Chapter 370

All the celestial beings were in the penglu, silent without saying a word.

The army of the Western Zhou Dynasty had already withdrawn a hundred miles away, and ordinary people could not get close to the Zhuxian formation. As long as they got close to a hundred miles, they would instantly become bloodthirsty, killing endlessly.

All the casual cultivators were outside the Penglu, they descended from the clouds early, and they didn't look like immortals in front of the saints, some of them were just obedient and did not dare to go forward.

And even Jinxian Xianjiao didn't dare to show his air.

They looked at the city a hundred miles away, a very ordinary city!But they couldn't see the city at all.

They can only be exactly the same as what mortals see, that is a city.Even if one responds to spiritual eyes, spying skills, calculations, and deduction, they can't know the situation in the city at all.

That city is not included in the calculation, nor is it included in the deduction of secrets.

Yuanshi Tianzun sat alone, he was silent, and the silence made the atmosphere a little scary and embarrassing!

The clouds in the sky are getting darker, and it's time for mortals to hold their lights!

Yuan is always moving.

The Chanjiao Immortals standing on both sides heaved a sigh of relief, as if a kind of torture had ended.

Yuanshi raised his eyes, and said in a calm tone: "You stay here, and I will go to Shouyang Mountain."

The hearts of all the disciples trembled, and they hurriedly bowed down to say yes, and when they got up, the saint had already left.

As soon as the saint left, those casual practitioners panicked instantly.It was as if the night had fallen into their hearts.

They felt that in the darkness around them, there might be countless Immortals from the sect to surround them in the next moment, or the city a hundred miles away would suddenly kill them all!
A group of loose cultivators all looked trembling, trembling, and in a trance, unable to bear the slightest fright.

Seeing this, Nanji Xianweng frowned, and said displeasedly: "These casual cultivators have no heart, how can they seek the way?" Xuandu who stood beside him was silent, and Taoist Lu Ya pretended not to hear.

Explaining and teaching all the golden immortals agree with the words of the Antarctic immortal, and their hearts will be flustered, and their actions will be chaotic.In times of crisis, it will be useless!

On Shouyang Mountain, outside the Bajing Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun stood in front of the door, waiting for Lao Tzu without saying a word.

Waiting for my decision!To help or not to help!

Yuan Shi stood outside the Bajing Palace, and Lao Tzu sat in the Bajing Palace.Tongtian was waiting in the Zhuxian formation.

At this moment, all the great powers in the world are paying attention, and many people are waiting for Lao Tzu's decision.

The decision made by Laozi alone is the direction and ending of the entire calamity!

Lao Tzu also felt heavy in his heart at this time.

Two close relatives fight each other, one is strong and the other is weak.Does he not help the weak, but also helps the strong destroy the weak?

It's wrong for him to help anyone, but to help Yuanshi, the heavens hate him.Help Tongtian, Yuanshi is ruthless.

It is also wrong for him not to help.Both Yuanshi and Tongtian would say that he was indifferent.Especially Yuan Shi would say that he doesn't miss brotherhood at all.

Laozi, between Tongtian and Yuanshi, it's a dilemma, it's very difficult!
A day and a night passed in the conjectures of each master.

The door of the Bajing Palace has not been opened yet.

Lao Tzu is still sitting in the Bajing Palace.

Yuan Shi was still standing outside the Bajing Palace.

Tongtian is still waiting in the Zhuxian formation.

Another day passed, and the three saints did not move at all.

Another day passed, the third day.

The door of the Bajing Palace is open!
Holding a red crutch, Lao Tzu walked out slowly wearing a yin and yang Taoist robe!
Yuan Shi was delighted on his face.

The sky is full of sadness.

The first step I took out of the Bajing Palace changed the situation of the world!Step out of a big trend, step out of a calamity ending.

Lao Tzu looked up at Yuan Shi, and Yuan Shi was shocked!
There was no emotion in Lao Tzu's eyes, it was cold and silent.Every step he takes, his body is integrated with the heaven and the earth, he is a sage of heaven, the leader of human religion, Lao Tzu!

Instead of Lao Tzu who used to be the head of the Kunlun Sanqing!

I finally chose to follow the will of heaven!As a sage of the Dao of Heaven, he helped the Dao of Heaven to be careless, to help Zhou defeat merchants, and to break the Sword Formation of Immortal Executioners!

Most of the joy on Yuan Shi's face dissipated, but he still said: "Brother, please trouble me!"

Lao Tzu nodded, stepping into the battlefield of measuring and robbing, before the border gate!But Yuanshi turned around and went to the Western Paradise!

Holding a crutch, Lao Tzu looked like an old man, standing in front of the empty Xiongguan.Laozi's body is small, and the city of Xiongguan is huge, but no one dares to say that this old man is weak.

Lao Tzu looked up at the high-hanging border gate, and walked towards the gate without any emotion on his face.

The closed door is automatically opened wide, and I stand in front of the closed door. Outside the door is the prehistoric world, and inside the door is the primordial world!
Lao Tzu paused for a moment, then stepped into it.

In the prehistoric world, the saint is immortal, and in the chaos, the saint is immortal, but outside the chaos, the saint is not immortal!

Tongtian in the Zhuxian Sword Formation rose up long.

Laozi stepped into the pseudo-Hongmeng world formed by the Zhuxian Sword Formation, stepping on time and space step by step, stepping out step by step, one step is a great distance, but still can't see the edge, except for silence, it is still silence, lavender In this world, there is no sky, no earth, no sentient beings.

Tong Tian appeared in front of Lao Tzu, nodded and said, "I've met fellow Taoist!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Lao Tzu's indifferent eyes.

That day Tongtian left Shouyang, he said that it was the last time to call Laozi senior brother, the last time to give in!
Lao Tzu shook his head and said: "You are stubborn on this, my words are useless, let's do it, let the poor Taoist see how powerful this sword array is!"

Tong Tian waved his sleeves and said, "Okay!"

The next moment, the Hongmeng world becomes a chaotic world!
The earth, wind, water and fire are raging thousands of times, and there is nowhere, nowhere, nowhere is there no destruction!

Tong Tian turned around and entered the center of the sword array.

Tong Tian raised his hand, and in the four realms of hidden swords, the four swords shook!
A sword shadow floats in the chaos, that sword is all swords, even including the sword in the way of heaven!

All the kendos in the world have become this sword!
A majestic aura comes out, from the era before countless epochs, cut it down with a single sword!
Chaos broke apart, like opening up the sky, like opening up the earth, a sword cut out thousands of worlds, and cut towards Lao Tzu's enlightened body.

A Tai Chi was born under Lao Tzu's feet, and an exquisite pagoda appeared on the top.

The pagoda rises billions of feet, and the infinite light blooms into chaos. It is impenetrable by all laws, and it stands invincible!
The Tai Chi under the feet spreads endlessly, spans the vast universe, and fixes the endless earth, wind, water and fire!
The earth, feng, shui, and fire worlds are infinite, and so are the Taiji diagrams. The infinite Taiji diagrams hold the infinite earth, feng, shui and fire!

On the top of Lao Tzu is a pagoda of mysterious yellow and exquisite heaven and earth, towering over the universe, the heaven and earth are black and yellow, and the immeasurable merits of opening the sky are prominent on the pagoda, this pagoda is the pinnacle of heaven and earth!
The sword shadow of Hongmeng slashed down, and with a single sword out, the annihilated land was infinitely fengshuihuo, cutting through many rivers of time, and slashed on the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda!


The universe collapsed, and the four phenomena became extinct!The Linglong Tower was shortened by [-]%!
Although the body of the tower is still huge, it is always [-]% shorter than before!
Lao Tzu frowned, holding a cane, and standing upright.

A stream of pure energy rose from his top, evolving into the origin of the heavens!
(End of this chapter)

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