The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 422: Between talking and laughing, with the flick of a finger, destroying the enemy

Chapter 422: Between talking and laughing, with the flick of a finger, destroying the enemy
Qing Luo left the Heavenly Court with a smile, and went down the Heavenly Court with a result that made him happy.

Not many people knew when he came to Heaven, and few people knew when he left.

Qing fell to the sky, looked at the prehistoric four continents, and looked at the center, where there used to be the remnants of Buzhou, but now it has been torn apart and sank into the vast deep sea.

Buzhou Mountain is gone at all.

No soul will ever see Pan Gu's Remains Mountain, no soul will ask what kind of mountain it is, and in the future, some people will not even know who Pan Gu is.

Pangu!The god who opened this square sky, established this square earth, and created this square world, dissipated the prehistoric world.

He thought that Pan Gu was lonely when he died.Because there is not a single living being, who has stood the ground for countless years, who has no words, no words, no one, no god, no life.

When Pan Gu fell, he should have been satisfied.He can die forever, with the world he created.There is a big world opened because of him, countless worlds big and small, born because of him, and hundreds of millions of people live for it.

The world created by Pan Gu is huge, and he really wants to see it.

He really wanted to go for a walk, walk around in person, even if he couldn't finish the four continents, he still wanted to truly appreciate the demeanor of Pan Gu, the demeanor of the world.

Of course, Qing Luo just thought, not yet.Because there are still many things for him to do.He is the master of one side.He has accepted the luck and belief of one side, and he also has to bear the responsibility of protecting one side.

Qing Luo shook her head and laughed. When she was as small as an ant, she just wanted to stay in one place and didn't want to go out.Now you are a powerful party but want to walk around.

He withdrew his cultivation, and with only a cloud on his back, he leisurely returned to the southwest.

As he was walking, Qingluo raised his brows slightly.He looked back to the southeast of Honghuang, where the sky was shining golden with the setting sun, and the clouds and fire coexisted, which was very beautiful.

But Qingluo's eyes traveled through hundreds of millions of miles, where the sky was full of spiritual light and splendor, and thousands of spiritual treasures each released their treasures, and thousands of rays of light were born, like a sea of ​​colorful tides sweeping the world.

But as soon as all the tidal power rises, they will be rolled into nine beams of light reaching the sky by the nine strange forces, and disappear into nothingness.

Qing Luo squinted his eyes and took a closer look. After all, he was halfway across the flood, and his eyes were a bit dull.

Qing Luo stretched out his hand, and white flowers rose all over the sky, and countless dandelions rose up, converging into a picture of thousands of feet, which is exactly the scene in the southeast of Honghuang.

The white light curtain suddenly darkened and turned into a huge screen, showing the scene in the southeast of Honghuang.

This time, Qing Luo saw it clearly.

It turned out that those tens of thousands of magic weapons were the magic weapons of many Xiaozong monks in the southeast.They all control their magic weapons from a distance, and display their treasures forward.

And the magic weapon tidal power that was gathered was actually nine huge heads, lion heads!

A lion with nine heads sharing one body.

In the eyes of those cultivators, the gigantic lion, which is tens of thousands of feet in size, looks extremely ferocious. On its nine huge heads, there are nine pairs of eyes of different colors.Black, white, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple, nine pairs of eyes were shining with nine colors of strange light, looking at more than ten thousand immortals with malicious intentions.

Wanxian felt chills in his heart.

At the front of Wanxiu is a young monk who has just joined the Daluo Golden Immortal, behind him are twelve Taiyis, more than a thousand Golden Immortals, and the rest are monks who have completed the immortal way such as Tianxian and Xuanxian.

They looked at the ferocious giant beast and felt chills in their hearts.

And Qing Luo looked at the nine heads crowded on one body, and always felt a little ridiculous.

Maybe this is the gap in realm.Even though the giant lion was extremely powerful, it was just a lion in Qingluo's eyes, and no matter how big it was, it was just a cat in Qingluo's eyes.

"Forget it, since I let the poor Taoist meet, I will help them out." Qing Luo said to himself.

It wasn't that he wanted to push the limelight, but he just took this opportunity to come to the place where the small sects of scattered cultivators gathered in the southeast, and spread the reputation of the city that never sleeps.There is no need for him to pass on, as long as he shows up, it will be more effective than desperately shouting about the beauty of Evernight City. This technique is the celebrity effect.

Because, the immortals there are very carefree, very fairy-like, and very gossip.

In the southeast of Honghuang, Chen Tuan looked at the huge beast in front of him with a pale face.He was just traveling around the world and happened to pass by here.Unexpectedly, the fierce beast that these southeast casual cultivators dealt with would swallow him, it was just a little bit short.

Although he escaped from the lion's mouth, he already had the idea of ​​destroying the beast.

But this shot made him startled.This ferocious beast is too powerful, with rough skin and thick flesh, it can't be moved at all.It is also very capable of swallowing, it wants to swallow anything that is flesh and blood, even the power of magic weapons.

This ferocious beast was too perverted, the young man was speechless.The first time he traveled down the mountain, he encountered such a tough bone. He was still too young to chew on this old lion.

Nine-headed green lions looked at the group of fresh flesh and blood in front of them, and their eyes became more greedy.It raised its nine heads to the sky and roared loudly, shaking the whole world. It was full of excitement. It hadn't eaten such fresh flesh and blood for many years. It was about to be imprisoned and go crazy.Heaven's prison, it has had enough.

When the nine green lions roared, the little immortals all trembled in fright.They have been besieging the giant lion for three days, and three thousand immortals have died.Although they are all heavenly and profound immortals, they are the backbone of various sects, they are the cornerstone of the sect!
The young Taoist at the front said loudly: "Fellow Taoists, the poor Taoist will use supernatural powers to fix this beast later, everyone, try your best to see if you can break off the beast's nine heads. Less than half."

When all the immortals heard the words, they all claimed it was true.

However, as soon as the immortals finished answering, the nine huge heads of the giant lion said together: "Are you the ancestors who can't understand words?"

The immortals were stunned for a moment, this fierce beast was too strange.With wisdom, he didn't make a sound for a long time, and he didn't change his form. What he did was really no different from a beast without sanity.

Even Qing Luo, who had just arrived here, couldn't help chuckling when she heard this.

Although he laughed lightly, Wanxian was stunned at this moment, and Qingshi's voice also fell. The world was noisy, but it was silent at this moment.

Qing Luo's laughter was very sudden.

All the immortals raised their heads, and so did the nine lions.

Some of the Immortals recognized Qingluo and hurriedly called out: "It's Qingluo Patriarch Qing!"

The crowd of immortals suddenly exploded, and one after another immortals headed there via sound transmission, communicating with their friends or teachers or brothers.

"Really? This can't be an impostor, right? How could someone like Qing Paozu come here?"

"Master, that Taoist is the famous Patriarch Qing! Why is he so young and good-looking?"

. . .

What's more, some female fairies and their friends whispered: "Hey, sister Zihan, do you think she is the master of the most beautiful man in the prehistoric era? Sure enough, every student must have a teacher. Although it is better than his The apprentice is a bit short, but he is also extremely handsome!"

"Yeah, you don't know yet. I heard that Patriarch Qing is less than a million years old. I heard that there are no Taoist companions yet! Such a patriarch, so young and handsome, is so charming."

. . .

The nine green lions raised their heads to look at Qingluo, their eyes were a bit solemn, and two streams of white gas came out from all nine noses, and they looked at Qingluo unkindly.

Qing Luo above, the corners of his mouth twitched.Don't these casual cultivators know how terrifying the supernatural power of Almighty is?What's the difference between that and saying it out loud?
Although it was very quiet in the arena, the spiritual thoughts fluctuated like the waves of the river, and the waves continued.

The atmosphere in the southeast of the Great Desolation is too different from other places in the Great Desolation, it is almost no different from the common customs of the world.

In fact, this is because the prehistoric southeast is too comfortable and safe.Close to the sage dojo, no one dares to rob and kill people openly.Moreover, this place is rich in aura, and there are many treasures of heaven and earth. There is a big difference between them and the monks in the southwest and west fighting for a piece of treasure.They are also too different from the saint sect and great religion in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Many casual cultivators of sects here will enter the world to practice and infect the common feelings.

They don't even have a great Luo Jinxian here, and they know too little about great supernatural powers, and they don't even know the horror of great supernatural powers.

Qing Luo simply restrained her spiritual thoughts directly, and stopped listening to the gossip spiritual thoughts of those casual practitioners unintentionally.

He looked at Chen Tuan in front of the nine green lions, and asked, "Who is my apprentice?"

Chen Tuan naturally also heard the whispered words of these casual cultivators.He said cautiously with a somewhat disturbed expression: "Later, Chen Tuan, a poor Taoist, is a disciple of the leader of Renjiao, and he is a named disciple of the sage." After saying this, his expression became natural again.Although he is familiar with Qingluo's name, but he is a saint's disciple, so he should have the style of a saint's disciple.

Qing Luo was taken aback for a moment, the name seemed familiar, he couldn't remember the memory from the earth, so he didn't want to.This person has an aura of Tai Chi Dao, which is slightly similar to Lao Tzu's aura, so he has this special question.

I didn't expect that he was really a disciple of Lao Tzu. Although he was a named disciple, for Lao Tzu, a saint who only accepted Xuandu alone, it didn't matter whether he was named or not.

Ten Thousand Immortals below were secretly shocked and amazed.

While speaking, the nine green lions looked at Qingluo and ignored it, and it was not angry. Instead, the eyeballs of the head in the middle turned, the blue light on its body lit up, its body shrank instantly, and its feet stepped on the breeze, and it fled away in an instant Thousands of miles away.

All the immortals turned pale in panic, thinking that the giant lion was going to eat the immortal again, but when they saw the giant lion running away, they breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts were relieved again in their throats.

Qing Luo smiled lightly and said: "The thing that Pindao has taken a fancy to, still wants to run away?"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and waved, and a black and yellow ancient map flew out from his sleeve. The ancient map spread out, spread out a million squares, spread out the hollow square, and directly captured the blue lion in the good fortune map.

Only then did Qing Luo turn around and continue the words just now: "I'm sorry, I didn't expect to be a disciple of a sage."

When Chen Tuan saw that Qing Luo had stopped the beast that had fled nearly a hundred thousand miles away, he was still in shock. One second he captured Qing Luo, who was thousands of miles away from the enemy, and the next second he followed up with his own words.

Is this the real power of heaven and earth?Is this the demeanor of the great evil?
Talking and laughing, powerful enemies can be destroyed with a snap of the fingers!

No wonder even his senior brother Xuandu, who he regards as a god, is willing to bow down to this man.No wonder his master said he was too bad.

(3080 words in this chapter)
(End of this chapter)

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