Chapter 395

Lao Tzu's Tao is as calm as his people, stable and unmoving, peaceful and stable.

But Lao Tzu’s Tao also has a side of death and silence. Tai Chi is divided into two parts, and the two are opposed. Where there is peace, there is restlessness. Where there is vitality, there is death. Where there is existence, there is destruction!
When Taiji and Yangyi are born together, there is great mystery and great fortune.

When Taiji and Yangyi are mutually restrained, there will be great terror and great destruction!
Black and white beams of light fell from the Taiji seal and hit Wanfa Dao body.

The sky and the earth lit up with a dazzling black and white light, shining on the sky and the earth.

The whole prehistoric was silent for a moment!

After the light flickered, I saw that the body of ten thousand dharmas was frozen, not moving at all.

The next moment, Wan Dao's halo suddenly shattered, and Wan Dao Dao body collapsed!
Lao Tzu stretched out his hand to grab again, intending to break the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation directly.

However, the Ten Thousand Dao on the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation gathered again, and once again condensed into a Ten Thousand Law Dao Body, guarding the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

Lao Tzu frowned, and then Yin Zhunti praised the wonderful method.

Yuanshi Tianzun fell silent in his heart.It turned out that his second younger brother, who used to be the younger brother, had reached such a level that he had surpassed himself at some point.

Lao Tzu shot again, and the two instrument seals fell on the Taiji diagram again and hit Wanfa Taoist body.

This time, ten thousand dharma rings rose up around the Dharma body, supporting the Liangyi light seal, preventing it from falling down.

Seeing this, Laozi no longer holds back.

The Taiji map fell, and a dark yellow light rose.

The Taiji map fell, fell into the earth, spread out thousands of miles, and carried the weight of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

The Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda rises, the Xuanhuang sky is mighty, the sun and the moon are shining brightly, and the weight of billions of weights weighs down the body of ten thousand dharmas.

The two instruments on the Taiji diagram rotated and fixed the Wanfa Taoist body.

There is Xuanhuang on the top and Tai Chi on the bottom.The Taoist body of ten thousand dharmas is tightly bound, which is reasonable.

Using the innate treasure and the most acquired merit treasure to suppress it, and the Taoist master personally took action, even the saints in the whole prehistoric world dare not say what they can do.

Lao Tzu reached out to the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation again, where Qing Luo once stood, the core of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation!
The saints didn't care much about Qing Luo's disappearance, even if they were against the sky, they were still ants and couldn't make a big wave.

The top four formations of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation have been broken for a while, and they are the Guiling Formation.

Duobao looked at Lao Tzu's outstretched hand, which turned into a giant hand to capture the sky on the way, and brought it here.

He looked back and took out the Immortal Killing Sword and Immortal Execution Sword and handed them to Wudang Jinling, saying: "You two, the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation depends on two of you!"

Jin Lingwudang, with tears in his eyes, they knew that Duobao would die if he went, but he could only go, and he should go first, because he was the first disciple of the Jiejiao, the elder brother of the Jiejiao !
The Second Virgin received the sword and nodded with tears in her eyes.

Duobao got up abruptly and left the Great Immortal Formation.In the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation below him, the disciples of Jiejiao burst into tears.

At this moment, there is only Duobao, and it can only be Duobao, holding up the sky of Jujiao!
Duobao raised his hands together, and cursed out of his mouth.

Five extremely high mountains suddenly rose up, and the five mountains surrounded Lao Tzu's giant palm that held up to the sky, and the palm penetrated into the five mountains.

The five mountains are ten thousand zhang high, separated from the five elements, protecting the surroundings of the immobilized Ten Thousand Fa Dao Body, and topping the sky above the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

At this moment, Duobao was standing side by side with Tongtian, holding up another sky for Jiejiao Wanxian.Although this sky is not as high and boundless as the sky supported by the sky, it is also a piece of heaven!

The five mountains trembled and began to tremble, about to split open.

Seeing this, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit below shouted, "Where are the Immortals of Jiejiao? Would you like to help Senior Brother?"

Jiejiao Wanxian responded with a bang.

Among the ten thousand great formations, all the disciples of the ten thousand immortals mobilized the great formations, and a brilliance soaring to the sky suddenly rose from the core of the great formations!
The power of Wanzhen, Wandao, and Wanxian is condensed with the body of the elder brother Jiejiao above the clouds.

The five mountains are suddenly soaring, the five mountains are so high, and the million mountains are overwhelming the saint!
Infinite power gathers on Duobao, and it is the Taoism where the power of Wanxian is transformed into one by the Great Formation of Wanxian.

Duobao said: "I have offended the saint, and Duobao is willing to use the body of an ant to block the saint."

A trace of surprise flashed in Lao Tzu's eyes, and he said, "Why does the light of rice grains compete with the bright moon?"

Duobao replied: "One grain of light is not enough, but ten thousand grains of light brighten the sky and night."

Lao Tzu shook his head and said: "Even if there are infinite stars, they are no match for a round of moonlight. This is not a difference of numbers, you should understand."

Duobao's heart tightened, but he still said: "I am willing to try it myself!"

Lao Tzu shook his head and put away his crutches, because his crutches were not for beating juniors.Lao Tzu stretched out his hand, and there was a Tai Chi in his palm. The Tai Chi grew infinitely larger, and it wanted to cover the sky and the earth, covering Duobao.

In the sea of ​​swords, Tongtian was impatient and wanted to get out to stop him, but Taoist Sanqing and Yuanshi surrounded him and beat Tongtian so hard that he couldn't get away.

Duobao's eyes were serious, this was the first time he faced a real saint!

But he is not alone, he is not alone, he is facing the saint together with Jiejiao Wanxian.

Duobao once again melted into the Duobao Pagoda with his body, and the five mountains collided with Taiji, but passed through Taiji again, separated into five directions, and surrounded Laozi.

The multi-treasure pagoda floats above the five mountains, and thousands of spiritual treasures fly out like a torrent, scattered on the five mountains.

There are countless brilliance shining on the Duobao Pagoda, and thousands of precious bells are hung on the [-]-story pagoda. When each bell rings, the spirit of a Lingbao wakes up from its deep sleep.

Thousands of spirit treasures woke up one after another, and each spirit treasure exerted its power to the extreme, forming a magnificent tide of spirit treasures, the tide was like the sea, coming from all directions, like waves pushing forward, rushing towards the elder.

The old man stood in the wind and waves, surrounded by countless Lingbao power tides, like water and tides.

In the eyes of the old people, these are like water, wave after wave.

The old man's heart is like water, as light as water, as good as water, as poor as water.

The old man stepped up, one step at a time, stepping on the tide like the tide, but the Lingbao tide was as light as water, the old man stepped on the water, and stood on the tide.

The higher the tide rises, the higher the water rises under Lao Tzu's feet.

Although the tide was surging, it still couldn't submerge the figure of the old man.

The highest good is like water, water benefits all things without fighting.

At this moment, Lao Tzu's heart was extremely peaceful.The whole world is filled with a kind of mysterious stillness, and it is also a kind of mysterious state!
The mighty splendor of the heaven and earth is all rising for Jiejiao. This is the most dangerous but also the most powerful moment for Jiejiao!
On Xiqi City, the clouds rise endlessly, and the cloud world stretches for thousands of miles.

There was a gust of wind, and the wind was surging, and the wind beast circled down.

There was a burst of rain, the cloud and rain turned into smoke, and the rain beast fell quietly.

There was a burst of cold, icy cold and gloomy clouds, and the snow beasts were flamboyant.

Three divine beasts, under the clouds, stand on Xiqi.Blocked Qiushouxian, Jin Guangxian, and Lingyaxian.

The three immortals fight against the three beasts, the wind and rain, the cold and the ice, and the clouds rise from the poor, and the battle is endless!

Yun Zhongzi on the cloud raised his head and looked at Wen Zhong.

Tribulation is still robbery, you can avoid it for a while, but you can't avoid it forever!Yun Zhongzi sat cross-legged on the cloud, as gentle as a cloud, and said with a smile, "Wen Zhong, the treasure that Pindao specially made for you has not been tasted yet!"

After saying that, with a wave of his hand, eight torches, reaching up to the sky and connecting to the earth, flew towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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