, I shot Qingluo, and because of Nuwa, I didn't kill Qingluo.

Good fortune depends on misfortune, and misfortune depends on blessing!
In Wa's palace, Nuwa's face was calm and unmoved, or she was very calm. She could hold her breath when she was blocked in the Lich decisive battle, let alone now?

It's just that in Nuwa's heart, Qing Luo can't afford to lose.Because she couldn't personally participate in the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods, the only two main banners she could rely on were Lu Ya and Qing Luo.

Lu Ya joined the faction of explaining education and xenophobia, and he could only become a thug who emphasized teaching, not a person who made decisions.

But Qingluo fell into Jiejiao, Jiejiao accepts all rivers and rivers, tolerance is great, Tongtian has a big heart, is willing to let go, dares to employ people, and uses brave people, making Zhi Qingluo a promising person on the Jiejiao side!If Jiejiao wins, Qingluo's status will naturally be important, and his achievements will be outstanding, and the benefits he can bring to Nuwa will naturally be even greater!
However, there is no room for loss in Luya. Although Jujiao has the upper hand at the moment, it is God's will to explain the teaching, and with the help of the two Western saints and Lao Tzu, the final victory is still greater!
The silence of the Wa Palace confused all the powers watching the theater, and made some powers flustered.

Styx was also panicked.If Qingluo was suppressed under Tianyu Mountain for ten thousand years, wouldn't he have to wait tens of thousands of years before taking Qinglian from Qingluo's hands?In the land of the nether sea of ​​blood, the influence of Ksitigarbha's Western religion is growing day by day, and Styx doesn't want to wait another ten thousand years!

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan of Longevity Villa is also a little unpredictable, he still can't count the number of appointments with Qingluo!
At Jiepai Pass, Qingluo replied: "Although Qingluo respects the saints extremely, he regards the meaning of the saints as the supreme meaning. But Qingluo is not a member of the three religions, and does not abide by the restrictions of the holy religion. If a hundred years later, Qingluo voluntarily goes to Tianyu Mountain is willing to suppress itself for 10 years.

But now, Qing Luo can obey her heart, but she can't!I still hope to see it! "

Xuandu was still standing in the air, neither startled nor angry.He said: "Fellow Daoist, that's an offence!"

Xuan Bu called out calmly: "Where is the yellow scarf warrior? Take Qing Luo in the Taiji diagram and put it under Tianyu Mountain!"

As soon as the words fell, Xuandu held up a Taiji diagram, and two yellow scarf wrestlers were born on the Taiji diagram!

The yellow scarf warrior derived from Lao Tzu's mana!
Qing Luo was startled for a moment, the yellow turban wrestler called by the saint was not something he could escape at all!Without hesitation, he instantly pointed at the Virgin of the Golden Spirit, and the Purple Blood Thorn King and the 27 Thorns shrank to a point and fell into the hands of the Virgin of the Golden Spirit.

Immediately, the Hercules stepped forward and teleported, so fast that almost no one could react, he captured Qing Luo in an instant, and threw him into the Taiji Diagram.

Everyone was startled, and Duobao shouted: "Brother Xuandu, stay here!"

Xuan didn't answer, just flicked the Taiji diagram again, the image of Yin and Yang appeared, and it was frozen for a moment, when everyone woke up, Xuandu had already left!
Xiaozhu and the others were panic-stricken, eager to chase after Tianyu Mountain.

But the falling spirit pattern on their foreheads flashed, and the blue voice came out, which calmed them down.

And when the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit received this point of purple light, Qing Luo's words came from her ear!This made the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit look puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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