Chapter 385
Qing Luo bowed her head, not daring to answer the words, not daring to answer the words of the saint's frown.

Although he dared to fight against Yuanshi and help the enemy Chan, he never said this himself.He has always been one of the many ascetics who respect the six sages of heaven, and regards the six sages as their elders.

Although he opposed Yuanshi's elaboration and teaching, he never disrespected saints in the slightest.The examples of Bi Xiao and Qiong Xiao are there. Even though he sympathizes with Er Xiao, he is powerless to change it. This is the supreme power and supreme status of the Holy Spirit!

Seeing that Qingluo didn't speak, Yuanshi asked again: "Qingluo, today I don't count the reason why you killed my disciples.

I just ask you, do you really want to be in this catastrophe, all with the Holy One, and the enemy of the teaching? "

Qing Luo's heart was shocked, he raised his head to look at Yuan Shi, Yuan Shi's eyes were full of taboo!

That's right, Yuanshi has long regarded himself as a variable. If he enters the assistant today, there will be many variables that Yuanshi can't guess, and these variables will greatly damage the teaching.

For the death of one or two disciples, Yuanshi would probably not take action for the sake of Nuwa's protection.But the life and death of a sect is enough to make Yuanshi lose his mind, and it is enough to make Yuanshi have the heart to kill Qingluo.

And a saint, once he has the heart to kill a person, then this person can only die.

Qing Luo was startled, but not flustered.He has arranged it for so long, how could it change because of Yuan Shi's words?

Qing Luo straightened her body and said firmly, "Qing Luo will never be an enemy of a saint, nor dare to be an enemy of a saint.

However, the city under me is one with my life.

If the city is here, I am here, and if the city is dead, I am also dead!

May the saint forgive me! "

Yuanshi Tianzun's face turned cold, but he stopped talking. He can stop people, but he can't stop monks from seeking the Tao. In order to seek the Tao, the Taoist is fearless.Hearing about Dao in the morning and dying in the evening, Qing Luo is such a cultivator.

As a sage who explained religion, Yuan Shi saw that Qing Luo was looking for death.

As a senior on the road of cultivation, Yuan Shi admired Qing Luo.

Ten thousand immortals in the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation were also touched in their hearts.Qing Luo is willing to fight with life and death, to earn money for them, how can they not be moved.

Tong Tian nodded, with a relieved smile in his eyes.

Yuan Shi's face returned to that of a sage, and he ignored Qing Luo, but said to Tong Tian: "Since you have set up this formation, I will come to watch the formation, so let's talk about it."

Tong Tian nodded, sat upright on the high platform, waved his sleeves, and said, "Everyone will launch the formation, and let them see how you behave!"

All the disciples responded in unison, the Great Formation of Ten Thousand Immortals evolved and rose, and the power of Ten Thousand Immortals condensed, and Ten Thousand Immortals aroused the power of Ten Thousand Dao to bless, and the power of Ten Thousand Dao aroused the power of all Dao in the prehistoric world. The rain and snow fall, the mountains and rivers are boundless, and there are hundreds of millions of creatures, it seems like another prehistoric world.

Yuanshi Tianzun got down from Qingyun, and all the disciples of the Chanjiao guarded him, and followed them to watch.

But see, Caixia cages five colors of golden light, and auspicious clouds rise from thousands of clusters of colorful colors.There are Taoist priests and Quanzhen practicing in the mountains in the front and back rows, and there are wandering Tuotou and individual tourists standing on the left and right.Going to the east, the nine-flower scarf, the hydration robe, Tai'a sword, and the sika deer are all strange people with high morals; going to the west, the double-clawed bun, the light yellow robe, the ancient Ding sword, and the eight-pointed deer are all riding the fog and flying the clouds Qing hermit.Going to the south, the big red robe, the yellow-spotted deer, and the Kunwu sword are the masters of the five escapes and the three eradications; going to the north, the soap-colored clothes, the lotus seed hoop, the iron mace, and the elk crossing are all fierce men who can move the sea and move mountains. .

The emerald blue flag is surrounded by green clouds; the plain white flag is full of color.The big red flag, the fire cloud covers the top; the soap covers the flag, the black air spreads.Under the apricot-yellow banner, there are thousands of strange golden clouds, which hide the priceless treasures that are rare in the sky and rare in the world.See also: Wuyun Immortal, Pilu Immortal, Golden Hoop Immortal, with high spirits.The Seven Fragrance Chariot sits on the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, divided into households; the Eight Tiger Chariot rides on the Duobao Taoist, the Governor Wanxian.The Madonna of Wudang, the magic weapon is with me; the Madonna of Guiling, all-encompassing.When the golden bell rings, it stirs up the universe; when the jade chime rings, it shakes up the universe.Lifting the grate, the smoke curls up and the dragon and mist hide; the feather fan shakes, and the colorful phoenix leaves the fairyland.

The light in Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes lit up, and the infinite truth emerged in his eyes, and he comprehended many wonderful methods in it in an instant.

But all the disciples behind him felt dazzled for a moment, with myriad phenomena and endless truths, and they couldn't comprehend them at all.

After Yuanshi Tianzun watched the battle, he returned to the Qingyun Heavenly Realm.

Tong Tian asked: "How do you see it? Is it possible to break the formation?"

Yuanshi raised his eyelids slightly, this time, with Tongtian presiding over it, he really couldn't find out if he was distracted, let alone the disciple Yuxu under him.

Yuan Shi said: "How difficult is it to break it? Let's wait for the big brother to come, and then discuss the result of this battle."

Tong Tian's face was slightly annoyed for a moment and said: "Yuan Shi, this is a matter between you and me, why do you always invite others to join us?

Didn't you invite the Second Saint Qi of the West to deceive me this time? "

Yuanshi Tianzun closed his eyes and remained silent.

There was sadness and anger in Tongtian's heart.It seemed that it was really his worst plan!
Qing Luo didn't panic, he already knew that the Four Sages broke the Ten Thousand Immortals.Moreover, he has already made all the preparations that he can do. He has done his best all the way along Qukong, Wen Taishi, Shen Gongbao Luoxuan and others, on Zizhi Cliff, and on the westbound road.

At this time, he has already done his best, and it only depends on whether God's will really leaves a glimmer of life!
The two teachers of Chanjue looked at each other like this for a day and a night.

In the past, sitting or standing between the two teachings was for the purpose of discussing Taoism, but now, it is for the enemy!

On the second day, the great sun rose in the east, and the purple air came thirty thousand li from the east. There was a green ox with a group of people sitting on it, and a group of people leading it in front of the ox.

Two Taoists and a cow came to the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation.

Lao Tzu is still here.Tongtian is already very ordinary. Now that he has come, he can only accept it, and the worst is that the four saints will come together.

The Three Purities and the Three Saints meet again.Lao Tzu said to Tong Tian: "The Zhuxian Sword Formation has been broken, how can the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation stop it?"

Tong Tian said coldly: "If you can stop it, you will know after trying it!"

Lao Tzu shook his head and sighed, "Since that's the case, let's break the formation today!"

Yuan Shi nodded, explaining and teaching the immortals to listen to the order, all of them looked solemn, and excited in the solemn, after this battle, they can break through the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, and they will be able to escape from the catastrophe!
At this time, Tianwaitian, Nuwa, who was closing her eyes to rest in Wa Palace, opened her eyes and said, "The time has come, it's time for me to leave!"

After all, she got up and stepped out of Wa Palace.

Outside Chaoge City, Qu Kong appeared here.Looking up at the city, he always felt a slight pain in his heart, but he didn't know why.

He stepped into Chaoge City, he came here just to play a string, and also to change the dynasty.

In Jiamengguan, 20 iron-blooded troops stationed here. Wen Zhong, Shen Gongbao, Luo Xuan, Lingya Fairy, Qiushouxian, Jin Guangxian, and the three generals of the Mo family arrived here.

For the three generals of the Mo family, this is the old place where four brothers used to be. Now that they come back, one of them is missing, which only adds to the sadness.

Beside the Western Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Zhunti smiled: "In this case, junior brother should go ahead first, if senior brother changes his mind, go to Ten Thousand Immortal Formation!"

Jieyin looked even more bitter, and only answered with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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