Chapter 431
Crying Blood's complexion changed slightly, the power of this sword was several times stronger than the previous one.

Yuantu sword slashed out a sword qi and another sword qi, continuously slashing towards Weeping Blood, especially the first sword is the strongest.

Jiudao Yuantu sword Qi is as black as ink, with a dark and killing air of death, although there are only nine swords, it seems to cover the sky and cover the earth.

Crying Blood just smiled, took a step back, a picture was born under one step, the picture rose ten thousand zhang, laid out in the hollow, ingested nine lore sword qi, the sword qi passed through Crying Blood's body, even the lore sword He also chopped off a strand of his long hair in a swipe of air.

Weeping blood with long hair fluttering, wearing a blood robe, standing on the top of a city of clouds, he raised his voice and laughed, laughing recklessly, laughing with peerless ferocity.

Ming He's face became more and more gloomy, and he said: "Qing Luo, come out to me."

Qingluo's voice came from the city of Nightless Sky and said: "Fellow Daoist Minghe can't even defeat a corpse from Poverty Dao, so how can you see me?"

Not seeing him, hearing his voice, his words are full of provocation and contempt, full of disdainful arrogance.

Styx was furious, this time he was really angry, no one dared to look down on him so much when there were three thousand powerful people gathered in Zixiao Palace back then, not even the six quasi-sages were like this back then, today To be ridiculed so frivolously by a person who was a junior ten thousand years ago, what face does he have?

Even the many great powers who watched the battle from all directions kept muttering in their hearts, this mouth is really offending people to death, so courageous!

Styx shouted angrily: "Four kings and four generals, set up the blood river formation, and destroy this Yin man for me."

The Four Great Demon Kings and the Four Great War Generals should all drink together.Eight great Luo Jinxians rose into the sky and surrounded Weeping Blood.

With a sneer on the blood-weeping face, it is very good to fight against the eight Asura kings alone.

The eight Asura kings all looked at Weeping Blood with murderous intent.The Great Demon King Zizai Tianboxun shouted coldly: "Set up the formation!"

The eight people moved together, an octagonal prism pattern appeared at the feet of the eight people, and the heart of the formation appeared at the feet of Weeping Blood.Weeping Blood just stood quietly, without any movement, waiting for their formation to be completed.

Although the eight Asuras were surprised, they didn't stop moving their hands. One after another bloody spirit patterns merged into the formation under their feet, and a boundless sea of ​​blood rose up and merged into the formation. The turbulent river of blood, surging above the sky, surrounded Weeping Blood and the Eight Asura Kings.

Seeing this, Minghe's eyes flashed with pride, as long as he entered the blood river formation, he would be a quasi-sage and powerful, and he would not get any benefits.

Minghe raised his voice and smiled, stretched out his hand and pointed at the Yuantu sword, the sword turned into a giant of 49 feet, like a peerless giant sword that breaks the dawn of the sky, cuts through the sky, and directly cuts through the city of nightless sky!

All the immortals in the city trembled, their faces pale. If this sword is cut down, the great formation of Nightless Sky City will be destroyed soon.

Seeing that the giant sword was about to slash through the cloud shield of the city that never sleeps, a figure suddenly appeared, standing on the sky cloud, with one hand resting on the tip of the giant sword.


A huge wave of air scattered around the figure, directly setting off a huge wave of thousands of feet, and the sea of ​​blood receded in all directions.

Styx narrowed his eyes, but saw a tall and straight figure in a black robe, only a pair of gloomy eyes were exposed, and the entire face was covered and could not be seen clearly.

Minghe stretched out his hand again, and Yuantu Abi's two swords came out together, turning one black and one purple in the sky.

In an instant, ten thousand murderous intentions swept across the world, killing the most precious treasure, blooming its peerless sharpness, peerless fear!
The world is chilling, and the situation is changing.The sun and the moon are gloomy, and the mountains and rivers are trembling.The two swords carried a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, and the world was pitch black.

A moment of terror, the fear of death enveloped the hearts of all living beings, the killing way of heaven and earth manifested, the master of the killing way received the peerless killing power into the peerless killing sword, and lowered the killing power. Where the sword pointed, it was a great fear and death Undoubtedly!

What the sword light points to, all life will perish!

The color of the world changed, and all the great powers were startled. Styx made a real move as soon as he made a move. It seemed that he was really angry.

On the Nightless Sky City, in front of You, a Taoist appeared. The Taoist had long hair, a Taoist green robe, and a Taoist Qingluo.

He stood calmly, with the clouds on the top, the boundless sea of ​​blood below him, the murderous intent in front of him, and the place to live and die behind him.

He raised his hand, and the fortune map rose.The avenue of good fortune blooms instantly at this moment, and a green lotus blooms on the good fortune map.The way of derivation of the avenue of good fortune shows that another way of the avenue of good fortune is different from Nuwa's way of not breaking or standing good fortune, his way is to multiply.

Qinglian good luck, ninth-grade lotus platform.

Derived Dao is approaching, blessed by the map of good fortune, the ninth-rank lotus platform is like a nine-rank lotus flower, and a phantom green lotus of one rank after another blooms outside the lotus flower. The fifteenth rank of flowers blooms, and the good fortune is revealed. The 24th rank of flowers blooms, and the world is full of good fortune. Level 36, heaven and earth return to a lotus.

A 36-grade good fortune green lotus phantom floats in the sky and appears in the world. It is the good fortune blue lotus. Although it is a phantom, it lives up to its reputation.

The golden lotus of western merit, the white lotus of purifying the world, the black lotus of destroying the world in the demon abyss, the three treasures of the Sanqing sage, and the red lotus of karmic fire in the Styx River, all trembling together, the call from the era of Hongmeng, the green lotus of good fortune is like a mother, although there is only a trace of resemblance, but And awaken their sleeping spirits.

The two swords of killing Dao come out together, although the supreme treasure of killing and cutting kills everything, it brings hundreds of millions of sword lights like a catastrophe to destroy the world, and the sword cuts Qinglian.

A green lotus, blooming in the sky, a 36th-grade phantom, the sword will not fall, and it will be born again after falling, endlessly, endlessly, the realm is as high as it is!

The power of the two swords was exhausted, the light of the sky returned to the common people, and the fear dissipated in an instant.Only a 36-grade green lotus phantom remains, blooming in the floating world, the avenue of good fortune, prominent in the world, and then dispersed.

Minghe's expression was astonished and excited. As expected, the Ninth-Rank Good Fortune Qinglian really had the origin of the good fortune Qinglian. .

The west receives and guides, with a white lotus in one hand and a golden lotus in the other, caressing and comforting.

Lao Tzu picked up the red crutches, Yuan Shi picked up the broken Ruyi, and Tong Tian picked up the broken sword.

Enemy sat cross-legged on the black lotus.

Styx took out the red lotus, and the red lotus was trembling and excited, just like Styx's heart.

After the phantom of the Fortune Green Lotus dissipated, the glimpse just now was not enough for all the masters to see the real phantom of the 36th Grade Good Fortune Qinglian.

The phantom just now is not even a phantom, but the most illusory existence. Qingluo's realm is too low to manifest the real phantom of the Qinglian lotus. The great power of the Supreme Treasure does not have a trace of the Supreme Dao Realm of the Primordial Supreme Treasure, but only a ray of the image of the Primordial Supreme Treasure.

But it was enough to shock many great powers of heaven and earth, but the six saints were very indifferent, which is not surprising. The lotus that Qing Luo just summoned was too simple and unbearable, and it really didn't have that kind of supreme conception, not even a wisp of it.

Minghe looked at Qingluo, and he also stopped thinking about killing Qingluo in his heart, but he still had the murderous intention, because he knew that Qingluo had already stood on the same level as these ancient heaven and earth powers like them, and he would not die , Immortals who are not holy!

(End of this chapter)

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