Chapter 435 Kunhai Tiancheng
The pure white brilliance of the sun collided with the mystery of the sea of ​​stars, the spiritual power of the clouds, and the surging spiritual tide of the mountains and seas. The dazzling light flickered, and after a breath, the light dimmed, and the power was exhausted.

Standing on a high platform in the Nightless City, Shen Gongbao had a flash of brilliance in his eyes, and he flung his hands away instantly. The luck of the entire Nightless City surged in all directions, and Shen Gongbao's law of robbery and luck was aroused to the extreme at this moment. Above the Nightless Sky City, the City of Luck reappears, the sky appears thousands of miles away, and the city moves thousands of miles away.

Above the layers of the sky, a huge city fell, and the ancestor of Yin-Yang fell.

Patriarch Yinyang's complexion changed slightly, Canggu's eyes scanned around, and finally fixed on Shen Gongbao who was attracting Tiancheng's luck, he opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Interesting!"

He stretched out his hand, and the yin and yang banners moved, and a wave of black and white light rippled. At this moment, Ge Kun directly shook Xing Tian back, arousing the four poles of the sky, and with one palm, a giant palm equal to the sky fell down like the capital of the sky. To be crushed down, the air roars, the gravity loses its degree, and the majestic power of the sky presses down on the Yin-Yang Patriarch.

Surprise flashed in the eyes of the Yin-Yang Patriarch, the Yin-Yang flag moved again, the two poles flipped, and the sky was down, the earth was up, and the sky and the earth were turned upside down. The earth is scattered by wind, water and fire.

Ge Kun's face was gloomy, and he wanted to make another move, but Xing Tian smiled grimly, and then he swung his ax to fight Ge Kun.

The patriarch Yin-Yang stretched out his hand to grab it again, and hit the light curtain of Evernight City with a giant palm. The light curtain trembled violently, and cracks visible to the naked eye continued to spread and grow on the light curtain.

Shen Gongbao still didn't stop, he stood on the high platform in the center of the City of Nightless Sky, and took over the alternation of the luck of the city, manifesting it outside, transforming it outside the city, and the city fell to the sky and the earth, trying to cover the yin and yang.

The patriarch Yinyang saw that the city of luck was approaching, so he waved the dust whisk again, and a very gloomy black light, gloomy and frightening, was like a crescent moon blade.

A kun ming came from the deep sea, and the sound waves burst into waves like sea tides, which rolled up the crescent moon blade, and even shattered the huge palm.

Styx's pupils shrank, and the ancestor Yin Yang frowned.

High in the sky, the infinite wind blows, the wind blows the sea, and the ocean rises to the sky. A piece of ocean floats in the sky. In the ocean, there is a fish.

That fish is very big, and it has a name called Kun.

Kun's body is more than a million, and the fish's body stretches across the world, and the waves turn over, but the water does not turn over.

There is a fish in Dark North, its name is Kun, the size of Kun is
No one knows.

What is in front of him is not just a simple Kun, because there is a human body on Kun's back.

A handsome man, shirtless, with long sea-blue hair, and eyes of the sea, like sinking into the sea.

He only has a human body, and under his upper body is this kun fish.

The Kun people came with a piece of sea, the sea was originally calm, but now it was rough, like the sky was roaring, the sky was howling, the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark.

Anger rose on the face of the ancestor Yinyang. This Kun person has no complaints against him, but the body of this Kun person has a complaint against him.Kunpeng took his Yin-Yang Cauldron!

Patriarch Yin Yang raised his head and said: "This ancestor hasn't tasted fish, meat and seafood for a long time, since you are here, I will stew you."

If his Yin-Yang cauldron had not been taken away, it would have been used to stew this fish, although one cauldron might not be able to hold it.

Kunren smiled lightly and said nothing, he is speechless, and he can't speak, he is not born with human language, he only sings with a fish's voice!

While Kunren laughed, he sang softly, the pitch was very low, so low that it was outrageous, but he could always hear it clearly.

A series of blue sound waves vibrated thousands of miles, and no one would be cracked wherever the sound passed!

Of course, this sound wave passed through the City of Nightless Sky, but it did not let Sea of ​​Blood and Asura go.

Countless asuras felt their brains twitching and their hearts trembling, speechless fear, fear for no reason.In their bodies, the blood is burning and surging, boiling violently, after boiling to a certain extreme

"Bang!" sounded,
It exploded, and flesh and blood spilled into the sea of ​​blood.

Patriarch Minghe was furious and shouted: "Kunpeng, dare you!"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and pushed, and the red lotus of karma flew out, and the flowers bloomed endlessly. The red lotus burned the sky, thousands of red lotuses, burned the river and boiled the sea.

Qing Luo appeared in a flash, flew over the city of luck, and shouted:


A gigantic python appeared on the city of luck, and the python of luck turned over and flew down to the top of the ancestor Yin-Yang.

The ancestor of yin and yang was furious, and there was a yin and yang disk on the top of him.

Surrounded by yin and yang, the python of luck is blocked on the top, and its ups and downs are uncertain.

Qing Luo didn't care about the loss of his own luck. He stood up and stood at the same level as the sky, turning into a height of millions of feet. The clouds in the sky were just under his body. At the same height, the ten thousand stars of the North Pole shone like his bright crown, and Qing Luo at this moment was incomparably tyrannical and stalwart.

He holds the city of luck in one hand and the mysterious map of good fortune in the other.

The city of luck fell over and over, and thousands of miles of luck suppressed the ancestors of Yin and Yang.

Patriarch Yinyang's complexion changed drastically, he didn't expect Qing Luo to be so bold, daring to suppress himself with the luck of the place where he settled down.

He waved his hands again and again, the yin and yang flipped back and forth, and the whisk swung out strips. The yin and yang qi condensed as much as possible, and hit Qingluo. As long as the person in charge of luck was seriously injured, most of the city of luck would collapse.

However, suddenly another vast ocean descended from the world, the sea was vast and the water was thousands of miles deep, and a majestic sea descended, suppressing the Yin-Yang Patriarch.

Patriarch Yin Yang's face was filled with surprise, because he was in this sea and found that every drop of this majestic ocean is not water, but mana.

Every drop of water is a drop of mana!Such vast and infinite magic power is simply against the sky!

He looked at Beiming in surprise. On the snowy mountain of Beiming, Kunpeng looked at Patriarch Yinyang with a sneer. Since his good corpse clone was cut out, he had been keeping Beiming to cultivate, sitting on the ground of the entire Beiming's spiritual source water eyes. Earth, has practiced painstakingly for two eons, has never left Beiming, has never appeared in the world, and in the long and endless time, the good corpse has condensed a source of mana, a sea of ​​mana.

He, Kunpeng, dared to say proudly that in the entire prehistoric world, except for the saints, absolutely no one could compare to his profound magic power, and even his true self was far behind in terms of magic power.

A cruel look appeared in the eyes of the ancestor Yin Yang, and he stood with his eyes closed, his body returning to nothingness, but the traction and suppression of luck still existed.The reason why he doesn't escape is because of the power of luck, there is no difference in space, as long as he is still in the prehistoric, there is nowhere to escape, only head-on.

As for escaping from the prehistoric world and entering the chaos, what he will face is Lao Tzu, the sage who wanted to destroy him a long time ago.

His wisdom already knew that a sage should not make a move easily in the prehistoric world, otherwise how would he dare to allow Styx to show up in the prehistoric area?

But he didn't expect that he would be plotted so far by a group of juniors!
(End of this chapter)

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