The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 400 Daoist Friends Please Stay Away

Chapter 400 Daoist Friends Please Stay Away

Qukong left Chaoge and went to Xiqi again.

He never went to Chuanyun Pass, he directly bypassed it.Because Master didn't let him go to the battlefield, so he won't go.

It is enough for him to do what his master told him to do well!

If there is anyone in this world who can touch his emotions before he has no heart, that is his master.

Qu Kong once didn't know what emotions were, but when he became a Da Luo Jinxian, he saw Qing Luo's figure in his previous life because of the long-cherished wish of cause and effect. Although there was only one scene, he couldn't forget it.

Behind Qukong is the capital city of the great merchants, Chaoge.

Although Chaoge is great, the world has changed only because of him, because he has been here.

Although Xiqi is great, he will change the world because of him, just because he is going.

On the city of Xiqi, the clouds cover thousands of miles, and the three beasts and three immortals fight without stopping, and the battle does not distinguish between superiors and inferiors.The mysteries of the Shangqing Immortal Art are fully displayed, and these three beasts cannot be destroyed. They are born by inheriting the fate of heaven and earth.

Luo Xuan's sea of ​​flames was already very small, and turned into a cloud of fire, which was extinguished time and time again by layers of ocean waves, and the fire was born again and again. Can Luoxuan burn it by himself!
Luo Xuan really wanted to change his fire with the fire in the God of Fire Pillar.

In the pillar of flames of the Tongtian God, the three generals of the Mo family held the treasure, but they couldn't get up.

Because they were exhausted, in the endless sea of ​​flames, their Golden Immortal's mana was compared with Yun Zhongzi's Da Luo's mana, it was the small river and the sea.

They were consumed alive!
Mo Liqing smiled miserably and said: "Grand Master, the three of my brothers go first!"

Wen Zhong was furious: "Stop talking nonsense!"

Surrounded by male and female twin dragons, the dragon went out to sea, and the sea of ​​water filled the sky, covering Wen Zhong and the three generals of the Mo family, forcing back the red flame dragon, and dispelling the sea of ​​burning flames.

Wen Zhongdao: "Since you can't protect the old man anymore, let the old man protect you!"

This old man in his twilight years stood up powerfully. At this moment, he was not an immortal, but an elder who was willing to sacrifice himself for the younger generation!
When the three generals of the Mo family heard this, tears welled up in their eyes.

Their friendship is that they are willing to protect each other with life and death. Even if life and death are but a moment, love is a lifetime.

Yun Zhongzi sighed, his raised hand felt heavy, so he stopped for a moment.Although he has a heart of compassion, he also has a heart of respecting his teacher. His teacher's kindness is unforgettable and mighty. He has to do it, and he dares not to do it!
There are some things, just like this, even if you deviate from your heart, you still have to do it, even the gods of Daluo are sometimes no different from ordinary people.

In the camp of the merchant army, Shen Gongbao still came out of the camp, waved his sword, and dared to kill Da Luo with his own sword!
Shen Gongbao's sword is unremarkable, but rare in the world!

It is ordinary, because this sword is only a three-foot long sword, the color of the sword is black, the sword is like an ordinary sword, without brilliance or spirit, the sword flies to cut.

It is rare in the world, because although this sword flies slowly, it is chaotic!He was so confused that he couldn't figure out its direction, couldn't feel its power clearly, and didn't know whether this sword was still a sword or not.

This is Shen Gongbao's deceitful sword.Although it exists with the sword, it is not the way of the sword!

Yun Zhongzi's brows twitched, and he waved out a piece of Yuqing Shenlei, it was a piece!
Thunderbolts flashed out of the clouds, as if they were thunderbolts.Yuqing Shenlei is in the shape of the God of Opening Thunder. Although Yun Zhongzi has learned it, he can't exert the power of the Thunder of Opening Heaven, but the power is already amazing!Lei Xiao falls into the sky, and the rolling divine thunder opens and closes, only for life and death. The thunder forms a thunder curtain and falls in front of Yun Zhongzi. It is both a shield and a spear!

The cunning sword came, cut in with one sword, cut into layers of thunder light, the thunder hit the sword, but turned Yun Zhongzi's body.

Yun Zhongzi's face was startled, and he waved his sleeves to release a mask, and the Jiuhuatian cloud cover covered Yun Zhongzi in the air, and his own Yuqing Shenlei struck his own magic weapon.

Although Lei blocked it, the cunning sword was still there, and a sword stabbed out, stabbing at the center of Yun Zhongzi's eyebrows!
Jiuhuatian is covered with clouds and beautiful clouds, and the sky is bright and bright. It can prevent all kinds of magic, but it can't prevent the strangeness of the sly sword!

A sword was introduced into the cloud cover, the tip of the sword only pointed at the center of Yun Zhongzi's eyebrows, and only pierced his eyebrows.

Yun Zhongzi's face changed, this strange sword is really strange!
He no longer blocked it with the magic weapon, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the sword piercing the eyebrow with one hand.

The point of the sword is only three inches away from the center of the eyebrow, but it can no longer get any closer.

Yun Zhongzi held the blade of the sword in his hand, and the blade pierced the palm of his hand, and drops of blood fell, dripping onto his snow-white clothes, and the blood of Da Luo was stained on his clothes!

Yun Zhongzi looked sullen, and said, "What a deceitful one who deceived his master and abandoned his ancestors!"

After that, he gripped it hard, the blood flowed even more and the sword trembled.

Yun Zhongzi raised his hand, and the sky thunder was triggered, and the rolling thunder sky fell, smashing the sword.

Shen Gongbao's face was ashen, and he opened his mouth to spit out blood three times in a row.This sword was a blow with all his strength, and only one blow with all his strength could stop his former senior brother.

A white light flashed across Yun Zhongzi's hand, and the wound healed.

He looked at Shen Gongbao, the former junior and now the traitor.

He said: "Since I let the poor Taoist meet you, I will take you to face the master, and the master will deal with it personally."

After finishing speaking, Yun Zhongzi flipped his hand to cover Shen Gongbao, and the Jiuhuatian cloud cover covered Shen Gongbao, trapping his figure.

Shen Gongbao smiled wryly. He was seriously injured and could no longer fight.Come to think of it, all he can do now is to say a word, say that sentence.

Yun Zhongzi ignored Shen Gongbao, stood up, raised his hand, and drew out his sword. Bai Yunliu's sword came out. He was dressed in white and held a sword.
Yun Zhongzi held the sword, and he wanted to personally send the four people in the pillar of fire from the God of Tongtian.He will personally kill those who are worthy of admiration with his sword. This is respect for the enemy, instead of sitting high in the sky, looking down at the enemy like an ant, destroying the enemy with his hands, indifferent and indifferent to all living beings!

Wen Zhong looked at Yun Zhongzi, there was no fear in his eyes, and there would be no fear.

This late old man walked up to the three brothers of the Mo family. Although his old body was not tall, under the light of the fire, he was tall enough to support the sky and strong enough to withstand the weight of the fire.

Yun Zhongzi stepped forward, walked towards the fire pillar of Tongtian God, walked step by step, holding the sword with a dignified look, and did not underestimate the opponent just because the opponent was only a golden fairy.

Such an opponent makes the enemy frightened and makes the enemy's scalp tingle!
But at this moment, Yun Zhongzi himself felt his scalp go numb.

Because, behind him, there was a sound.

"Fellow Daoist, please stay!"

The voice was neither loud nor small, flat and erratic, but it came from Shen Gongbao's words.

Yun Zhongzi was stunned, and looked back.

Looking at it from this point of view, it is a catastrophe in the world, with catastrophe and murderous intent, entering the catastrophe with the body, and responding to the catastrophe with the body!
Shen Gongbao said that he was invited to be robbed.

If Yun Zhongzi didn't look back, he was refusing.

But, he turned around.

Turning around, you will be entangled in calamity, fortune will disappear and calamity will increase, and then you will enter the catastrophe!
Why is a word so powerful?

No one else, because this is what Shen Gongbao said!

(End of this chapter)

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