Chapter 438

Jiufeng and Xingtian left, and Minghe was the only one left.

The nine-headed lions devoured wildly, the thorns violently slaughtered, and the bloody sea was filled with bloody waves, ups and downs everywhere.But Patriarch Styx put his mind to it and didn't pay any attention to other things.

His body is integrated with this sea of ​​blood, and his mind is the will of the sea of ​​blood. Countless spirit lines are becoming more and more flashing, and space fluctuations are becoming more and more violent.

Qing Luo crossed his legs on the creation map, took a deep breath, he was going to suffer another great crime!

Qinglan and Ge Kun looked at each other, they had a tacit understanding, and they shot at the same time. 36 Dinghai God beads float in 36 heavens.

The 36 layers of heaven and earth are as majestic and majestic as mountains, and as vast as 36 vast oceans.

A trace of unbearableness flashed in Qinglan's eyes, and she looked at the increasingly trembling sea of ​​blood, that trace of unbearableness faded away.

With a buzzing sound from the 36 Dinghai Divine Pearls, the 36 layers of heaven and earth fell together and were suppressed by Qing Luo's body.


The gravity of the huge and incomparable world pushed out the infinite air and exploded, and the space collapsed.

Under the blow, Qing Luo spat out a mouthful of blood, his body sitting cross-legged was instantly crushed, his straight spine was also bent, the bones and limbs in his body creaked, and the sound of bones breaking did not stop.

Because the bones in his body were crushed by the strong pressure and repaired by the derived power of creation.

Qinglan's face was anxious, seeing Qingluo's face of enduring pain, her heart was tense.

Seeing this, Ge Kun hurriedly reminded: "Don't be lenient, in case of failure, Qing Luo will die immediately!"

Qinglan returned with a fluttering heart and nodded.She waved her bare hand again, and 36 layers of heavens descended, and the layers of heavenly boundaries merged vertically and horizontally, blending together, forming a vast world, and the huge power suddenly increased several times.

That powerful pressure can directly crush the surrounding space, revealing every inch of emptiness.

Qing Luo endured the pain of broken bones all over his body, and with great difficulty took on the mammoth gravity on the Xuanyuan control water flag in the good fortune map.

The grand radiance of the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner dimmed suddenly, and the infinite spirit patterns in the blood sea only froze slightly.

Ming He melted into the sea of ​​blood, and said with a sneer, "Even if one side weighs a thousand worlds, it can't stop this seat's Nether Slayer."

Why can't Styx see that Qing Luo is suppressing himself with the help of the immense gravity of the Great Thousand World, and when the teleportation array is activated, the powerful tearing force of the void can hardly move Qing Luo away.

However, he still underestimated the power of the large formation.

Styx laughed wildly in his heart, even if he is a great power of heaven and earth, Styx can't take him at this time, the blood sea is too big and the scope is too wide, unless the entire blood sea is subverted, his formation can be broken.

Ming He believed that, except for the sage, and Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal, no one in the world could shake his formation.

Qingluo's body became heavy under the huge force of hundreds of millions of catties, and even the mana in his body was extremely difficult to circulate. This was the result of Qinglan deliberately shifting the gravity of his body to the surroundings to relieve most of the pressure.

At this time, the sea of ​​blood was turbulent, and Styx melted into the sea of ​​blood with his body. After using it for so long, the teleportation array that borrowed the power of hundreds of millions of Asuras was finally about to open.

Minghe's eyes suddenly lit up with joy, and he looked at Qingluo, the ninth-grade lotus platform, which was suppressed under the great world, with murderous intent. After all, it was his, the innate treasure was about to be achieved, and the position of heaven and earth was about to be achieved. . .

Suddenly, there was a loud booming sound from all directions, and the phantom shadows of four giant pillars reaching the sky fell from the four poles of the world.


Four pillars fell together, suppressing around the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag in the good fortune map, and Qingluo was also suppressed!
Qingluo's fleshy body was instantly crushed to pieces, the bones were broken, and the fleshy body burst.But the surroundings were suppressed by extreme mighty power, even the light was suppressed, and there was silence.

So cruel!This is the idea of ​​all powers, self-destruction of the flesh body, self-destruction of the Taoist body.

Ming He's eyes froze instantly, and he snorted coldly, really underestimating Qing Luo.

However, even so, Styx still raised his voice and laughed loudly: "It's too late, the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner has already been fixed on your soul, even if the body cannot be moved, the soul can still go."

After all, Styx finally completed the big formation, and the blood sea of ​​tens of billions of feet was lifted into the sky. With the place where Qingluo was at the center, the surrounding blood sea was instantly elevated, forming a bloody vortex that swept across the entire southwestern part of the wild.

This piece of blood can be seen throughout the prehistoric world, this bloody vortex is wide at the top, forming a circle, and narrow at the bottom, forming a column.

Hundreds of millions of blood-colored spirit patterns danced in the sky, and [-] million asuras chanted the ancient killing spell in unison.

In the nether sea of ​​blood, there are tens of billions of blood god sons lined up, and the evil corpses of the Styx stand on the altar, and the mysterious spells are constantly uttered from their mouths.

Above the sea of ​​blood, a blood-colored phantom emerged, the space was shattered, hurricanes broke out, the sea of ​​blood surged, and huge waves surged.

Just as the evil corpse, Emperor Asura cast the spell, a golden lotus and a white lotus appeared out of thin air,

Ksitigarbha stood with a white lotus, Kong Xuan stood with a golden lotus, and the golden and white double lotus emerged endlessly, connecting the sky and the earth, spanning less than half a sea of ​​blood.

The white lotus radiates the divine light to purify the world, the golden lotus radiates the golden light that shines on the world, and all the asuras that are illuminated will be saved.

Emperor Asura was furious, but he didn't care about it, but the spells in his mouth were more urgent, and the supernatural power of the Infinite Blood God Son under him was more fierce.

A sharpness flashed in Kong Xuan's eyes, since he met him, he will give Qing Luo a helping hand!
The five-color divine light rose instantly behind Kong Xuan, and the five colors and five elements merged into one domain, and all five colors in the domain were lost, turning into a colorless divine domain.


In the Colorless God Realm, all the spirit pattern secrets were instantly chaotic and out of order, and nearly half of the huge phantom above the sea of ​​blood disappeared in an instant.

Asura Emperor's secret technique was disturbed, he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and with a wave of his hand, hundreds of millions of blood god sons and Asura clansmen killed Kong Xuan and the others.

Kong Xuan just urged the golden lotus, waved the five-color divine light, and with a flash of brilliance, he earned hundreds of Asura.

The Ksitigarbha King recites the non-stop rebirth mantra and the great compassion mantra to save all living beings. The white lotus is even more shining with white light, dispelling all the blood pollution around and protecting the cleanliness.

In the southwest of Honghuang, Styx kept busy urging the Blood River Dafa to fill the formation with Dharma.

The bloody vortex was still sinking into the void little by little.

Qing Luo, who was suppressed at the bottom, radiated brilliance in his primordial spirit, and the five-spirit gourd released five-fixed profound light. Although the mysterious light was slow under gravity, it was still traveling.

There is also a bit of blood light piercing, although the movement is slow, it is still approaching.

The bloody vortex is slowly being swallowed by the void. From top to bottom, hundreds of millions of Asura are being swallowed into the void little by little, and the water in the blood sea is also being swallowed into the void. The vast bloody vortex, the space is fragmented, at this moment , almost nothing can stop the disappearance of the bloody vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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