Chapter 381 Pilgrimage
The figures of Tongtian Six faded away, and few people in the world could see them.

Tongtian is also waiting, he is waiting for his Ten Thousand Immortals, and his Ten Thousand Immortals disciples!
Tongtian didn't want the immortals to see him return in defeat on the way.He is a saint who never gives up!
Qing Luo followed Tong Tian all the way, and followed behind Tong Tian with the four disciples without saying a word.

He didn't propose anything to Tongtian, nor did he discuss any countermeasures.

Because, Qingluo believes that Tongtian has countermeasures.

A saint is not only the strength and opportunity to surpass the peak, but the wisdom of every saint is an existence above all living beings!Everyone can only guess the heart of the saint, but they are never sure what the saint thinks.Even if it is Yuanshi Tianzun, with such an obvious character, no one can be sure of Yuanshi Tianzun's character, plans, preferences, just guessing the most superficial appearance!

Qing Luo will not try to change Tong Tian's thinking arrangement in vain, he will only assist the saint according to his own arrangement.

At the same time, Shen Gongbao also rushed to Chuanyun Pass from the distant mountains. He didn't go because of the word "cut", he went because of Qingluo.

Wen Zhong also finally left Chaoge again and rushed to Chuanyun. After his ink unicorn, he has the most elite 20 army of Dashang!
This 20 army is the 20 army that the great merchants rely on most for their expeditions to the north and south. Although there are only 20 troops, they can stop millions of troops!Every soldier is an upright sergeant in his thirties. They have been training in the army since they were 20 years old. I heard that the grand master has experienced hundreds of battles and honed in the battlefield for ten years. Only then can they be qualified to join this army. .In this army, everyone can kill ten with one. They are all iron-blooded troops who have drunk the enemy's blood and taken the enemy's head!
This 20 army has been guarding Chaoge and has never left, but now it is finally marching westward to fight westward!

Daji in Chaoge City stands on the semi-completed deer platform and looks westward.

She held Wu Geng, who was four years old, quietly watching the magnificent spectacle under the setting sun.

King Zhou in the palace looked at the glass bottle in his hand, which contained the Nine Days of Floating Life that would make him drunk and dreamy!

He took it so many times that he had forgotten how much.For the past three or four years, most of his life has been spent in dreams.In the dream, he was very happy, very happy.

But this time, he suddenly let go of the bottle in his hand.


The glazed jade bottle fell to the ground and shattered with a bang, and the colorful glazed liquid rose into beautiful clouds.

King Zhou looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, as if he had realized it.

Happiness, after all, is happiness, happiness does not necessarily lead to happiness!

He sleeps in a dream, spends his life in the dream, and gets only vain happiness, illusory and blurred.But he understood a lot of principles, such as the principles of monarch and minister, the principle of father and son, the principle of ruler and people, and many other principles.

King Zhou walked out of the deep sleeping palace and came to the deer platform.

Two people, one big and one small, on the deer platform looked at him.

The six eyes look at each other, father and son husband and wife.King Zhou looked at the glamorous Daji and the ignorant Wu Geng, and he suddenly felt a kind of satisfaction in the emptiness in his heart.

King Zhou looked at Daji with a smile, Daji also looked at King Zhou with a smile, and Wu Geng also looked at his father and smiled blankly.

On the second day, King Zhou, who had been silent for a long time, finally came to the Nine Halls again, and the officials were astonished.

After all the courtiers paid homage, King Zhou reappeared with his majesty, waved his hands, and said, "Do your best, in a word, there are no taboos!"

All the ministers below were stunned at first, then shocked, shocked again, and finally wept.All the veterans were all happy and excited.The King of the Great Merchants has finally returned!
In Chuanyunguan, Ben was closing his eyes and meditating, when he was suddenly overjoyed that she finally succeeded!
She gave King Zhou's floating life nine days, and drinking it made people indulge in dreams.In the dream, although it is controlled by the dreamer at will, in every dream, there will be the truth and kindness in the world, the compassion of the world, and the awakening of the Buddha, which can save people's hearts!

This is the real reason why Qingluo asked Xiaozhu to deliver the medicine!
The prehistoric calamity seems to have stopped for half of it, and all the immortals, monsters, and saints are waiting, waiting for Ten Thousand Immortals to enter the cloud, and waiting for the leader of Tongtian to enter the cloud!
Fengshen has already created too many variables because of Qing Luo, and these variables have caused more variables!
For example, the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation!
In the history of Conferred Gods, it was supposed to be placed in Tongguan after Chuanyun Pass, but now, looking at Tongtian's idea, it is to be placed in Chuanyun Pass in advance.

The Master Tongtian has been away for three months, and the Jujiao Immortals are finally coming to an end.

During these three months, Tongtian banned the divine thoughts, ignored everything in the world, could only look at the things in front of him, and could only walk the path under his feet.

Tong Tian's heart walked for three months, and finally calmed down, very calm.When Chaoge Fengshentai was established, he said that Yuanshi's heart was disturbed, and in the four swords of Jade Immortal, his heart was also disturbed with Yuanshi.

But now, Tongtian's heart has returned to the saint's heart!

Tong Tian, ​​who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said: "The time has come, follow me into Cloud Piercer!"

After finishing speaking, he took a step forward, and even the five people behind him also took a step forward.

One step, across the mountains and rivers, to the front of Chuanyun Pass.

Qing Luo was envious in her heart, this is the strength of a saint, omnipotent, omnipotent!

The hearts of the four Duobao were even more startled.

Tong Tian's heart trembled even more!

Because, before Chuanyun Pass
There are hundreds of thousands of immortals, just waiting for him to return!
One hundred thousand immortals stood respectfully in front of Chuanyun Pass, no one moved, no one said anything, only the wind was blowing the clothes of the immortals, other than that, only the world was silent!
Tong Tian didn't know how long they had been standing here, or how long they had been waiting for him, but he only saw the immortals who had just arrived descending from the clouds, standing silently behind the group of immortals, waiting quietly.

The seven celestial servants stand in front of the ten thousand celestial beings, and the 28 constellations of Jiuyao stand behind them. Each disciple takes his own position, silent, but in a reasonable and orderly manner.

Among the group of immortals, there are still vacant positions, which are the positions of his deceased disciples, there are four generals of the Mo family, there are ten heavenly monarchs, there are Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao, and there are thousands of golden immortals. . .

All the immortals, with admiration and reverence on their faces, are waiting for one to return!

Tongtian didn't remove his magical powers, so the six people could see the immortals, but the immortals couldn't see the six people.

Tong Tian's heart trembled, he only wanted to go straight into the city, but he didn't expect that all the disciples were already outside the city and had been waiting for him since he arrived.

Tongtian is waiting for his disciple, and his disciple is also waiting for him.

Under the setting sun, in the shadows of late evening, the ancient city, the immortals, and one saint.

Tong Tian's heart trembled, and he withdrew his magical powers.

The figure of the saint appeared in front of ten thousand immortals!

Wan Xian was instantly excited, this is their leader, their teacher.

Great love for all beings, great love for them.

Fight the whole world for them, fight the whole world, fight the sky for them, defeat the Four Sages, dare to defy the heart of heaven!
When Tongtian banned Jin Ao, pierced the clouds, and sent away the immortals, and when one person stood on the top of Zhuxian, what was left to the immortals was always Tongtian's stalwart back, that solid back, with him, abandoned by the world, The world is still, and they feel at ease!
After Wu Yunxian saw Tongtian, his eyes were happy, but then he was respectful, and he preached: "Congratulations to the leader, the holy life is boundless.

The immortals bow down!One pilgrimage! "

One hundred thousand immortals kneel!
The four disciples knelt together, Qing Luo turned around and stood thousands of feet away, he was not a teacher, not a disciple, and this scene can only exist as a spectator at this time.

In front of Chuanyun Pass, among the hundred thousand immortals, only Tongtian stands alone.The corners of Tongtian's eyes twitched.He looked at the disciples kneeling on the ground, and scenes emerged in his mind. When he met his disciples for the first time, when they met for the first time, his disciples were either in a life-or-death dilemma, or were left alone, or were bullied by others. . .

Wu Yunxian got up first, and then said: "Second pilgrimage!"

Shiwanxian got up again and knelt down again.

Tong Tian thought of the scene where he accepted these disciples, taught them one by one, worked hard to cultivate one by one, and called him teacher and master one by one, which made him gratified.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

Wu Yunxian preached again: "Three pilgrimage!"

Hundreds of thousands of immortals pay their last respects.

Tong Tian thought of the three sects signing the list of gods together, and remembered the tragic death of all the disciples of the Jiejiao. All the disciples who used to be lively, quiet, or eccentric in front of him were turned into ashes!
Tongtian closed his eyes, tears fell from his eyes, and the saint's tears fell through the clouds.

Tong Tian opened his eyes, the tears in his eyes stopped, and the tears of the immortals fell through the clouds.

Tong Tian laughed loudly, "Okay!

This is what I teach, there is love and righteousness, never abandon or abandon! "

 Although the scenes in my mind were very moving when I was writing them, I always lacked those touching artistic conceptions and connotations when I read them. It is still because my writing skills are not strong enough to describe those touching scenes.

(End of this chapter)

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