Chapter 376

Duobao and Xuandu, Guiling and Nanji, the four are all quasi-sages. In this pseudo-Hongmeng world, no matter how many times they are suppressed, they can finally show their true strength and fight endlessly in the hidden sword world. Compete.

Our Lady of Wudang and Yun Zhongzi are both very strong among the Da Luo Jinxians, especially Our Lady of Wudang, who has half-stepped into the quasi-sage, if it hadn't been suppressed by the catastrophe, his body would have been beheaded at this time, and he has achieved the power of the quasi-sage.

But her opponent is Yun Zhongzi, and the two of them have a way of restraining each other, Wudang is the body of the Virgin Mary, and Yun Zhongzi is the body of nothingness and clouds!

The two fought, but it was hard to tell the winner.

In the world of hiding swords everywhere, the world of killing immortals, which was originally the most stable, has changed!
Qingxu Daodezhenjun held a Hunyuan flag, waved it, and three people came out!But it is the three great masters of the Golden Immortals!

Ci Hang Taoist, Puxian Daoist, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun!
Four Immortals vs. One Immortal!
The eyes of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit were full of fighting intent, without any fear.She is with the sword, and her dead sword is still there!
The three masters each cast their magic weapons, together with Qingxu Dazhenjun, surrounded the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit in all directions.

This may be the catastrophe that the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit cannot escape, and her catastrophe is the Three Great Masters and Ran Deng!
In the original book, she died under the siege of the three great men and the sneak attack of Ran Deng!
But this time, she didn't face the quasi-sage master Ran Deng, she only faced four big Luos!

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit rides on a chariot of seven incense sticks, emitting seven colors of auspicious colors, forming a vast mist of color that cannot be ignored.

The four elephant towers above her head, and the four elephants of earth, wind, water and fire evolved and formed on top of her head, blocking all magical powers.

She holds a dragon and a tiger in her left hand, and a golden mirror in her right hand corresponding to the two sides of her body.

Flying golden sword hovered in front of her, Hua Jingeng's great sword cut through all dharmas.

She put a golden crown on top of her, and shot out streaks of golden light, hitting behind her, and everything she passed was golden!
The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, with one against four, still has the upper hand!

The golden light behind him forced Qingxu Daozhenjun to use the Hunyuan pennant to flash continuously, and the five-fire and seven-bird fan released five fires to resist the golden light.It didn't dare to be shone by the golden light at all!
The Ci Hang Taoist in front of him, holding the glass jade bottle in his hand, turned into a sea of ​​glass tranquility, and the willow branches waved, every wave created a huge wave, flooding the Qixiang chariot!But water is the metal that produces metal, and the flying gold sword only flies more and more sharply in the sea, and the more it flies, the sharper it is!
The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit holds the dragon and the tiger in her left hand, the dragon leaps and the tiger leaps, and the phantoms of the holy beasts at the two extremes are only suppressed by the highest cultivation level, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, who are struggling to support them!
The golden mirror in his right hand is the relic of the Virgin of Golden Light, the main treasure of the Golden Light Array, and its power is even more powerful in the hands of the Virgin of the Golden Spirit, clamoring for the unjust death of the former owner!
Even if the three great masters and the Qingxu Daodezhenjun were still suppressed and beaten by the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, they could not gain the slightest advantage!
Even though the four of them are all Golden Immortals who explained the teachings and disciples of saints, they are still so weak in the face of quasi-sage power!

Trapped in the Immortal Sword Gate, Yuanshi Tianzun sits under Qingyun, Qingyun's acres, the golden lamps hold the ecstatic red light, and there are hundreds of thousands of fierce swords everywhere, but Yuanshi is not at ease.

He lowered his head, his eyes jumped infinitely, and looked at the four sword gates. None of the disciples of Chanjiao had the upper hand!Even Xuandu, the head disciple of the Renjiao, is still indistinguishable from Taoist Duobao!

And he also knew that Qingluo was approaching, and this variable made him uneasy in his heart!
So, Yuanshi turned his head and looked at the Guiling Madonna and Antarctic Immortal who were trapped in the Immortal Sword Gate below him!
The sword of the Antarctic Immortal Weng opened wide and closed wide, looking vertically and horizontally, but it was limited by the blue sea and blue sky. No matter how sharp the sword was, it was still suppressed by three points under the Immortal Trapping Sword.

Yuanshi looked at the Holy Mother of Guiling, one of the four major disciples of the Jiejiao, and sighed in his heart, anyway, he has done too many villains anyway, so why not do it again?It's just his painstaking efforts, who can understand?Who can tell?

After sighing, Yuanshi closed his eyes, and suddenly pointed, a little karma-washing gold fire fell from his fingertips, falling into many worlds, into the world of trapping immortals, into the blue sea and blue sky of the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit!
In an instant, everything is silently burned, and everything is nothingness!

The Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit was contaminated with the golden fire of cleansing karma and immediately spread all over her body, the pain was like countless golden knives scraping the bones and tendons. , the trembling Antarctic fairy's heart trembled, the trembling central place was full of ignorance, and the three corpses jumped!
Tong Tian shouted, "Yuan Shi, how dare you do this?"

After all, as soon as the sword is drawn, Qingping's sword rises immeasurably, transforming into hundreds of millions of swords, rising from the boundless four fields, gathering in the mid-heaven, falling into the immortal sword and shaking, a hundred thousand fallen immortals will beheaded together!Qingping's sword energy takes the lead, followed by a hundred thousand fallen immortals, like a thousand troops charging into battle, fearless in life and death, only wishing to kill until the end of the battle!
Yuanshi's eyebrows twitched, Pangu's banner came out, and the sword energy of chaos swung out, annihilating the void, extinguishing time and space, and splitting the heaven and the earth!
A sword qi extinguished a sword qi, but then the Hundred Thousand Immortal Swords came one after another. Even if the Three Treasures waved as they wished, even if the Pangu flag waved, they still extinguished the golden lamps and scattered an acre of land. Qingyun!

The space vibrates, the primordial monsoon vibrates!Zhu Xian's Four Swords shook!

Nether storms have emerged one after another, sweeping through thousands of worlds, crushing time and space.

But for this blow, Tongtian resisted Lao Tzu's crutches, hitting Tongtian Samadhi fire until the leader of Wuyang was in severe pain.

The sky is full of pain, the anger is stronger, the sword energy in the hand is fiercer, and the rage in the heart is even crazier!
After the space storm subsided, Yuan Shi staggered out, his hair disheveled, his complexion pale for a moment, and the Taoist robe on his body was too protruding and torn.

The saints were slightly startled, Tong Tian had one against four, and was able to beat the Yuanshi Tianzun who was holding a Pangu banner and the Three Treasures Ruyi so embarrassingly, even relying on the Zhuxian Sword Formation still cannot be underestimated.

Yuan Shi's face turned red, and he turned his head and said: "How long will it be before you take off the Immortal Immortal Sword?"

The Antarctic Immortal's heart was shaken, and he quickly stretched out his palm, showing a seal, Yuan Shi's decree!

But as soon as Antarctica stepped close to the fallen fairy sword, the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit struggling in the golden sea of ​​fire roared angrily and came out of the fire. The sun and moon beads slammed into the Antarctic fairy. The main body, a giant tortoise nearly 500 million feet tall, is covered with scars of flames. Even though it was burned by the golden fire, it still hissed angrily, and its huge two feet pressed hard against the Antarctic fairy!

The Antarctic Immortal's eyes flashed, a sword stabbed out, and stabbed at the giant tortoise's palm. At the same time, a phantom of the starry sky and sea of ​​stars appeared above his head, and the sun and moon beads smashed into it, but fell from the sky of the giant tortoise!


With a loud noise, the sun and moon beads were removed by Xinghai and hit the giant tortoise. The Antarctic sword pierced into the giant tortoise's palm.
The giant tortoise plummeted down, and because there was no sky and no ground in the sword formation, the giant tortoise fell straight to the bottom of the world!

But the giant tortoise's closed eyes suddenly opened again, the eyes are on the verge of destruction, even if there is no reincarnation, even if it dies, it will not regret it!

 The turtle spirit will not die, but the robbery must be answered.

(End of this chapter)

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