Chapter 378 Returning to Jade Immortal
One thousand and one hundred and one hundred spirit treasures buzzed, and the pagoda shook. Counting the multi-treasure pagoda, that was one thousand and one hundred and one hundred and one hundred spirit treasures!
Every Lingbao is carefully selected by Duobao, and each Lingbao is a Lingbao that has been cultivated by Duobao for thousands of years!

Every spirit treasure is a treasure with spirits!
Thousands of spiritual treasures flew out of the Duobao Pagoda, hovering in all directions!
Among the thousands of treasures, there are five towering and tall mountains!

It was the five peaks of Luoling Mountain back then, but these five peaks had already been sacrificed and practiced by Taoist Duobao for a hundred thousand years, and spent most of their worth to refine the acquired treasure!
Wujue Lingshan is divided into five directions, arranged according to the position of the five elements, the multi-treasure pagoda suppresses the center, and thousands of spiritual treasures descend on the five mountains.

Duobao turned into nothingness, turned into nothingness, stepped out of the wind and fire futon with an empty body.

At this moment of Duobao, he has also become a Lingbao, and he is also the spirit of a Lingbao!
The multi-treasure body melts into the multi-treasure pagoda, the tower body shakes, and thousands of spiritual treasures shake together. This is the resonance of the spirit!
On the multi-treasure pagoda, immeasurable sutras and jeweled banners, immeasurable golden spirit jewel light, and immeasurable spiritual soul light all gathered together.

Five mountains rise to be higher than the sky, and one tower becomes the tower at the center of the world!
Five mountains form a world, the mountain is the Wuji mountain of the world, and the pagoda is the central mountain of the world.

The mountain stands like a tower, and the tower towers like a mountain!
The five mountains and the five elements suppressed everything, and the seal became a Jedi of the five spirits!Four images, three talents and two appearances above the five elements. . . , the Liuhe Qixing Bagua Jiugong under the five elements. . .They were all suppressed by the Five Elements!

In this world, there is no way above or below the five elements!

Xuandu and Daoist Taiqing stood in the world, but found that the whole world was suppressing them, suppressing all the Dao in their bodies.

Daoist Taiqing said in amazement: "That's right, this kind of means isolating the prehistoric world, suppressing by a world's power, there are indeed very few people who can fight against it!"

Taiqing stretched out his hand, and a Tai Chi seal swelled up, and there was also a world in the Tai Chi seal, a world!
In this world, Tai Chi is respected!
The way of the world crushes the way of the world!

The image of Tai Chi is enlarged, covering the Duobao Pagoda!

The Duobao Pagoda shook, and all the power of the Thousand Spirit Treasures was displayed!

Lingbao tide, the power of thousands of methods and spirits!A colorful tidal sea of ​​spiritual treasures is formed!

As soon as he enters it, even Da Luo will die!Even if it is immortal, it must rot here!It can only rot!

The world of Tai Chi was ruled by the Treasure of Thousand Spirits, and it turned out to be evenly matched for a while!
Duobao instantly left the realm of Wujue Lingshan and appeared in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Immediately, Duobao reached out and took over the world with one hand!

Take the world in your hands!

Duobao sat down cross-legged, with Qingyun Sanhua appearing on the top to suppress Taiqing and Xuandu with endless mana power, he even activated Zhuxian's main sword, and rushed into Wujue Lingshan with sword energy that could destroy all magic in the world The world is blessed with three points of power, cutting towards the two people in the world!

Duobao actually held back Daoist Taiqing, the incarnation of the sage of heaven, by himself!

But in the Juexian Sword Gate, the Holy Mother of Wudang protects the sword with her body, transforming into Wuji Qi, protecting the Juexian Sword!
Daoist Shangqing frowned, and with a sharp sword, he cut into the emptiness and whiteness, and everything turned into nothingness!

Everything is included in it, and there is only nothing!

Wuji, the beginning of all things is Wuji!
Once entering the Promise, everything returns to its original state!

Taoist Shangqing swung his sword nine times, and all of them went inside without waves or waves!He concentrated, retreated thousands of miles, raised his sword again, the edge of the green sword in his hand lit up, a sword energy rose from the blade, condensed in Taixu, and bloomed in Juexian!

In the hidden sword world, time and space are broken, and the time and space of the Juexian sword half an hour ago is distorted. It came in front of Shangqing Taoist.

The next moment, the Immortal World exploded, and the Holy Mother of Wudang staggered out, vomiting blood and lying down.

Taoist Shangqing glanced at her, and then said to Yun Zhongzi: "You go out now!" Yun Zhongzi got the order to go out.

The Holy Mother of Wu, with bloodshot eyes, got up and shouted: "Stop going, give me back my sword!"

Taoist Shangqing disappeared without a trace with just a flash of his figure, and he also disappeared with the Absolute Immortal Sword!
The Virgin of Wudang fell down in despair, her eyes were filled with tears, and her heart was ecstasy!
But immediately, a voice came: "You are not a friend of Taoism, the outcome is not yet decided, why are you crying?"

Wudang looked around in a daze, and looked up, and there was a Taoist standing in front of him, handsome and peerless, bright and elegant, with stars in his smile, and others in the world!
The Holy Mother of Wudang was startled, and hurriedly said: "Fellow Taoist, please help me, please help me!"

Although this Taoist has never been with many disciples of the Jiejiao, but this Taoist can be somewhat similar to the leader, bringing people peace of mind and hope!
This is exactly the Qingluo who came here after thousands of people!
He chased after the stars and the moon, and finally reached the border gate!

Although there are thousands of Xianjiao immortals, none of them dared to be the first to attack him and stop Qingluo.

Qingluo's name has long been engraved in the sorrow of Guangchengzi and Taiyi Zhenren's death, and in the fear of burning the lamp to die!

Qing Luo threw herself into the Zhuxian formation by herself, and saw the uselessness of being alone in grief as soon as she entered the formation!
Qing Luo said slowly: "Friend Wu, the battle is not over yet, the outcome is not yet clear, so don't be sad!"

The Madonna of Wudang stood up without tears, hoping for a new life.For some reason, the Holy Mother of Wudang was inexplicably relieved by Qing Luo's words.She wiped away her tears and said: "Please also ask fellow Taoists to teach me!"

Qing Luo glanced at the two remaining sword formations, Zhuxian Sword and Killing Immortal, and he said a word to Wudang through sound transmission.

The expression of the Holy Mother of Wudang changed drastically, and she said in surprise: "This, fellow Taoist, are you joking?"

Qing Luo shook his head and said: "It's not a joke. This is a last resort, remember that the sword is there to cut off the teaching!"

The Mother of Wudang's expression trembled slightly, and after saying yes, she hurried away in an instant and rushed to the world of Jade Immortals!
And Qing Luo rushed to the world of killing immortals!

In the world of killing immortals, the Holy Mother of Jinling looked palely at Taoist Yuqing in front of her. Although the hand holding Longhu Ruyi was still trembling, she had no intention of retreating at all!
Taoist Yuqing sighed, "How can you stop me?"

After all, he covered ten thousand acres of Qingyun from the top, and golden lanterns were dotted in the Qingyun, covering the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit!

Yuqing looked back and said to Daodezhenjun: "You still don't want to take the sword?"

Daodezhenjun suddenly realized, and hurried forward.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit looked very anxious, and urged the five spirit treasures to hit Qingyun fiercely, scattering one mu of Qingyun after another!
Although the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit broke up more and more of the golden lamps that were extinguished, there were more and more Qingyun that rose again!

Daodezhenjun walked up to the Immortal Killing Sword, spread out the talisman in his hand, and aimed at the Immortal Killing Sword seal.

However, when it was about to be imprinted on the Sword of Immortal Slaying, a purple blood thorn suddenly appeared on the sword of Immortal Slaying, hovering around the Immortal Slaying Sword!
It was the King of Thorns!
As soon as the King of Thorns appeared, he immediately entangled Qingxu's palm and swallowed the entire palm!Swallow it together with that Yuanshi decree!
(End of this chapter)

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