The Green Snake of the Great Wilderness becomes enlightened

Chapter 433 Appreciate the fireworks in the sky and laugh at the prosperity of the world

Chapter 433 Appreciate the fireworks in the sky and laugh at the prosperity of the world

As soon as these words came out, two shadows appeared in the raging sea of ​​blood below.

It is Jiufeng Zuwu and Xingtian Zuwu!
The two of them faced high in the sky and hit the shield of the city that never sleeps without saying a word.Since Qingluo killed their shaman tribe back then, they will seek revenge today and kill all of Qingluo's tribe!

The Nine Heavens Divine Thunder roared, fell into the sky, and hit the Nightless Sky.

Xing Tian straightened his body straight up and turned into a giant with a million feet, and the giant ax in his hand turned into a giant of 36 feet, and cut it down with the sky.

A smug look flashed in Minghe's eyes, even though he saw Qingluo's expression was flat, he was still happy in his heart.

Seeing that the two ancestral witches were about to destroy the Nightless City, a huge black and yellow tortoise shell suddenly appeared in the sky above the city, and there were infinite black and yellow merits condensed on it.
The black and yellow tortoise is armored to a size of one million feet, and its brilliant black and yellow merit is so dazzling that it blinds the eyes of many powerful people. Such great merit is simply, unimaginable.

If the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda is the first defense treasure of the day after tomorrow, then Ge Kun's Xuanhuang tortoise shell is the second defense treasure of the day after tomorrow.

No matter how thunderous the Nine Heavens God Shake was, or how sharp the Qi ax was, it would be difficult to shake the tortoise shell.Because there are too many merits!
As long as the sky does not collapse and the four pillars of the city are still supported, then there will always be Ge Kun's merits!Although Ge Kun didn't get much merit when Nuwa mended the sky, his merit was a process of accumulation. After so many years, his Xuanhuang merit had no longer accumulated much.

This time, many great powers of heaven and earth have realized that there is such a great god hidden in the city of Everlasting Sky, no wonder it can manifest luck in one city!
Styx was also surprised, he had thought of everything, but he never expected that the opponent's strength was too strong.If there is this tortoise shell, how can he break the city?And how to force Qingluo to hand over Creation Qinglian?

Styx's eyes became more and more gloomy.However, the tortoise shell protecting the sky suddenly flashed and was retracted.

Only an old man and a beautiful young woman walked out of it. The two walked leisurely, smiling lightly, and the bloody wind couldn't hide their immortal demeanor.

It was Ge Kun and Qing Lan.

Qingluo was controlled by Styx Ten Thousand Blood God Sons, and looked at Styx with a smile and said: "Styx, what else can you do, just use it."

Qingluo didn't intend to let Ge Kun protect Buyetian all the time. Even though he was so stable, he couldn't get the benefits he should have, and the deterrent power he should have was insufficient.

He wants to make Styx suffer a big loss, and he wants to make all the powers of heaven and earth fearful.Although there are risks, it is not in line with him who used to seek stability.But when the cultivation base is high, people's state of mind will also change.He lost the hesitation and humbleness of the insignificant, and had the demeanor of the mighty in the world.

Qinglan smiled with the wind, looked at Jiufeng and said: "Jiufeng Patriarch Wu, there was no winner in the first battle, how about fighting again today?"

Jiufeng's eyes were cold. When Ran Deng died, she was subject to the suppression of the calamity, and she was evenly matched with Qing Lan, who was still Da Luo back then. Today, she fought again.

Jiufeng stepped out, stepping to the Jiuchong sky in one step, the sky was full of wind and clouds, thunder clouds were condensed, the sky was covered with frost, and phoenix birds flew into the red sky.

The whole world changes and fights for the ancestral witches. The ancestral witches are the sons of the people who created the world, and their witches and the world are the most compatible and integrated.

Qinglan stretched out her hand, and 36 Dinghai God Orbs flew up, evolving into the heavens, 36 layers of heavens descended into the world, each layer of heavens is a world, and one world supports a god!
The original burning lamp used 24 Dinghai God beads, matched with the Qiankun ruler, and evolved into the 24 heavens of Buddhism.Now, Qinglan has transformed into 36 heavens and 36 world gods by herself.

I saw a sovereign god coming out of each world, Taihuangzun God, Taiming Jade God, Qingming He God, Xuantai Pingyu God, Yuanming Wenju God, Qiyao Moyi God. . .

Each god has a majestic mana of one world as its foundation, and can be called a Daluo god. The gods of the 36-fold heaven and world press down on Jiufeng with the stalwart power of the 36-fold world.

Jiufeng's complexion changed drastically. He never thought that the Dinghaishen Orb could be so powerful, comparable to a top-level innate spirit treasure.

In the original book of Fengshen, Ran Deng only used 24 Dinghai Divine Beads to sneak attack on the leader of Tongtian, and was accidentally hit. The power of these 36 Dinghai Divine Beads is definitely extremely high among all the best innate spiritual treasures Existence is not inferior to that of Hetu Luoshu.

Xing Tian's eyes flashed fiercely, and he picked up the ax and slashed at Ge Kun. There was still a deep bloodstain on his neck, which was the mark where his head was attached, and it also proved that he would rather die than surrender, dance with relatives and dare to fight with his relatives. The great courage of the Emperor of Heaven!
Every time Xing Tian slashed with his ax, it was powerful enough to crack the sky and shatter mountains and rivers, but when it fell in front of Ge Kun, it couldn't shake the black and yellow tortoise shell.

Even though the two ancestral witches have great powers and strong physical bodies, Ge Kun and Qinglan, who hold the most precious treasures, are still below. The god's ax slashed randomly, but he couldn't help him.

Qing Luo smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Minghe, do you have any other tricks?"

Styx's face was sullen, but he didn't speak. He just pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the whole blood sea and Styx began to resonate. One after another, blood gods floated into the air, and phantoms of Styx walked out, and millions of Styx appeared. world.

The prestige of the son of the billion blood god is really no small matter!
Millions of Styx rivers surrounded Qingluo, surrounded like a sea of ​​people, impenetrable.

Ming He sternly said: "Hand over Qinglian, and I will have no causal connection with you, otherwise, if you don't die today, you will peel off your skin."

Qing Luo didn't take it seriously, the golden wheel of good fortune appeared on her body, the towering good fortune beads became brighter and brighter, the blue light shrouded the world, and in an instant, countless flowers bloomed.

Suddenly, like a spring breeze overnight, thousands of trees and pear trees bloom!

Countless dandelion flowers bloom grandly, and the infinite dandelion flowers affect the endless aura of heaven and earth. Bee chrysalis gather, and human figures appear. Each figure is a person. They are not clones, but spiritual bodies. A wisp of spiritual thought, condensing the aura of heaven and earth, the short-lived Pu Ying's spiritual body, the spiritual body he summoned was only a celestial being, but there were only a thousand of them, and now his spiritual thought can transform into infinite spiritual bodies of mysterious immortals!
As for the Golden Immortal, that is not something he can achieve.Styx can transform hundreds of millions of blood god sons, and he can have the cultivation level of a golden immortal, that is because he is the ancestor and master of one way.

He can control the manifestation of the killing way, and the descending way will distract the son of blood.

Cultivation above the Golden Immortal requires comprehension of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, and one can advance to the Golden Immortal only by controlling a trace of the power of law, and only a master like Styx can enlighten it.

Although Qingluo is also a quasi-sage, at the extreme point of the Dao of Good Fortune, at the highest point, there is a saint, Empress Nuwa.She is the master of the Great Way and the ancestor of the Great Way.

Although Qing Luo knew that there might be a legendary Daoist battle, he felt that it was unlikely.For him, the holy throne is too far away and too extravagant.

Moreover, if there is a chance in the distant future, and there is a slight possibility of proving the Dao and becoming a saint, he will not compete with the Nuwa Empress Dao, because in the future, he will create a new, derived Dao, and turn his own Dao of Good Fortune into The way of derivation, establishing one's own way, opening up a new way, becoming the master of one's own way, and mastering the way of one's own way, of course, these are still far away from him.

At this time, the entire southwestern part of the Great Desolation turned into red and white.The red one is the sea of ​​blood, and the white one is the spiritual body.

Millions of blood god sons against tens of billions of spiritual bodies!

Even though the Blood God Son is a Golden Immortal, compared with tens of billions of spiritual bodies, it is still too little.

The Blood God Son has a lot of supernatural powers, he can distract his mind, escape for his life, and regenerate. However, the spirit body can only exist for a short hour, and can only do the simplest things, but that is enough!
In the sky and on the ground, in all directions, the sky is full of white catkins and flowers, beautiful and white!
Dandelions are floating all over the prehistoric region. The combination of the beauty of the flowers and the vastness of the sky and the earth creates a truly picturesque river and mountain. The wind and flowers pass by many beautiful rivers and mountains.

Qing Luo got up, shook the gourd, Wu Jue Guang took advantage of Styx's stunned moment, broke the shackles around his body, stepped out, stood high in the sky, and looked at the world with a smile.

Qingluo is like a god, and like a fairy.

The pure white brilliance shines through the universe and removes all dirt and darkness, which is the holiness of God.

The wind and clouds are endless and the flowers are endless, and the wind and prosperity surround him, which is the elegance of immortals.

The light between Qing Luo's brows and eyes is about to rise, and the bright smile on his face has infected the hearts of many people and dazed the hearts of many fairies.

"Styx, if you don't retreat now, it's too late to regret!"

Styx was furious. He couldn't see others looking superior. With a wave of his hand, Xuanyuan controlled the water flag to stir up the sea of ​​blood for millions of miles. The Son of God pulls the Million Blood River, and he wants to build the most powerful Blood River Formation. Even if the Son of Blood is abolished, he still has to refine Qing Luo.

The sky beside Qingluo was white and bright, and he waved his cloud sleeves, like flowing clouds and flowing water, soft and meaningless.He raised his voice:

Tens of billions of spirit bodies come together, and billions of flowers fly into the sky.

"Boom~". . .

Countless loud noises came, and countless explosions scattered.Every loud noise is the self-destruction of a spiritual body.Xuanxian really can't defeat Jinxian, not to mention that he formed with the help of heaven and earth aura, and can only maintain a spirit body for an hour. Therefore, only in a very short period of time, a quick battle can be achieved, and self-destruction is the greatest use of the spirit body. .

A self-exploding body of a mysterious fairy can't cause any big waves, but what kind of power is it if tens of billions of spiritual bodies self-destruct?
Throughout the southwest of Honghuang, bright white flowers rose all over the sky, endless white brilliance, like fireworks blooming in the world, blossoming into the sky, blooming, and falling.

Tens of billions of bright flowers are blooming together, the world's superb scenery, the most beautiful place!

Fireworks as vast as the sea, fireworks blooming beyond the sky, endless and endless.

Qing Luo smiled and looked at the situation in the world. This grand sky filled with fireworks was his celebration of his rise from the night.

Even if it is a mighty man of heaven and earth, they have never seen such a magnificent, beautiful and romantic fireworks. They are also shocked. Yang is admirable, but it is admirable.

(End of this chapter)

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